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  1. Okay, so someone (thank you, whoever you were) told me that I should turn on "Packet Optimization" and "Prototype Reorder" on the F7 Launcher. It worked, I have not crashed since and I even complete a raid without any issues at all. Also, the minimization problem I had was just some random error, which I figured out that if I right clicked "restore", it would bring it back up again. So, all in all, everything is great.
  2. Hiya all, as the title states, it is pretty much futile for me to go raiding ever since I started playing EnB again about 3 weeks ago. Before then, I played about 2 years ago and I had no issues with raids that I could remember. However, when I now try to do raids, the severity of the crashes seem to depend on the amount of "things" going on in my near vicinity; the more people, mobs, ammo being shot and activated skills there are near me, the more frequently I crash. I crash at least 5 times per FB raid, GoBB is so bad I can maybe get a few rounds off before I crash, relog, fire a couple of times again and crash some more until raid is over. Since my 2 year absence, I have moved from an old computer with Win XP SP2 32 bit to a newer/better one with Win 7 SP1 64 Bit, I don't know how this affects anything, if at all. Also, I seem to crash consistently if I try to minimize the game (via the windows button) about 1 in 6 times. And by crash, I mean it minimizes, but when I click it again to go to full screen it doesn't happen no matter what I try besides reloading the game, also, when minimize the game doesn't freeze, as things still happen when I'm away (my ship can get blown up by mobs, for example). This minimizing bug does NOT happen on my new accounts, ones that I created after I started playing again. So... I think maybe the old account I'm on has some bug in it that makes it crash... When I reinstalled the client, I did it all from scratch, newest client and patch, etc., maybe my old account has some compatibility problem with it? IDK what to do... I really want to go raiding, but I am almost useless in them because of the crashes and other bugs... Help please.
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