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Former Advocates [Fmr. ADV]
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Posts posted by alurra

  1. My advice Bleak?


    Take a step back from what you're looking at. Take a deep breath. Pick one task. Work on that until you feel it is complete. Then tackle the next thing. Stop chunking it all together because it will always looks too big and too overpowering.


    Beyond that, just live the life you're given to the fullest and don't let anyone tell you that you're not living it properly .


    Fly Safe



    • Upvote 1
  2. Now you're making no sense at all. I said nothing about what you should think and say. I stated what frustration usually looks like. You can think/say what you like, just as the rest of us can/do. How you perceive that is totally up to you.


    You STILL appear to be pitching a fit by asking how 'this is helpful' ... Helpful to what exactly? What do you want me to say? Yes, absolutely, Redkite should be taken out into the public square and flogged/lashed for attempting to help you, then expressing his frustration at your perceived lack of patience and even total lack of manners.


    You are not at fault at all for anything that you said and/or did.  This emulator team should know this mission is not working and should have it fixed immediately and should then all be fired for not pandering to your fragile emotional state regarding said Hull Upgrade mission .......


    I am sorry you can't or won't see humour where humour was meant. I won't play back and forth with you on this matter any longer. You can keep your opinions about the dev/emulator team and even me for that matter. It really won't hurt my feelings at all.


    Folks tried to help and assist you the ONLY way they could. You didn't want to accept any of that, only express your 'frustration' call folks names and stomp out the door to post about how we've all mistreated you.


    Fly Safe my lilttle gimped friend ....



  3. I guess that is a matter of perspective and opinion as well, because I would see frustration more along the lines of


    GioPW : Hey Redkite, thanks for trying to help me out, I appreciate it. It really sucks that it's not working. I guess I'll go do something else while I wait or maybe start another character. I hope it gets fixed soon because I was really looking forward to this weekend playing.


    Instead, you call us all dicks, because we didn't respond to your words the way you assumed we should. Then you proceed to the forums to try to publicly berate the Dev that was online trying to help you, STILL without a "Hey thanks for trying to help me out" ...


    I guess perspective is a matter of perception, eh?

  4. I heard on NP chat yesterday that a couple of folks said they were able to find AAs long after a restart. I don't know the formula for where/how they spawn or anything like that, but I suspect it is likely purely random and can spawn anywhere. I never really search for them, I just mine and if I stumble on one, awesome, if not, oh well. The one I found was out in Primus, but it was also a long while ago and it wasn't on a restart.

  5. "This exception would not apply to video games whose audiovisual content is primarily stored on the developer’s server, such as massive multiplayer online role-playing games."



    I guess I would interpret this to mean as  long as the ORIGINAL developer still had this code stored on their server. I would think since they used those servers for something 'other than' that the code itself was relegated to the land of some type of storage media in a box somewhere ....


    Just my interpretation of it. I know little to nothing about the legalities of something such as this, but maybe the team can look into a bit deeper (if they chose to, that is) to see if it could be of benefit to this emulator :D


    Fly Safe



  6. Here is my contribution to the conversation.


    I got this link from another thread on this board, but I'll be danged if I can find it now.


    Anyhow, while this isnt' EXACTLY what you were looking for, it does in fact give you a sector to look in ...




    My 2 cents you can leave any change due in the tin can by the door ;)


    Fly Safe



  7. I hope that I can translate appropriately what Mord/Efi both really meant to say:


    "Thank you Devs for actually listening to us and helping us with adding a mission to exchange all these extra TenGu ribs for more useful TenGu teeth, at least useful to us Progen types!


    We were wondering if you intended to only allow an exchange of 3 ribs at a time, or if this was just an error. If it is intentional could you please look at maybe making an adjustment to allow for more teeth to be traded at a time?


    Thank you!"


    Yep, I THINK that was what they meant ;)


    Fly Safe



    • Upvote 3
  8. Good afternoon everyone. As most of you may already know, I will be stepping out of the Advocates role and Cimbad will be your new Advocate. This question was a revisit from quite a few weeks back (Week #29) but we now have an answer. :D



    You asked:


    When it comes to the component drops for the Tada-O gate raid and/or fishbowl. The bile cannon obviously uses more ammo than the bile launcher (reload @2.1 and 12.6 seconds respectively). Would it be possible to tip the scales for the tooth comp to drop a bit more frequently than the rib comp, only to make up for the ammunition needs. They appear to be just about equal at this time.


    The Emu Team said:


    You should see a change with the next content push; which is coming soon (TM)



    Fly Safe






  9. Sorry for the delay getting you a clean board to start your month.


    Most of you already know that I will be handing over my Advocates hat to Cimbad and moving on to another endeavour with the Emu Team. I hope that you will all welcome him and treat him with the same courtesy and respect that you have given me during my tenure as the Player Advocate.


    Fly Safe



  10. *Puts a box of newly donated markers on her desk and tidies up a bit*


    Now, I ask that you don’t sit around sniffing the Expo markers and that you please ensure the covers are on tightly when you are finished.  :P


    On to business!


    So, this is where I’d love to see some of those ideas that I know you all have pent up in your heads.


    Let us keep this cordial because everyone’s thoughts are valid and do remember we are all real people with real thoughts and feelings on the other side of your monitor. I will not tolerate any disrespect and/or flaming. Try to remember the golden rule and treat others how you would wish to be treated. Leave your guild affiliations at the door. Don't take anyone elses' on the way out either! B)


    As others before me have stated, you can always contact me in game via my myriad of toons (all listed in my current signature) you may send me a PM via this forum using your toolbar located on the top of this page or you may send me an email at AlurraADV aatt yahoo.com (replace aatt with @).


    Fly Safe


    -Alurra :popcorn:


  11. Someone told me of a hulk field located around 30k below the plane of a particular sector that contains exactly 3 AA's every time after a restart. These aa's are only levels 5 and 6.


    Further mining apparently does not yield more aa's.

    If this type of spawning is still occurring then it is in fact a bug and really needs to be reported. Open a ticket and give the team as much exact information as you are able so they can locate this problem and get it fixed.


    If this is something that you had heard/knew about previously, say in the last month but not recent, then it is likely already fixed with a few other common spawns.


    Fly Safe



  12. ok now im feeling a little put down..good point holyman....kyp you asked for another advocate to replace alurra by starting this thread..i answered the call by offering myself to perform the duties of a player advocate...as far as i know,the public knows there is nomantions going on for a player advocate..it seems that as of yesterday no one else wants to run for the position..i feel now that since no one else is interested that the desicion is pretty clear who they want as a advocate...i dont want to known as a "default advocate" nor should the program be shut down because im the only one to step up...it looks like we do have enough to put thing to vote....vote for me or vote to shut the program down...it seems that alurra wants to move on to better things,but if she wants to maintain the position she should....im sorry kyp but the way you put your last reply kinda put me down makin me feel like im not up to the task....



    I can understand how you might think that was what was being relayed. I think Kyp was pointing out that throughout other threads there were indications that more than just yourself were interested in taking on this particular role. And to be succinct, if nobody else does want it, then you would be, by default, the next advocate.


    I honestly believe that he was not trying to put you down, only to simply relay the information and give the options as they are.


    Try to remember that inflection, tone and body language have never traveled well through the typed word so sometimes we all are guilty of reading more into something than might have been meant.


    Fly Safe



  13. Hi Alurra.


    Firstly, thank you for all you do for the community, you are one extraordinary advocate!


    Regarding the player that did all of Lyle's missions in order to get a device and chose one he didn't want (unfortunate) and the Dev team that chose not to exchange it for the one he did want (understandable), an idea came to mind that the Dev's may consider...


    After doing all of the Bogeril build mission chain and receiving your device, could that be a prerequisite to begin the entire chain again if you wanted one of the other devices?  Some people enjoy long involved mission chains, like Agrippa, or have "completionist  tendencies" like me, or perhaps a TS/PS wants a Chilli-Popper for raids and a Tail-Tucker to transport there quickly.  There may be an argument that having 2 or 3 of Lyle's devices would be bad, or wrong, but I really don't see it.  Besides, if someone really, really wants the second or third device he offers, going through the entire build chain again would truly be earning it, as it is quite involved.


    Just a thought...




    PS.  Also if the effects of White Lightin stacked on top of the other speed buffs those of us that really love speed might go for it also, lol

    Hi Hobs,


    I'm not sure if you are referencing Alans question here or not. Alan did not want an exchange on a bogeril device. That question was already put to the Emu Team (regarding the bogeril devices) and has already been answered. They are working to get a small 'reversal' mission put into game now that will allow a one time exchange on the bogeril devices.


    As for your comment on doing the bogeril missions multiple times, this question was also already asked about previously in conjunction with the option for trading and the answer was negative.


    PS: The if you use the White lightning in conjunction with a RR+, a unicorn stallion, and the hunk o metal you will find they all do stack quite nicely ;) My JE on a L8 SS engine max warp is 7711.

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