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Posts posted by Varga88

  1. All what i want when i play my je is:

    Good guns. There is no need to have the best guns in game, because i'm a miner.

    A good reactor, i don't need the best reactor in game, i can mine forever with a good playermade reactor and my devices.

    A lot of ore and gas fields, everywhere. Why? Because i'm a miner and all what i want to do is flying to the fields and be a miner.

    Maybe the devs should delete the build reactor skill from the JT. I think only JE / PS should can build reactors. TS not, they have the bigger cargo hold.

    Sorry for my bad english.

  2. Did you completely miss the part about how mining xp is appallingly low in ST4? In live there were a lot more fields spread all over, as well as continual spawn. Right now there's very few fields, only some in select sectors. Look at all the hidden asteroid navs in Jupiter alone. The majority of them are empty.

    And did you see my example above? Anyone that believes it's fair for a newbie to get 12xp per piece of ore pulled as compared to the 1k xp netted from killing a single level 0 mob really hasn't tried mining for very long. You've either given up and gone on to obtain explore xp through other means (exploration, tours, missions, building, spillover) or you're a real glutton for punishment and mined your way to prospect level 2+.

    The point is that JE is a class that was once balanced to be weaker in combat by being much stronger in mining/exploration, and now that is no longer true. It's not simply because the new classes are (more) fun, it's also the general lack of content for the pure explorer/miner. Since JEs currently do not have much content to make their gameplay fun while leveling, JEs are fast becoming simply a group support class. In other words, useful and needed, but not fun, at least not until end game. And that's the point of ST4 isn't it? To discover how grindy things feel pre-150.

    The current anecdotal discussions I've had is that pre-150 JE is tedious at best.


  3. Honestly....jeez, I played JE on live before I played JD. You are suppose to have harder time hunting(try grouping?)...and there are more roids out that it seems than mobs, so JE's already have an easy way to level, other than trade runs. I am pretty sure that mob respawns and roid respawns are set so as one class should not be able to out level the other too quickly. I cannot nor will not flame other classes, but please dont beg for faster leveling. End game content will be there when you get there.

    Flamewar? Maybe you rush always thru a game to play only end game content? No one in this thread has said anything about faster mob respawn.

    In live there was a LOT more asteroid and gas fields and the field respawn was not 20 minutes or more. I could fly in a sector from field to field and mine the whole day. This has nothing to do with faster leveling. This has to do how a miner live.

    In enb-emulator i try to get star iron ore (a level 3 ore). In live there was in ABA. But in complete ABA i got only 4 (four) asteroids with this ore. and you need a lot of it to build components. Yes you can dismantle it from vendor items, but this is not the way of the miner.

    So, again: please give us more asteroid fields in ST4.

  4. I think most of us that are playing the EmU have, or have had a lvl 150 character. So - To say that the Dev's are desigining a FFX type game, that takes 1000RL hours to level in would be pretty stuipd to assume. I'm glad there is an easy way to level up a toon. It is fun to see the game from several different aspects, rather than spend day in and day out grinding one toon, making the game repititious and boring. The point of the EmU was to not only bring back earth and beyond, but to bring back the community that made the game mean so much to all of us. Part of the things I loved about the game was the community. So - If you want a game that takes 15 years to reach the "end game" I think you should look for another game to play. As for me, the only thing I hope for when the game is live, is the item drops to be a little more rare so it keeps the "challenge" element in the game.

    I could write more, but: /sign

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