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Posts posted by Saglia

  1. Hello!

    After installing all the necessary components for the game on a new computer I ran through the updates. Net-7 updates without problem. Once I click play I am taken to the E&B screen "Downloading Patch Information"

    I either get hung up on "connecting" or "finding file." After finding files times out I get a message saying cannot find file. There are no additional error messages.

    I am only running windows firewall - exceptions for E&B and Net-7 are active. My anti-virus is deactivated while trying this. I pinged the server at patch.net-7.org and received no lost packets. (min 109ms, max 111ms, avg 109ms)

    OS: Windows 7 64bit
  2. Hi all,

    I must say I am impressed the E&B community is still strong. I was overjoyed when I found out a crew brought it back. Kudos!

    I'm an old player (one of the originals) but I haven't been keeping up to date at all. Had a pretty stacked Progen Explorer :P

    My father first introduced me to the game when it first came out. We played together for years until D-Day :)

    Currently downloading the client and following the instructions for install. I hope to see you all in game soon!

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