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Posts posted by AF_Vet

  1. First, I would like to thank Dorrin for his support of the GM department. You are right. I sit back in the darkness of space watching.. listening.. and I will *not* say something on this forum regarding another individual that I cannot back up with hard fact.

    I would like for you all and the rest of the community to know and understand what it is the GM Department actually does in this particular game.

    For starters, the GM department does NOT ban anyone. It is the responsibility of the NET-7 Entertainment Board of Directors to make these calls. When a player, or situation goes beyond reason, it is the GMs who will step in and calm things down first of all and then collect evidence from both sides to make a decision relating to a situation.

    The GM Department can, and will, suspend a player for gross violations of the Code of Conduct.

    Normally we do not.

    Typically when a situation is disruptive or causes other type of 'grief,' disruption of normal game play or other distress we give players what is known as a "Soft Warning."

    A "Soft Warning" is typically a notification that an individual is in violation of the Terms of Service or Code of Conduct and that proceeding with the specific behavior that the person is exhibiting *can* result in action being taken. If the individual is defiant or repeats the offense then a "Formal Warning" is given.

    I will stop here and say that we have modified our own policies that make things more lenient. We will step in, however, if a situation is exacerbate to a point of being out of control. We would like to step in before that happens but it is not the function of the GM department to "rule" the game.

    If after the "Formal Warning" is given and the aberrant behavior still continues then the GM department will step in and give the offending individual a suspension *only.*

    From there the suspensions start with twenty four hours and go upward until there is an unconditional suspension while an actual "case" is developed and presented to the board for a permanant solution. I must tell you though... you really have to do allot of bad things to get to that point and while I apologize, I feel I owe the community protection from predation of any other player.

    We take these steps and have actually increased our leniency so that if a player actually makes it to the point of a board review.. he has really screwed the pooch... as they say.

    Personally I wish I didn't have to do this. I wish this players behavior was such that we did not have to take this depth of a measure. This player however, has consistently violated CoC and project policies so this basically is a "last straw." I am not out to get this person.. what I AM out to do is protect the community from the threats and actions that certain people think they can get away with. The GM department does not make the rules, we control how they are enforced. And to date... we have gone above and beyond to help players with in game issues.

    Unfortunately, due to certain circumstances, some of these leniencies we have heretofore shown and given now have to stop. It is truly unfortunate that certain people have to "ruin" things for the entire project community, but this is what has happened.

    I will end now by saying that the individual that you -think- you know.. is not the actual individual that he appears to be. Just food for though.. something to chew on.

    Thank you for your time,

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  2. Hello to all the Earth & Beyond Emulator player comminity,

    I have reopened this topic to post this reply. I wish to send our most prized grattitude to Jackrussel for the posting of the screen shot in the preceeding reply to this thre

    Most of you know me well enough to know that I dont' post unless I just feel compelled to. Otherwise I just sit on the sidelines and watch as people go abuot their routine. I am prompted now to post because I am apalled to the point of sickness at the actions of Vonbon. Personally, I know Vonbon as an individual who cheats, lies and feels that is is invulnerable to authority within this gaming community. He has taken the attitude that nothing will be done to him regardless of what he says or does either in the forums or in the game.

    I want this entire game community to know that I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE for the thngs that have happened in the latter pages of this post and I will take it as my PERSONAL RESPONSIBLITY to see that Vonbon is left as the impotant two faced (quaint name inserted here) that he really is.

    I am immediately suspending Vonbon's play to the maximum allowed by current regulations and will be filing a complaint with ihe project Board of Directors for the permanant removal of this player. I will be calling for his permanant banning and the disolution of VonCorp Galactic Empire. His actions have spoken for themselves time and time again. This however is the final straw.

    I wish the community to know that this type of 'terrorism' will not be tolerated in this game platform and that this player is a shining example of everything NOT TO DO!

    The GM Division of NET-7 Entertainment maintains an open door policy. Any player wishing to inform the project authorities of player abuses of this or any other type may come directly to me. Speifically needed will be concrete evidence (in the form of screen capture) of a players violation if our staff does not find it first. Also a complete written description of the player's offense to the best of your ability.

    It is our sincere desire for this community to feel safe from this type of predation, as we have ourselves, our children and in some cases our grandchildren now playing in our community.

    I thank you for your time.


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  3. Well,

    I can't say I didn't know the hammer was falling. I can say that I'm not the one who pulled developer access to the play server. I don't think that anyone posted notice as they should have and I will see to it that the powers that be do so, but here's the situaton.

    Everyone should realize by this time that we are serious about a *PLAYABLE* Earth & Beyond Emulator. I mean, afterall the name of this project *IS* The Earth & BeyondTM EmulatorSM. So here's the deal...

    Each one of you should know there is a NET-7 EntertainmentTM (NET-7) Code of Conduct (CoC), a Terms of Service (ToS), and an End User License Agreement (EULA). If you don't know there are these *legal* documents, then you had best look in these forums and find them! If you disagree that this is just a hap-hazard project then I do apologize; the developers of this project, both content and server/master code, are serious about the completion of this project. If you disagree with any part of these documents then I do apologize but... tough titty said the kitty!

    To this date there have been gross neglect, abuse of administrative powers and worse. By worse, I mean that the last player wipe and migration from Stress Test 3 to Stress Test 4 was the direct result of a small group of players lead by 1 asshole with administrative abilities who blatantly abused authority, disrupted gameplay and singlehandedly destroyed the balance in the game mechanics of ST4. Those individuals out there reading this post *KNOW* who you are. And this will no longer be tolerated. The "Developers" have direct domain over the server located at dev.net-7.org. The play server is, however, the domain of the individuals that this project was originally meant for. Those people are YOU, THE PLAYER! The ones who in the back of your minds and the depths of your hearts held out hope that some day you would be able to fly the skies of Earth & Bayond once more.

    To this end, these protection steps are now being put in place. If you are a Developer ranked player, you have complete domain on the development server. The play server, however, is the domain of the Players and will be treated as such. If you are a developer and are reading this, and you do not have a direect responsibility to the maintenance of the play server then you will no longer have access. If you are a Developer, I would suggest that you go and re-read the NET-7 CoC. It is my suggestion that you take every word in the legal documents posted in this forum, seriously, to heart. The hammer is falling and it will hit its target tongiht at midnight. While there may be a grace period of 24 hours or so for complete compliance by the development staff there WILL BE a deadline. Any staff members with questions regarding the penalties for non-compliance need to report to Davidr99, Lead Developer or his appointed representatives for a complete breifing.

    Why am I telling you this?

    First off, I'm replying to this post because apparently no one has actually posted notice and YOU need to know.

    Second, it is the personal responsibility of myself and my department to insure that the play server is properly managed and is the best and safest atmosphere for the returning player community their family members and friends that it can possibly be.

    The GM staff no longer has any sympathy the for whiney baby, why did you do this, why did you do that, people who, instead of just playing the game, complain at every step thinking that the more alligator tears they show or the more squeek they can add to the wheel that it will make a difference in the way the game is developed or managed. --NO MORE--

    This project is RACING toward completion. Earth & BeyondTM EmulatorSM is already more functional than any single MMORPG emulator under development. Complete with Races, Classes, Factions, Skills, Missions, TRADE MACHINES, and every other componanat of the original game as close to live, as we have found evidence to make it.

    The working development staff of this game have given their sweat, time and sleepless nights to see that this game is as perfect as it can be for YOU. I, along with my staff at the GM Division of NET-7 EntertainmentTM will give this project every ounce of energy that we can muster to make sure that this game is safe, friendly and an environment that your children, and even in SOME CASES, your Grandchildren can play wtih out fear of cheaters, abusers an other forms of foul play.

    So there it is... now I know I have done 2 things in this repsonse, I have said way too much but, I have also not said enough. If anyone reading this post decides they are going to leave the project then so be it, it will be on my head. But if you are reading this post and you are serious about seeing this project to completion, then YOu are the people that deserve to be here anyway!

    Everyone, The notices are simple. The CoC is located in the "Announcements" section of this forum, the Player Rules re located in the GM General forum of this board under "Rules to Abide By." All documents pertaining to rules, regulations, conduct and game play are now located in the E&B Emulator Wiki. I suggest that ANYONE reading THIS post, be it player or staff, go read the rules and codes that you are required to abide by. These are the NET-7 Bylaws as they relate to the the staff and to the public. These rules are LAW and cast in stone. They are YOUR responsibility to read, know and understand.

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  4. I had a post that I was going to throw on you all but after reading the complete thread here I've changed my mind. Honestly.. you guys really are unbelievable. Instead of asking proper questions or shooting a PM over to me or asking one of the DEVs directly, you throw up idle speculation and throw the community into a tizzy. It really is incredible. Everyone is acting like this is a live game...

    The current server crash to the best of my knowledge is just a simple crash. nothing more than some of the others that we've had. But, you have to know that the game is progressing...

    You take something that is said in a private reply to a player regarding a GM ticket and blow it all out of proportion. If you people do not know that we are in a STRESS TEST then you really need to look at the overall picture again.. PEOPLE.. WE ARE IN A STRESS TEST... Come ON! this is not the live game.... for crying out loud.. you guys amaze me some times...

    Honestly... please... tell me.. why are you here? I will tell you why *I* am here... I'm here because I NEED MY E&B FIX! Everyone does! It's why the dev team started this project in the first place... we ALL need our E&B fix

    Ok.. so we're moving into a new stage of the server development.. yes... Stress Test 4 is getting nearer and nearer.. this does not mean that the server is going to be down for a week... it doesn't even mean that the server will be down for a day... but it could be... You guys complain about the last crash.. people come on, it happens in development. Be thankful we had the proper backups to put it all back together. This in itself shows that the people making this happen are doing what they are supposed to do - you all should be ashamed of yourselves carrying on like a bunch of sniffleing 10... well...

    Have you guys even heard about t he new computer that the server platform is going on? Dual chipped quad i7 processors with 16gb RAM - serious additional bandwidth?? Now tell me... would you rather stay on the current system or give the devs a little slack here and let them make the game BIGGER and BETTER for us ALL!

    And here's another thing... would you rather me lie to you and blow smoke up your butts? I mean.. I suppose I could do that if it would make you all relax and just take the Earth & Beyond Emulator development efforts in stride.. How would that make the Game Master department leader look to the entire community....

    /me shakes his head in disbelief!

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