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Posts posted by Trekker

  1. These items were modeled, textured, and rendered from a 3D program, and then adjusted in Photoshop (I'm not really a 2D artist, 3D is far easier for me to do).

    I'd love to see that rendering of the TE ship.

    Floss is right, it's entirely possible to keep the look and feel of the game, but give it a little face lift. Next time you're sitting in the main room of F7, look down at the floor and take a look at how jagged the texture is. That can be fixed and still maintain the game's look and feel.

    The icons I did earlier were only a suggestion to help the look a little bit. But if you don't redo the icons, you'll have to find someone who can replicate the original look of them if you ever want to add new items to the game and not use repeat icons. Using filters to adjust the look and feel of the rendered icons is entirely possible, but again, no matter what you do, you can't please everyone (even leaving the game as is won't please everyone).

  2. Problem with doing something that's so stylized (and I personally don't like the cartoony feel of WOW) is that you need an artist with that type of style. My personal style is very technical and photo-real, and given enough time, I could model/light/texture every icon to not have a CG feel, and to look absolutely realistic, which I personally think would be way awesome. On the other hand, I'd be content redoing planets, skyboxes, suns, and station interiors. I may do an example of a re-textured system, maybe Saturn (which is probably the most visited system in game). And try to get some feedback on that :rolleyes:

    Everyone's got their own personal taste though, and it's impossible to appeal to everyone unfortunately.

  3. That almost cleared things up Kyp :D

    So we can change things around, we just can't claim it to be our own? (EA always owns the game)

    Or we can only add, and could never alter what's currently there? (IE, couldn't actually change the graphics, only add new ones as items are added)

    I guess this is why I decided to be an FX artist and not a lawyer :lol:

    Anywho. Yea, the galaxy map on the loading screen is another one I'd love to tackle (although they're adding a ton of new systems, any one that I might make right now would have to be changed when they open em all up anyhow) I'd also love to change the galaxy map that the player can open with the blotches and boxes representing systems and sectors. That one could potentially look really cool...

  4. Aye, I agree...the graphics aren't necessarily a priority, and some enjoy the originals. EVE used to offer (back just after they released their new graphics engine with new models, normal-mapping, HDRI support) a classic client, which a player could use, mainly if their system couldn't handle the new graphics package. I'd imagine something like that may one day be possible here.

    However, even if it's not a priority right now, it's not like their pulling programmers from another team to do these updates. It can take a very long time to do these things, and there's thousands and thousands of items/mobs/stations/planets/backgrounds/characters in the game. Better to start early if possible :)

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  5. I was always under the impression that if you took a copy-written or patented product, and changed it enough, it becomes your own, you can re-copyright/re-patent it. I'm no lawyer either though, so I could be completely wrong.

    It's just some of the textures (take the suns in AP or Primus, or the distant sun in VT for example) are so pixilated, it drives me nuts every time I run through the systems :lol: they must have used a 256x256px texture for something that takes up 1/4 - 1/2 of the screen when looking directly at it, it's terrible.

    I was told I should redo a station interior like I did the kitchen scene on my website. I told the guy that scene takes 40 minutes to render a single frame on my quad core 8 gigs ram machine :) However...I'd like to play with it a little bit, and see if I can bake the textures and lighting, and that should make things look very close to that real, but everything would just be texture over the top of simple geometry that the game can handle. would be fun to try none-the-less...

  6. Ok. I've been playing the emulator for a few months (since the start of ST3), and it's been an awesome blast from the past. I'm loving it, even the bugs :)

    After sunset announcement I picked up EVE, and had played that for 5 years til about 6 months ago, and I loved that game too, particularly the scenery.

    I'm a VFX artist for movies, commercials, and TV shows in the real world. I end up doing lots of explosions, dust and fire simulations, that sort of thing, but I also do 3D modeling, texturing, lighting...Basically a generalist, as a hobby.

    E&B's graphics were acceptable 8-10 years ago, when they were developing the game. That's not the case anymore...Things need a major overhaul, and I'm sure there's an entire section of the DEV team (probably the graphical DEVs) who'd agree with me.

    I'd like to help in my spare time if I could. I've uploaded a few examples I did last night and this morning of what I had in mind.

    If y'all like what ya see, and the DEV team would like a bit of help, I can be contacted here on the forums, or ingame on either of my characters Trekker, or Silentkilla.

    If anyone's interested, I've got an online demo reel and more examples of my work available as well: Demo Reel





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  7. Ok. I've tried finding a fix for this and now that ST4 is starting, I really want to get this working.

    I had to reinstall on my machine a few weeks back because of a nasty virus that I couldn't get rid of. I downloaded everything for E&B, install it all as usual, and when I get around to starting up LaunchNet7, I get all kinds of errors.

    While patching Net7 Launcher (to version 260), I get a LaunchNet7 - Error stating:

    Update failed. Downloaded file is invalid. Please restart launcher and repatch files.

    File: D:/NET7\bin\libeay32.dll

    if I try it enough, it seems to get past that, but then gets to the next error where it says the same thing about D\NET7\bin\net7proxy.exe

    try it again and it finishes the update...

    I then proceed to update the ENB client. It goes nice and smooth until it gets to a seemingly impassible error:

    Update failed. Downloaded file is invalid. Hash of downloaded file and hash in server manifest does not match.

    File: D\Programfiles(x86)\EA GAMES\Earth & Beyond\Data\common\DecemberShoppingMusic1.mp3

    I've got the game installed on my secondary machine, and it patches up perfectly, no issues. The game ran fine on this computer before I reinstalled windows, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something I had before.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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