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Posts posted by Heirkusan

  1. so far in every test I've run - and I've tried many combinations (JE and TT, JD & PW, JE & PW, PW & TT) - the lower sig players are completely ignored when I move a combat group near an aggressive enemy, until the low sig toon starts firing.

    Perhaps in the case you mentioned the TT has a higher actual sig than the PW - this can happen. I guess I also need to factor in threat level too. I'm currently trying a few tweaks that should make the aggro a bit more even.

    Random bug, my TT with 1.9k sig, vs 0.6k on my JD. I can attack creatures, and they'll never go after me just TT when he just sits there. (Currently leveling this way instead of having to waste time summoning iway from group of hungry NPCs)

    Edit: Currently at Sirius Planet, if you want to watch and see for self. Going to be here for a bit.

  2. . Although i did just watch a raid group take down the Master in the Fishbowl, so it is still possable, just not solo anymore!

    See Static/VonBon in crowd comment. I've tried to get in a raid once in a while, but doesn't really work unless you stay on forever and sit by FB 24/7.

    I see most 'raid' content should be 1 full or 2 full groups at best just due to population.

  3. After watching players on the server fighting the updated mobs, I think I should point out that most mobs have 1 short range weapon and 1 long range weapon, with the short range doing the most DPS. So, if you sit still and don't bother to kite, you will take the full brunt of all the mobs weapons. If you try to kite the mobs you will find that the damage you take is noticably lessened (just like in live)

    In live, I couldn't sit at a spot for more then 30 seconds without someone coming (killing stuff wise.) Also easier to find groups, this is why I don't want to play a JD really till my PW/TT is capped out, cause unless he is sporting top end gear, and getting baby sat with buffs. A JD is a sitting duck unless fighting levels under their CL or being high EL,TL. Which in my opinion is stupid, keeping balanced is fine, but having to keep them higher then your CL to farm decently/kill mobs around your level is ugh. Especially without negotiate. I see no reason to play a other class then TE for combat besides TT/PP for charging.

    PW is better at 'tanking' a boss mob, say Master, but currently from my understanding its a little very hard hitting. So unless you are in Static/VonBon or lucky to get into the 'in' crowd. It's unlikely to ever kill him due to small player base. Then course BBG,Controller can be soloed from what upper TEs say. I'd like have mobs to do 'more' damage at least some of them, so better ones require groups, but finding a group is not the easiest which resorts to multi-boxing. Then resorts into "why group with others, when I can group with myself and still get all the loot." I'm interested in how these things play out. It might be useful to use my AoE Shield Sap on PW now, mainly so TT doesn't get destroyed.

    PS: I played JD in live, but I a lot younger. I was something like 50CL/30/40 or something I was a kid, i mostly soloed and would kill things in VG cause I didn't know how to really play besides to hit f, and hit my shield. Your post in my opinion screws over Beam classes till upper end with the high % beam range increases, unless multi-boxing or magically finding a group. Overall outside of grouping with Father. I found maybe 7~ groups, besides Paramis drone area. Which I've found a few just so you don't have to fight over every single spawn so EXP is about same and such. It's not that I have to group there, it just makes so I don't have to 'fight' for kills because I don't like kill stealing, unless they do it to me.

    I support Eye for a Eye ruling.

  4. My TT did this from 10-130. After that sat in group and buffed/healed PW and made ammo. Still hasn't fired a shot since level 10. The PW on the other hand went through ammo like crazy. :)Its very boring.

    Best way to do this is Netflix with Dual monitor, or very small Resolution with High Resolution monitor to keep good movie.

    I did this with a few anime series on youtube/other sites.

    Sadly not around anymore so I don't know how the trade is anymore. Could manage 100 on any non-negotiate class in about 2 weeks with 4-5 hours per day. If that, estimate.

  5. Bump, just to help new players.

    If you want to something added or such.

    PM me.

    Currently playing 'competively' in League of Legends, and FPSs.

    Pretty much quit EnB after my Dad quit, which is main reason I played.

    I scan the boards still and don't mind helping.

  6. I recently got my lvl30 HU on my jd (Palimow) and started doing the mission but messed up on it and asked to have it reset. after it was reset i went to start it over again but noticed the mission in my log had no text. it just said had the title and step (1/19). Ive tried to talk to every npc related to this mission but no one will talk to me. Councillor Uje'Da says she gives the mission but i have to come back when i am lvl30 (im lvl42).

    Another thing i noticed was i lost my hull upgrade and a weap slot after the quest was reset. I am back to the lvl10 hull and weap slots. i talked to a gm in-game but he was unable to help and suggested i put in a ticket which i did but i did not fully explain myself.

    sry for the redundancy and thanks for the help


    So to help give more information. You completed the 30 HU and got it #/19 of that one mission? What did you mess up on and why did you need it reset if you completed it? And since you want it reset, it reset your HU I'm presuming due to going back to 1/19 (starting your HU quest thing. Which is for Terran + Jen. Not sure if Progen has one like that.) So it essentially took away the the HU due to the HU mission not being 'complete' after the mission reset.

    This is me using logic with no technical stuff involved.

  7. Ever since I started playing this game (towards the end of beta), people have found a way to be annoyed at ammo building.

    Builders get annoyed because it takes a lot more time/clicks than building anything else.

    Ammo users that can't build get annoyed cause they have to get someone else to do it for them.

    Jenquai get annoyed cause the dude who was making combat easy has to take a break to go build more ammo.

    So I have a suggestion: remove ammo building from the Build Weapons skill. Instead, tie it to both the relevant weapon skill, and also trade level. Then you could build your relevant ammo up to the level of your weapon skill, IF your trade level was high enough to have an equivalent level of build skill.

    For example, if you have the Missile Weapon skill at say L5, you can build any missile ammo up to L5 as long as your TL is at least 25.

    Second example, just because: If you have PLs at L8, you can build any Projectile Ammo up to L8, as long as your TL is 45+.

    That way, anyone that needs ammo, can just build it themselves. AND, if you don't need ammo, you can't! And since ammo building always has a 200% output, why make people spend valuable SP on it?

    Another (probably easier to implement) option would be to simply make ammo a generic build, not associated with a particular skill, instead based off your current highest build skill. I prefer my first suggestion though.

    So essentially same (almost) but still would take time. Just gives non-ammo makers the ability

  8. Noob questions, what is FOV and what on earth is a 5760x1200 resolution?! Sounds like the first resolution

    is way bigger than it should be??

    Wide screen, and FOV. "USUALLY" Means Field of View. I use it in First Person Shooters. You can change it to allow more viewing (to sides of you mostly) Games usually have a default or a cap on how far it can go.

    Edit: was going to show a example, but to many spaces cause problems



    Looks like that but at larger scale of course.

  9. This question is for the devs. Is there any way to setup E&B FOV to run at 5760x1200 on an ATi Eyefinity setup?


    Search Resolution, Wide Screen. There is a thread about this. I'll edit post, cause you are probably to lazy to find it like some. :lol:

    Edit: https://enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/1308-5760-x-1600-resolution/page__p__9811__hl__Resolution__fromsearch__1entry9811

    Edit: To get that resolution (Looks weird though) is search in your computer for Net7 Config. Allows you set higher resolutions.

  10. Mainly seen this is VG, but one mob say 38s/41s in the area. Then next day 40s/38s. or 41s. And so on with swaping. It gets boring due to fact some drop less others. So some days you do good, the next you bad.

    Why changing mah mobs. :P

  11. It's a good idea, but unfortunately I think it would be too hard to implement. Because we can't change stuff in the client, the only way I could think of doing this is through a slash command, which would get really laborious for any significant number of items to flag.

    An idea, Set if unique (most 'end-game' or more valuable stuff) to say "Do you really want to sell this?"

    That would solve some things. If it is possible.

  12. Apologies if this is a very noob question, but I just want to understand what is going on. Is the issue of the faction getting reset everytime the server crashes getting fixed? Or, are the BBW/Paramis gates getting opened back up again?

    Usually Faction gets reset every crash sometimes updates.

    My rule of thumb right now. If it works for at least 2 weeks "supposedly" then I might 'test' the content.

    Since I play other games I try to make the time I spend on each game 'efficient.' So I can get most fun, but also 'useful' game time.

  13. Hi

    I'm not sure what you are looking for, when someone points out that they think there is an error in an item, I research the item in the databases and screen shots that I have to see if we have made a mistake. I then reply with the appropriate response and correct the item if there was an error. There is not much more to discuss about each instance.

    Regarding your specific report, as others have said, it is not been coded yet. All I can say, as I'm not a coder, that it will be added eventually.


    Only saying content wise, pretty much you're the only one that says anything. Which is about items, not all items. Mainly fixing bugs or balancing a item out. My post just used your name since one of few CDs to say anything about "content." Bykhaee(Mis-spelled) does good with Progen to with Incoming Mission updates.

    Asking a content question usually gets 0 responses, usable ones that is.

    Edit: To point out what I mean, as said in your post. Posts are usually fluff (words such as eventually) and give no true response. If being worked on or such.

    Where as when the "major" group bugs with like gating in stuff. David said They were working on it to fix it, though a bunch of "traps?" I believe he used to explain it, because grouping wasn't the best coding at that time.

    Edit 2: I know "Content" wants to be kept sercetish, but content in-game already all needs is a specific answer such as "Not being looked at right now." , "Working on it some, though low of the list to get implemented due to very little use."

  14. it's been awhile since this topic came up... but from what I can remember is that this is not in the game yet...

    If anyone wants to delete this topic, feel free.

    I was going to ask,debate stuff on this. When getting fixed, changing it to something easier to implement.

    Though asking content, you get almost 0% answers unless its a broken item. Then Riia says something about it, sometimes Kyp/Davd. Then it stops there.

  15. No prices/sell change and such, 2 people in base. Tried several ways. Inviting while other player was in base, outside base, both of us outside. Him inside. No change in prices.

    I searched, but nothing on this.

    Just wondering if my alt TT has a broken passive right now.

  16. My character "Jarodpw" is having his Lvl 30 HU mission repeat. He completed this mission, was awarded the Shroud of the Optimal and is rapidly approaching Lvl 50. Not long ago I checked my Missions log and found I once again have a Lvl 30 HU mission - "A Warriors Promotion". I'm currently at . . . step 6 of 3. Yes, it reads (6/3). In the text I have:

    You have earned the rank of Centurion. Get your promotion.

    Mission steps:

    1. Arrive at the Tiberius Shipyards in Primus Sector,

    when you have the required credits.

    2. Report to Ionna J Deinon in the city of Porvenir Mons, planet Endriago upon reaching overall level 30.

    Well, Ionna won't talk to me "Shoo! Shoo!". I have 3 weps slots, 2 device slots . . . and I'm a Lancearate at lvl 47.

    Each time I ask in game for a GM I get silence. Could somebody please help out? Thank you.

    75+ PW Here. I'm 10/3 on it. I'm presuming it's suppose to say something as "See such and such at next level." , but is a little broken right now.

    Also asking for GMs won't get you one usually due to they want you to use the ticket system, or they aren't on. A mix of both.

  17. Hi guys,

    My second acct never got an activation email. (BTW) This happened at start of ST4, I just haven't needed it till now.

    Anyway, this acct gets the old (temp banned) popup at game start. I have dbl checked email addy etc.

    Thanks muchly, Klyde2

    I believe there is a option to ask to re-send email. Or you could make a third account, and ask for second deleted if you don't want to wait.

  18. Hulls at 135 might look different for the same job since it depends which kind u took at the start and i saw about CVE i will list up the turbo devices which are mainly for warriors only and the only in this stress test since there are a few more but not out yet.

    lvl7 CVE=Contained Voltoi Essence 12% turbo warrior only

    lvl7 AOW=Aegis of the Warder 5% turbo warrior only

    lvl8 PB=Plague's Bite 20% turbo warrior only

    lvl8 or 9 Dreadmail Shield(aka Skull) 15% turbo no restrictions

    Thanks for post. :) I'm trying not to add levels + stats and such due to it being easy to look it up. IF you know what it means. Now if I did a progen warrior guide or such, it'd be good to have the levels and such due to give them the 'time' when they should get or try to.

  19. Oh, and after a "discussion" ingame last week, there was a difference of opinion of which config program to use. I was telling another player to use net7 config, and another player was telling them to use enb config. I could be wrong, but I thought we were supposed to use net7 config utility.

    Both work fine. If one doesn't work, trying the other is reasonable.

    Edit: Most posts from "Tech" people I've seen are relating to EBConfig over N7 one.

  20. -Back From School and Tennis so hasn't been updated. Going to add some of suggestions and such. Also avoiding offensive abbreviations, or more basic right now. Due to majority of people that play know what most stuff means such as AFK, I'll probably add commonly not known when community grows more, or on request of new new gamers. Though will add WTB, WTS and such due to FPS players might not be typically familiar with such.

    Thanks for the Classes. I had that, but I must of accidental deleted it when formating/adjust spots.

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