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Posts posted by HellHasArrived

  1. [quote name='Hickory' timestamp='1310226355' post='43087']
    still not allowed to vote in this poll and i would like to know why? i am sure its something i need to check or uncheck but cant find anything.
    Usually it's because you haven't had enough posts... Once you have made a certain number of posts you can vote.
  2. I have the same problem with my PW... I had originally made it an all gunmetal black color, and tried to change it up later on. It would never change after many relogs. By now I probably paid nearly a million hoping it would change over the period of a year now.
  3. Actually the timer went from 14 seconds to 24 seconds that it is now... Not only that they reduced the amount of shield you recover from it. They are the ultimate warrior and to be the ultimate warrior you need a good offense and defense. You paint them out to be just a tank to take damage and that's all they should be good for. In a short fight yes the JD should win out always, but in the long run the PW should always win and the way it is now that isn't so. PW usually only gets the kill if a JD screws up or isn't trying to win the DPS battle. Even a TE can out DPS a PW now, which I think is kinda sad. They added time to the sap to balance things out, and what they actually did was turn the PW to nothing more then just a tank. A 24 second timer to me is a bit too long and wish they did some type of poll before deciding things of this nature.
    • Upvote 1
  4. I don't think that would happen as a lot of people don't do jobs because they think they are boring... With that said I have always used jobs to level up my explore and trade doing explore jobs, and from what I have seen you already cut the amount of xp given considerably,and you reduced the number of jobs one can do to 6.
  5. [quote name='Whoami' timestamp='1303797746' post='39764']
    Holy HellHas, I did suggest putting the restriction on it like wormholes do to avoid trade run problems in my first post. I'm not going to bother to answer you anymore.
    Dude I wasn't even talking to you... Was just stating my opinion as I thought more about it. To be clear if I am directing any of what I say to you, I will quote you like I did just now.
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  6. I can see it being used as an easy button to make jobs and trade runs that much easier... So you would have to limit people from being able to use it to cut corners. Otherwise what's the point in doing them. Just so you can level up your toon as fast as possible.
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  7. Free warping is pretty easy to do. If your going from gate to gate or to a station all you have to do is follow the gate untarget and warp. Then retarget when u get close to it. It's what I do when I'm going long distances, because the nav path even straight still slows you down as you get to each nav.
  8. I really don't see why they should get build weapons... PS's have been doing that since the very beginning, so i don't see why TS's can't either. Only thing is the PS had the abilty to make Archos ammo with a special device, but that hasn't been implented in the Emulator. So I say tough it out your an explorer.
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