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Posts posted by fuulishone

  1. If you're proposing that random mob loot needs to be sold to particular vendors to balance trade xp said items, I think that would be a bad thing. You would end up hurting a lot more of the community simply to address one very specific incidence that should be fairly easy to fix.

    The core point of this thread is that one particular trade run is still able to be xp positive after a wormhole. The whole profit versus pure cost discussion is strictly around the fact that one particular trade good's xp isn't affected enough by the 50% damage taken by going through a wormhole.

    Simply adjust the receiving vendors buy price for the item so that you no longer stay positive and the negative profit (i.e. loss) logic should kick in whatever that happens to be.

  2. Ok here it is, I don’t remember anything in live that “Required” or forced grouping. I understand that this isn’t live but it seems very convenient that some arguments go “we can’t do this because it wasn’t that way in live” (ores – mobs- drops) but the same time we get the argument that “this isn’t live”. I wish one or the other point of view was decided on and stuck with throughout. I played live and I have no problem grouping when I want to group, and when other wants to group with me. But I also don't want to not miss out on content because some Dev thinks that the only time to advance is to play the game at a time when he or she thinks I should play.

    You're 100% correct. There were no missions in live that actually required folks to get in a group in order to complete them. While it was advantageous to do so in many instances, you didn't have to. Having said that though, many missions required interaction with others, either through sharing of knowledge (like when Zeke's first missions became available and no one knew how to start them, there was much discussion on the Explorer channel), or through active interaction between classes (like the various components required to build the Oni Comm Device as they were race restricted on the build side).

    Some of these missions were specifically for enabling raid content, so for the most part, while you could do the mission yourself, you couldn't take full advantage of the rewards until and unless you had a raid. (FB activation, Oni Comm Device, the dude that was activated that eventually dropped the ML-X11 Bolas launcher don't remember the details.)

    In think the issue is the perception that certain missions require folks to do things outside their class is forced grouping. I would offer that it's not grouping at all, but simple normal and natural interaction with the server community. Sure it may be hard due to the low population to find someone that can make XYZ component for you, but if it was easy then what's the value of the reward?

    If it is going to be as it was in live FB, Controller, etc should be the only “forced” grouping.

    Agree 95%. There should be tough mobs and encounters that require grouping, but these should not be tied to missions that are core to character progression.

    Specifically with respect to the BB mission however, I have to disagree a little bit.

    The Brimstone Ballista was a raid item, and really shouldn't even be in the game as a mission reward. But being as it's here, but the mobs/zone aren't, one can almost equate the necessity to give it the "must group" aspect with whatever tools are currently available.

    It's been said before the the BB line will go away, so it's a temporary mission. I've also raised before in other threads that it's completely inappropriate that Progens have access to raid only items like the Brimstone Ballista, Crimson Force Barrier, via missions, but most Progens just blithely ignore the fact that it's content they shouldn't have, and prefer to focus on how it's forced grouping. I don't believe it's forced grouping, but rather it's an epic mission in lieu of epic mob and should be treated as placeholder until the mobs become available.

    I will join a guild (if any will have me) so that when I need to advance a progen character (and conversely be there to help guild mate’s advance) I will be able to count on at least knowing when others will be there to help and be helped.

    You're well known and helpful (at least to me), I'm sure any guild will be happy to invite you. My play times have been terrible, but when I am on, I do watch the various usual channels. If I'm able, I'd be happy to help with missions.

  3. I was being serious. If one mission line can cause you such angst that you won't play your Progen characters, then there's something else going beyond simply the mission. No one mission should have that kind of power over one's enjoyment of the game.

    In terms of being told who, how, when to group... That's simple. Once you entire content you can't solo, you need a group. How/who? Dual box, in guild, friends list, various in game channels and no I'm not being facetious. I'm genuinely interested in knowing how this one singular mission affects you so greatly.

  4. I like missions, I enjoy doing them...I dislike being excluded because my play time does not coincide with the majority of other players needed to finish a mission.

    I can sympathize with that... Due to real life job changes, I had to stop raiding during EnB Live and missed out on finishing off my TE's gear. Unfortunately, that's the nature of things, not all content is meant to be accessible to folks that have shorter, more restrictive play schedules.

    And if it takes just not playing a progen to enjoy the game ... so be it. I already don't play my progens except for the occasional Call forward and to make ammo for my alts.

    Putting aside the concerns with the BB mission line, as it's only one element here... What's preventing you from enjoying your progen characters?

  5. I get that... but again ask yourself, is this grouping part of a core mission line and thus prevents you from moving forward in the game? Or is it simply an optional, nice to have? From Mattacre's complaints, it seems like his issue is with the BB line, which really is truly optional. You must already be OL150 and max hull in order to even start it, so it's not stopping you from any other content.

    Edit: Perhaps I'm missing something here. Is there some new mission objective that blocks you from progressing and requires help from other classes and is NOT an optional mission?

  6. Actually EnB is an MMO first and foremost, so it's reasonable for a developer to write content that requires interaction. Arguing that a mission should be able to be completed solo doesn't really make much sense in the context of an MMO.

    Your entire approach paints a very broad stroke on the whole thing and doesn't really shed much light on the core issue HERE other than what you've experienced in other MMOs. The specific situation you're having issues with is specifically the hull upgrade *OPTIONAL* mission line. AFAIK, none of the core skill/hull upgrade mission lines require anyone to group or even interact. The only mission lines that require any of that are purely optional, and as Byakhee as already stated many times, experimental.

    I understand the kneejerk reaction some folks may have when they become worried "WoW-ism" may be creeping into the game, but at the same time, look at those things objectively and really, deeply inspect their long-term impact on the game as opposed to how it inconveniences you in the here and now.

    With respect to folks doing "looking for group" and such, is that so bad? There should always be content in any game that isn't soloable and requires folks to band together. That exclusivity is what drives a lot of us as gamers. The mere fact that the FB shouldn't be solo-friendly and requires a group should make the reward that much more, well rewarding. I think content should be accessible to everyone, just not everyone solo.

  7. Oh I certainly understand the desire to be complete and being able to produce your own shiny 200% "bb" gun with your name on it. (notice the quotes and lower case :P)

    Your situation, however, is most disconcerting as it means there may be some corruption in the database with respect to your mission history, and at the end of the day, that should be the thing the mission devs focus on... ensuring such corruption doesn't happen once the system goes "live."

    I'm currently leveling a PW from scratch just to see if the mission progressions are working. I'll let you know if they're working correctly without GM intervention for a fresh character... If I ever make it to 150 with this one.

  8. P.S. I know we have had this convo before.....PW needing 300x3 L9 ores to complete a solo content mission......FORCED GROUPING. We do not need EA/WOW think. PW fight not mine, PW make weaps/ammo NOT comps,devices,shields,engines,reactors etc. Keep solo content SOLO not GROUP. There are plenty of other methods to utilize traders and miners if you feel they are under utilized in game play without forced grouping.

    There's no grouping required, all that's needed is an active market to sell you some. And more than that the BB was NEVER solo content, as the mob that dropped it back in live required at least one group.

    PP.SS. As it now stands the devs have removed huge swaths of mining resources..this includes large amounts of L9 gas.

    This we know (and hope) is temporary and should be fixed Soon. If post-fix there's still a shortage, then Kyp/Kenu have asked in another thread for folks to post individual ores for investigation.

    Can we please stop with the EA/WOW group think and put in solo PW content to PW skill set? Barring that, lower that material requirements to suit the game enviroments access to said material?

    Not an excuse, but the requirements were put in prior to the roid nerf. L9 gas was in plentiful supply for the months this mission has been available.

    I would suggest that...

    a. There's absolutely no requirement for you to be able to map/build the gun as there's already PLENTY of folks that can do it.

    b. If you're looking for the ammo to map, you could also try hitting the market.

    c. The BB is from content that shouldn't even be in game. I would think that most Progens that *want* to use this gun, would deal with the difficulty in getting when the mobs that drop aren't in game yet.

    And lastly, as a point of personal opinion, the BB isn't really a good gun in group situations. It's dps is merely on par with other guns with much cheaper ammo costs (say, the Bile weps) and it's ammo consumption per hour is higher as well, so you need to carry more ammo. The only really good thing about the BB is when you're solo and need that extra reactor cap + shield recharge buff. But as an end-game group weapon, it's quite meh...

  9. Don't remember such a thing. It might've been there, but my swiss cheese memory can't recall something like that. On the other hand, you do currently have a power-up animation, just not on your hotbar. AFAIK, mobs can't currently interrupt your skills, so until that gets implemented, you won't even trigger any UI for interrupted skills.

  10. I was getting 2K XP per item from Fenris to Somerled with Negotiate 5 on my JT, TW, and TE, but they were all capped at negotiate 5, I would think that the TT with Negotiate 6 or 7 would get a little more.

    Have you tried WH runs to see if those capped at Neg 5 get trade xp? If they don't, then perhaps it's working as intended and is a bonus for being a TT?

  11. @Thorn

    Can you redo your chart with single pieces only? And try selling to the other vendors to see what you get.

    Sometime around April/May, there was a change made to how trade xp was calculated for trade runs so that all WH'ed goods should fall low enough to result in no profit and no xp regardless of Negotiate level. Your numbers would seem to indicate that some change may have made it into the code that's not intentional since you have what appears to be trade xp in excess of 2k per item.

    AFAIK, 2k xp per trade good is supposed to be the max that anyone with Negotiate can get. 1k xp was for non-negotiate classes. If you're getting more than 2k xp, that's a bug.

  12. Check that again...

    I may have fixed that as i was making a change probably as you were looking

    Just checked it at 1134am EST and same error message. Seems to occur for items that shouldn't be in game (i.e., no mobs yet) as well as items that are in game.

    I tried, Hellfire Ballista, Dung Cannon, Eye of Zethren-Ti, Devastating Gaze, Excellent ML Type A, and all got the error.

  13. I thought the issue might have to do with my security here at work, but I thought it was strange that it worked in Firefox here and not in IE8. But it is working now for me.

    It's a little known, and not published change to the default security settings in IE8 (as well as IE9+). They basically said, scripts that access 3rd party sites relative to the page will get trounced and stopped in their tracks unless there's an accessible and valid P3P file on the 3rd party site. This was done to protect folks from Javascript hijacking exploits, compliance with privacy laws in the EU, while enabling legitimate 3rd party scripts (such as ad banners, etc) to continue working.

    AFAIK, these same settings should be available in the latest Chrome, Safari and Firefox browsers, but they may handle the stomping in more friendly ways (i.e., perhaps notifying you with a dialog box).

  14. Correct, but what I meant was the fishies could keep flying if not engaged. I don't remember how far away they'd go before returning tho. I guess zone-wide is the wrong phrase here, but it was more than the immediate summon area of the activated gate if that makes sense.

  15. When they introduced the activated raid (via the bait and such as listed by Mimir), they removed the ability to attack the Tada-O gate itself so there was no longer a zone-wide Cooper-based raid. You had to activate and enter the fishbowl to raid. This allowed normal folks to continue leveling and such in Cooper without disruption.

  16. Only a slight addition to what Mimir posted. The time between waves was short. They'd start off with lower level Ten-Gu (like Maws/Black Deaths) and work their way up to the bigger ones, until finally a boss would spawn. IIRC, the order was first waves of Ten-Gu leading up to the Ti bosses (Ximaz-Ti, Uthach-Ti, Zethren-Ti) followed by the FB only bosses (Kish, Nesshix, Aranzael). The time between spawns was dependent upon spawn time, not dead time. So if your raid's dps was weak, you'd quickly get overrun by minions, etc. Prior to a boss, there used to be a zone wide broadcast message as well, letting folks know a boss was coming. Once a boss was finished off, EA added a breather period before the next wave would start, I believe this was roughly 1 minute or so. This was your opportunity to jumpstart, hull patch, rebuff.

    Also, all the good no-trade weapons from the later bosses had to be removed before the newer boss spawns as the Feedback buff on them would hurt folks a lot. So Smiter's Wrath, Fury of the Master, Glare of Destruction all had to be removed in order for warriors to NOT kill themselves from the feedback. (Which effectively capped a raid's dps.)

    Once Aranzael was killed off, the zone would stop spawning and whatever was left simply needed to be cleaned up. Boss corpse(s) used to decay and pop in 5 mins, but EA eventually increased that timer to 30 mins to prevent problems. At that time, they also added the various loot controls that allowed the raid leader to prevent ninjas, etc.

    Some history for folks...

    Before the Fishbowl version of the raid, there used to be a zone wide raid in Cooper that was initiated by shooting the Tada-O gate. Once damage on the gate reached a certain point, then waves of mobs would spawn from the gate and impulse away from the gate, attacking any folks they encountered. The Ti bosses were the bosses available during this version of the raid, so at this time items like Fury of the Ten-Gu, Eye of the Dark One, Heart of the Dark One, Bulwark of the Reaver, Cube of Leech were very good. The Gate itself could only be attacked once a day, so there was some raid camping back in the day. Weapons such as Zets and Archos were highly sought after from builders but were hard to use not only due to the ammo comps, but also the rarity of level 9 ores. Aesirium, Balderium and Modredium were VERY highly desired.

  17. I agree with you entirely that it is inappropriate for this restriction to be in the ToS. This is equivalent to saying that it is forbidden to take more than four jobs at once, despite how many the server will let you have, for instance. The server is designed in such a way that it allows you to "ninja-loot", and, whether that was intended or not, it is ridiculous to require players to abstain from a practice allowed by the game system.

    That said, it is the purpose of the GMs to enforce the Terms of Service, so it is unfair to criticize Soldier for quoting it in order to clarify the issue. For good reason, GMs do not make up the ToS as they go. The ToS may be stupid, but Soldier did the right thing.

    Fair enough, I retract my comment on that one.

    In hopes that I can get voted down again, Hesistation is still weakness!

    Sorry no can do... MUST...PUSH...UP...VOTE...

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  18. Kind of a non-issue at this point don't you think? It's a violation of the TOS to take loot that you didn't kill, I understand the rules crystal clear now.

    Only a non-issue if you agree. I however do not. I'm sure there's plenty of folks that would agree, this makes no sense being in there in the first place.

    The line in the TOS is meant to handle ninja-looting, which in and of itself is kind of silly. The ability to ninja-loot is completely dependent on whether or not the game mechanics allow it. And enforcing this kind of a "good citizens behavior only" type of game sets a bad precedent.

    Taken to an extreme, then folks will start arguing that kill stealing is a TOS violation, when such an act cannot happen under game mechanics. There is no such thing as kill stealing regardless of what people may think. The mechanics are currently most dps wins the loot rights.

    I encourage folks to think very carefully about what they're asking for when speaking about TOS violations and such.

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