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Posts posted by Noxmire

  1. Mattsacre raises good points; stuff earned from any sort of PVP/PVE hybrid events should not be significantly better than stuff earned the normal way, through grinding. Further, neither should it be weighted towards a specific purpose (look at WoW's PVP-arena gear if you want to see why this is horrible; basically if you want to PVP successfully without picking on newbs, you have to get arena gear, since stuff earned from raids/grinding is totally unsuitable.)

    I like the idea that stuff earned from these hybrid events would be cosmetically different from standard stuff, rather than statistically different. Unique shot graphics, special FX that play when equipped or used, stuff like that is excellent and I'd wholly support rewards of this type.

  2. Holy dionysian caesium spittle, Batman! I'm loving this idea. It's kinda like DoTA, IN SPACE!

    I particularly like the idea that everyone is given a role, from supporters to miners to combatants, and the focus isn't on direct player-versus-player combat, but more upon player-versus-mob combat.

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