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Posts posted by Oozr

  1. Along the lines of what you have in mind... with a twist.


    "Build your own device"


      Currently we can build Fishbowl activation devices from multiple other devices/components that we have to build also.

    I personally would like to see a vendor sell component devices that can be stuffed into a level 1 "master device".  Pick your options, spend some coin, build your own.  The master device could be race specific, allow only certain types of component devices to be placed in it, and have 4 or 5 slots.


      Ideas for component devices:  +35 deflects, turbo, energy conservation, repulsor (for terran and jen, think faction), +recharge

    to shields and reactors, plasma debuffs for progens.... etc etc.


      Each race could have a mission, similar to Agrippa, that would allow that race to build component device(s).  They could be

    tradeable, expensive to build, and possibly a limited life time before needing replaced.  There could be different levels of each component device, 4, 7, 9, with increasing effect and difficulty to build.


      Something similar to this would be a boone to PW's that have limited device slots.  JT's could finally get some "useful" skills.  It would also lend itself well to different play styles or to different "motivations".  This is a much more ambitious coding challenge than a single device I admit, but it would have that much more potential too.


      I do like the ideal of a one time WH device too.



  2. Hi,

    FYI.. it is becoming a real pain to log in to the server in ST4.

    I have to reset updates, and reapply them, change play to play2 everytime I want to login.

    If I don't, the game blows up just after the EA login... everytime.

    Looking for that Net-7 update RSN.


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