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Posts posted by uban

  1. How many times did i say when i was in static to get screenshots and ffps. so you didnt do that now you go in and play we are tired of the griefing . give me a break .There are good players in static ,now because of a few ,they are going to get labeled thugs and griefers .wtg static leaders .nice lead by example.

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  2. FYI nick i wasn't lashing out at  static as a whole ,just a select few who brought it upon to do the  take over .and the times i voiced it on the static forums i got blasted by a few . so do not try to justify  what you all are doing is right . if there are players ksing spawns the do a screen shots and such . but to blast everyone because you all cant get you act together .here is a complaints together and voice them .but to say i didnt say anything is wrong .to do what was done to vaden was wrong .and not honoring the  rotation is wrong .so here is an idea .amybe talk to all the guild and not just the leaders and really find out what you want to do.

  3. Really nick ,you all put a comment in the forums and want it closed fast so no 1 can comment .if you all just worked something out ,and stay with the rotation if would be ok. but then tell someone that if you see players forming you wont hit the raid ,but if no one is there you will take the spawn raid .who needs to grow up.

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  4. Ok guys and gals, just got done with the meeting  with the dev's . So a few things ,first when it comes to drops of the high end stuff  like PB DG ,and the skull shield are going to stay at there drop % if you guys dont like it ,they can change when the raids happen . remember guys in live the stuff was a pain  to get so that why the drop rate is like it is .second with the mission "Servant of old ' ,the  mission will be changed from off the raid npc in the near future .So stay tuned for the next patch. Also  lets understand the devs are doing there best .so give them a little break and not start on them,with each update and content push .


    thank you all and have a good day.

  5. The problem i see is  that we as a player base have gotten a bit lazy with st3 4 and beta ,so with all that said  just do it like in live and instead of whining about it think of ways to help the devs . good ideas suggestions on certain items .if you have old screen shots of stuff from live by all means share them with devs ..They are trying there best ,so instead lets band together and help them  instead of whining about stuff that the player base cant change. and if i am not mistaken we are all adults  .so start acting as such .this game has come to far for this much crying about the small things . group up guild up and get down to it .its not like anyone is paying a fee monthly . so sux it up and play on.

  6. ok all just to give ya a heads up. not much for the past 2 weeks ,besides the raid activatable stuff .and some minor bugs .the gating 1 where it says you uncloaked seems it is a small 1 ,but zack has all them getting fixed on next push. also if there are bugs you find post either on the forums or in game but ticket. it helps the devs out a lot and gets the game running smoother .

  7. It has come to my attention that a few guilds want  raids to be activated .Talking to the dev's for this to happen there has to be a give and take ,for that to happen the loot tables will be dropped down . More or less the more raids that are activated the lower the drop tables will be.

  8. OK guys and gals ,the meeting for me today was a brief 1 for me .talked about missions being broken ,and looked into how they run and how they can be fixed. So in other words if you run into a mission that seems to be broken ,first ask in np ,many of the players can help with small problems they area knowledgeable group. If they cant help ya , see if a gm is on and work with them if they can help. Second if either 1 doesn't help  post a ticket , there are devs that look at the tickets and will get them going as fast as they can . Remember be as detailed as possible .the better the details they faster the fix .



    OK for all the players getting CTD'S with either jobs or gating and are multi boxing ,it is most likely on your side.The problem is with the packet handoffs ,so a  idea is to clear out caches on router or modem.

    Well that is all for now ,stay tuned to the forums for content coming soon(TM)

  9. OK all  here is what we talked about today . First thing is the little bug with guild forms and losing connection. It is a strange little bug where if you open or bring up the guild roster you lose connection. From what Kyp thinks its on the client side and will have it looked out. Second was having the  community help out a bit more. There was a thing awhile back where players were wondering where this is at or that is at. Well if anyone knows has screen shots fraps or anything solid on lets say a certain mob is suppose be be at a certain nav or what a certain mob drops or if it suppose to be in game at all .on the forums there is a bug tracker .put your queries there .  When doing so please make it as detailed as possible .dont just say "ah progen mission broken " and leave it at that .say what it is suppose to be and again i mean details .Such as the progen lvl 50 hull upgrade is broken and give the reason why it is and if posible step by step or more in depth account of what is wrong with it.



                                                                                                                 Thank you asll and have a good day . :)

  10. First when and where did  i said 1 wrong word. if that word  begins with a b .get a life .second i worded it the way i saw fit .  i only know a few and Magoo first off you don't know me so if you ever want to go word for word ,lets go .i am not a fan of a loud mouth wanna be . so chill out. and guys i meant it as say what you want in this thread and if the powers that be feel like it is warranted it will happen ,but coming on here and bad mouthing me . don't start and i wont ,got it good . 


    I have tried to help out this game and  unlike alot i am there every week .so unless any of you want this job .the lets do it right and quit the whining and crying like little school girls.

  11. OK guys and gals here is whats new . The meeting was about going over a few bugs and then we talked about the RD base raid . Untill further notice the rd base raid is a spawned raid somewhere between 24 to 72 hrs. And i beleive it has something to do with a npc in chevnog ,wallace or something like that.
  12. This is to all the guild leaders who wish to talk to the devs. I am the go between for the players to devs, but i am not going to set the devs up for the guild leaders to bitch and whine to them ,i anit for that and its not going to happen. 


    So this is how its going to go .if the leaders or a rep for each guild wishes to post here to settle what needs to be said .Now as leaders lets put the honest stuff out ,no crying about another guild ,not bitching about what you think needs to be in game.This post is for the real stuff . we all need to brainstorm about this game .and as guild leaders you all need to set the standard. IMO for the devs to take time out for a leader / dev meeting ,they need to know you all are serious not just wanting to bitch and whine . so lets hear what you all have to say . OK  enough said .and as a group lets help make this game better ,not easier .    :)  

  13. OK  guys and gals ,it was a good meeting yesterday . saw a name i haven't seen in a lonnnngggg time . Most of the meeting with me was about certain bugs that were creeping back into game .went over a few of them.second we talked about drops of items and the  rate they drop. A side not here guys , quit the crying about stuff and the drop rater .the drop rate in the first live wasn't big , why do expect it now .get over it and move on . OK enough ranting :) .  They didnt keep me long so it wasnt a whole lot .so i will try to keep you informed on things . stuff i know wont be on the patch notes.

  14. Hello all ,this is you know who :) .  Well the meeting that was held yesterday was a productive in as we discussed the cloak combat speed bug ,and the reactor not recharging bug . the cloak bug was taken care of a bit ago.(needs to look at bug tracker more ) and we discussed what was the problem with the reactor recharge and having to switch reactors.  Kyp and the rest of the devs are going to put there heads together and figure it out ( sorry beta testers ) . Also we had a talk about things to come and well dang its going to be nice .so stay tune ladies and gents we in for a ride .!!!

  15. I am not a person to start a topic, but i am going to now . When did we become a  group of pansies ? Lately all i have seen is players whining and crying because this player or that player wont make them something . Tough grow a set ,quit relying on others to do your stuff and explore and find things . We are suppose to be adults ,so dang it act like 1.  Read what the mission says .Get out of station and look. Look to guild mates to help each other out ,because no one in game has to make anything for any other .Some of us don't mind , but  we don't have to .So in closing get up ,explore , build and act like adults and not kids and learn that not everyone gets what they want in life without a bit of work.

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