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Posts posted by rhobix

  1. [quote name='Crezy12' timestamp='1299532022' post='35920']
    I tried this already and doesn't let me eh, it says invalid
    Ok, here is a walkthrough of how I did it, including a few screenshots:

    Install the Character and Starship Creator.
    Select the Character and Starship Creator icon on the desktop, right click and select Properties.
    Add -noclassrestrictions at the end of Target. (see screenshot)
    Run the Character and Starship Creator and click Next twice to get to the character slot selection screen.
    Select a free characterslot. (a slot that's free on both the Character and Starship Creator and your in-game account)
    Use the arrows next to the Choose Profession text at the bottom to select the desired class. (see screenshot)
    Set up the character and ship the way you want them and exit the Character and Starship Creator.
    Run the game and the character created in the Character and Starship Creator should show up at the character selection screen.
  2. I don't know if it's related to the save issues, but I logged in my JS yesterday, and found him in OMP. I don't recall leaving him there, and the nav points all the way to Saturn were unmapped. I haven't played him since doing the elf-brother quests, so there has been plenty of time for me to forget or something to corrupt the data saved for either to his position or to the mapping status of the navs.

  3. I would assume its being added together for 95%, same as other percetage based buffs: Reduced Warp Cost, Weapon Turbo's, Enhance Weapons + Weapon SkillLvl, Equipment Engineering, and Reduced Ship Signature are all stacked that way.

    I doubt there are consequences for >100% reduced warp charge, as the JT's group bonus gives just that. Unless they purposely made it only give +2%, which I assume it gives more than that, as there is noticable difference with it.

    As far as I can recall, my JE in live had 100% warp charge reduction (or insta-warp as I like to call it). I don't remember what was needed to get it, but I remember having max navigate and lvl9 devices (though I used mostly lvl8's to get rid of the debuff if I remember correctly).

    Insta-warp is very useful for prospecting (and survivability).

  4. about the stacks, Knix, i don't agree either. that's circumventing the limits on inventory and vault. does not makes sense from a point of logic (can't store more than you can physically) and from a point of gameplay (whats the point of a limited vault then? might as well make it unlimited space).

    There is nothing logical when it comes to inventory and vault space to begin with. You can store enough components to build several hundred stacks of ammo in just a few slots, so why can't you store the ammo in the same amount of space when it's done? Besides, there are precedents. Does anyone remember the ore compressors?

    Besides, I would question the need to limit cargo space any day. I see only a few not so important reasons to do it: No limit makes it too hard to find something, limit storage capacity on servers and increased competition and collaboration. When cargo space gets so limited people create mule characters just to store stuff, the limitations are too harsh in my opinion. Having to use mules just adds more to do takes time away from game play that could have been more productive and fun.

  5. I just thought about another feature that might help with this issue. It might be difficult to code, but you could make it possible to stack stacks of ammo in vault. It could basically convert for instance 100 "Ogun Plasma Missile" to 1 "Stack of Ogun Plasma Missiles" when transfered to vault, and you could stack say 100 "Stack of Ogun Plasma Missiles" in one slot in the vault. When you transfer back from the vault to inventory you would get 100 "Ogun Plasma Missile" in a free slot in your inventory, and the number of "Stack of Ogun Plasma Missiles" in the vault is decreased by one.

  6. It be like saying that every person in the world that uses a computer will be able to build a computer and program their own operating system!


    If you build weapons you can build ammunition too.

    I think it's more like saying a hunter can assemble his own ammunition. I know many hunters do, but I don't think many would be able to build their own rifle.

  7. I think ammo build should be connected to weapon skill instead. If you can use a weapon, you should be able to analyze and build the ammo for it.

    Not that it has much of an impact for me since my PS and TS are pretty far down my alts list, so I will always have an alt capable of building ammo for them.

  8. It would be nice to get a few different levels of how well stuff is hidden. Getting a hint in which general area to start looking would be nice, like listing sector or system for the more commonplace drops. Narrowing the location down the more common an item is supposed to be. Would probably take some time to code though, so it might not be worth the trouble.

  9. An Idea Popped in my head that could solve "rarity" issues and keep spawn times low.

    Would It be possible to say put a limit on how many of the rare item can be duplicated after being mapped?


    1)Loot Printable rare weapon from Gobb or other end game Boss. (Can be Unique to add to rarity)

    2)Attempt to print it (Still having low success rate)

    3)Succeed in printing the weapon.

    4)Terminal Has a counter on side with number of Builds left say 6.

    5)After 6 the schematic deletes itself requiring a reprinting.

    Would It be possible to code this?

    This would guarantee rarity plus the items would also possibly have a harder chance of getting past 100% Quality.

    I'm not too fond of this idea. I'd much rather limit the availability of components to control the ammount of items manufactured, for instance by reducing the success rate on break downs or lowering the drop rate on critical components.

  10. Ah, I used to play that game all the time. I always wanted to see an MMO based off of it... too bad STO is terrible, or at least it was in beta and at release.

    STO has gotten better, but the basic game mechanic is the same. I still play it from time to time, but most of the time I find myself enjoying EnB more...

  11. I like the idea of having the rare loot tables filled up to always have something useful drop. You could just pack the list full of loot (I'd prefer manufacturables since I like to craft) that is (or should be) rare from ordinary mobs like Archos, No 1 Most Prize ML Zet, Platinum Scale Shield, Normandy Tria, Arabian, Ursa, Cygnus, Coma, Chimaera's, Ivory Ward, Phoenix, Corona Borealis, Sting, et c.

    You could even remove some of the higher level manufacturable stuff from vendors and put them on mobs instead (both on the guaranteed list of bosses and the rare loot list of ordinary mobs)

    • Upvote 1
  12. Welcome back!

    I got pretty much the same feeling when I tried out the emulator for the first time about a month ago. The emulator team has done amazing work.

    I also had similar connection issues yesterday, at around 2030Z, but it might have been because my girlfriend was playing FarmVille one the same asdl connection. It almost got me killed:P (EDIT: I gave up after about 15 minutes and logged for the night)

  13. That sounds FAR too much like an auction house, which is something I would never support in E&B. I think it should be a system where you sell your item, and you get whatever credit value the NPC gives you for that item (selling price, as per the item database, with a modifier to make it worthwhile to use the scrapper), and then the item is available for others to purchase (at the buying price in the DB) from the NPC. Once you sell it to the NPC, your part is done, and you have no further claim to the item in any way, short of buying it back.

    The way I would like to see it work, is multiple NPCs: 1 buyer, and 1 seller for each category of item (shields, reactors, engines, PLs, MLs, Beams, devices, ore). The system could hold onto any given item for a maximum amount of time (max should be a week, imho), BUT each seller would have a cap on maximum number of items it can hold. For argument's sake, let's go with 100. Soon as the 101st item gets added to say the shield seller's inventory, it knocks one out in a strict chronological order, oldest item is the first to go, no matter what it is.

    An alternate way of doing the seller NPCs could be a weapon seller, an equipment seller and an ore seller for each of L1-L3, L4-L6, and L7-L9.

    I agree. I don't want an auction house. Have the scrap merchants buy at a fixed price and sell at a fixed price. He could pay more and sell for less than the other vendors though, to have players use them more. I also like the idea of dividing them according to item type like the other merchants. If possible, all merchants could use a common database though, so you could sell anything to any of them, but would have to go to a specific vendor to buy a certain type of item. You could also have different level stuff sold at different stations.

    I don't see why they would ever have to clear out stuff. Database space is cheap, and there isn't that many items in-game. Items would have to be reset to 100% quality and the made by tab would have to be removed (or replaced with "refurbished" or something) to be able to stack the items. The number of items available could deteriorate over time though so the market isn't flooded, say reduce the inventory by 10% each day.

    Now that I think about it, I really like the 10% idea. It would mean that once you get to were there is only 4 items left, 10% rounds of 4 rounds to 0, so unless someone buys them, there will always be 4 items of everything available that people has sold to the scrap vendor.

  14. I'm not overly fond of mobs that are linked. I think you should be able to lead one mob away from the rest if you're careful. If you just start blasting away the others should aggro of course, but if you fold or summon them away, start slow or use some other mostly harmless ability, you should be able to lure most mobs away from their buddies.

    Aggro radius has to increase though so there is a point to low signature gear, but I'm sure the devs will get it tweaked sooner rather than later.

    As for the RD ambushes, I think they're fun but I'd also like the option to turn the tables on them and extort them for money if they try to stop me when I'm playing a high level warrior or outwit them if I play a high level character with a high negotiate skill.

    • Upvote 1
  15. This would work for debuffs too if you calculate buffs using susceptibility.

    If you have a buff of say 25%, it would mean your susceptibility would be 75% (you take 75% of the damage you would have taken without the buff). A debuff of 40% would mean your susceptibility would be 140%. This could stack by multiplying everything. If we take the two modifiers above and add another 10% buff (90% susceptibility), it would stack to 75%*140%*90%=94.5% susceptibility which is the same as a buff of 5.5%.

    Note that buffs gets more "bang" for each percent because they work towards zero and debuffs gets less because they work away from zero. A debuff of 50% in the old system would be a 100% debuff in this system.

  16. I kind of like the sort function. A few more sort modes would be good though, like group sort and type sort. Group sort would sort on group (components, engines, raw resources, etc) first, then level and last item name. Type sort would sort on type (computer core, power converter, power generator, propellant, crystal, gas, hydrocarbon, metal etc) first, then level and last item name. The vault could be sorted according to different modes each time the sort button is pressed. You could even have one reverse level mode where you get high-level stuff at the top of the vault and low level stuff at the bottom, preferably combined with group or type sort.

  17. Sorry, couldn't find anything in the ini files or registry that indicates we can change this. Do you remember anything about what the setting or file was called or where it was?

    I think it was the FOV setting in the spacecam.ini file, but changing the settings in the spacecam.ini file doesn't seem to do anything. The views are still the same when you cycle through them. Is there anything else you have to do to get the client to load changed ini-settings?

  18. I run windowed when doing trade runs and explore tours, but go full screen in combat or more active gameplay.

    Windowed mode as the higher resolutions just make things bigger, doesn't seem to show me more of the surroundings. I have just (finally) found a resolution that doesn't stretch things up or sideways - it's 1280x960. The text is even crisp and sharp instead of being blobby, so I think I've hit on one of the game's "native" resolutions from back in the day.

    I used to tweak the ini-files back in live to get a wider field of view. Don't know if it still works. Haven't tried.

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