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Posts posted by TigerByte

  1. just wanted to inform:

    there is a mono repository available to automate the snap in of a linux version in case it uses way less space than the win version.

    im running openSUSE 11.3 atm so i just can tell you how i did form yast. just open the repository manager and a new repro. from the list where to get it choose communinity source, scroll down and get the mono repro snapped in so you can choose from your packet manager the needed mono packets. the advantage of this way, the mono packets will be get updates automatically if available and they're well implemented to the system as well so no cross-work for the system => saving up resources ;)

    and i tried to get it run but after launching the launcher.exe i get the "decline" "accept" windows of EnB and the client is starting off with the intro. i dont see the net7 Launcher. if i try to launch the proxy itself it cannot connect to the server (firewall is out of the way) and it shuts down with a application error.

    the network indicator doesnt shows any activity on launching the net7 proxy :(

    any ideas?

  2. @ seeker: funny titles, yeah that might make it up at 150 so there's no reason to keep it serious anymore lol

    @ terrell: omfg, thats ALOT of work then to max them out

    only thing i could imagine for hitting 150 might be to have a "special mission" for each class to get likely an uber device on max dev lvl of its class wich will impactly improve their specials.

    if there are different lines for a class to specialize on, there it should be able to choose from a mission, i.e TT:

    - builder line would get a device like duct tape but rising all build skills about 2 or 3 lvls above their max to rise the chance of 200% builds

    - healer line would get a device to improve its shield charge and hull patch skill about 5 lvls because the recourse ML at 200% already does +4.8 lvls on shield charge

    and to prevent ppl to get all devices those just can be gotten one time, so once its is done, the other missions get blocked.

    what do you think about this idea?

    ( i took the TT as example in case i have one lvl 170 myself )

  3. Gost,

    just to hit 150 isnt the end of the line. i bet there will be still some skill you really want to lvl up. thats why you still gain xp and "lvl up" beyond 150 to gain the skill points for the rest of your skills you want to even up some more.

    not sure about but like a TT with ALL skills maxed must be about lvl 220 or something like that. so just keep the ball rolling !!

  4. well, thx for the show.

    it shows pretty clear its not any longer a open project where players can put their memories of the old live game in neither to make it even better as the orginal wich EA obviously screwed up nor even other devs been heard.

    its more about to keep glued to the "database" wich apperantly is kinda outdated anyways because ppl keep asking in chat about stuff wich is been changed about 2 or 3 times already. for example the roid belts been changed of merlin to a total different way and hell, the miners love it now because its way more fun now to mine => totally different to live where most miners just did of their duty. thx again to merlin for all that work and having the nuts to change something what should have been changed long time ago !!!

    this is the point i'll definitely wont put anything in anymore and as i guess, a good bunch of other players as well.

    its curious because the game wouldnt have beenn brought that far without the memories of the community...

  5. Hi Guys,

    i just thought i'll make a poll of this in the case the Zenshai Beams (no matter what lvl) ever did suck on damage so they went kinda useless. Would be a shame to keep the line EA did on them. Actually, at 100% (only the lvl6 can be re-made to 200%), they just do a lil bit more damage as their couterparts but one lvl below, i.e. using a lvl5 zenshai, that one does just a bit more then the a equal lvl4 beam.

    So in my opinion they could use a overwork to do more damage so they will have a chance at least to get in usage AND from me myself, they should do a good bunch more damage in case they're kinda artifactial.

    - they cant be mantufactured so neither mapped of weapons builders

    - they drop in sertain lvls of zenshai only

    - they have a unique look and fire sound

    - the totally amazing fire rate at 1.5 sec :D

    - the small cap useage of them

    i think, it would be a shame, just to leave it as it is. they really need to get intressting to the beam using classes. maybe, if they get more intressting, the drop chance of them will be decreased. at the very right moment they dropp like hell but at the actual state of them they pretty useless.

    just to let you think about this: WHO would use a lvl4 beam if a lvl5 can be used?

    of course the a re-made lvl6 at 200% should line up with the lvl6 high dps beams as well.

    so, what do you guys think about that?

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