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Posts posted by Evilbadguy

  1. you also get asked are you sure you want to delete it and a response is needed by you to confirm it.


    I was clearing some alts and i accidently deleted my 150 Jd please help!!

    i used the word "accident." even the title states accident.

  2. Im gonna go ahead and confess, it wasnt my computer, it was me. go figure... I set the servers to dev, i should have set it to sunrise. I guess you guys can leave this post up here so people can laugh, it's completly okay. :)

  3. ok cool.. you are almost there..


    managed account options in game are obsolete and you need to do all account stuff at net-7.org


    so you need to go to net-7.org, log in goto "Account" -> "Add Game Account"


    you should then be able to log in using the account you just made.

    I created two game accounts, Evilbadguy and Peache. When i go to type it in the login box and click accept, she says " im sorry but i'm unable to validate your login information. I know i got two game accounts. says it on my account info on net7 entertainment website.

  4. Apparently, you didn't fully understand what's going on with EnB. The client software is from ElectronicArts/Westwood. It is the very same installer they published many years ago. Since it was freely downloadable, it can still be distributed without copyright violation. However, the servers, this client was talking to, are no more.
    So the enb-emulator team has developed their own server and a proxy around the exisitng client to simulate the old server structure.
    So this are two different, independent "products", of which one cannot be altered (even though it can and will be patched afterwards).
    So a simple one-click install is not possible.


    Follow the install instructions. Don't make any shortcuts or skip a step. Then it will most likely work for you as it has worked for many others. (if not, then you did something very unusual to your system.)

    Thank you, i will definately try it again very soon. and follow all steps again,

  5. hmmm,


    So when you ran the net-7 launcher it did a bunch of updates?


    then you hit the play button?

    Yes exactly, then i hit play i hit space bar to go to login screen, typed in my name and account not found, then i went to manage account option and it took me to a EA website.

  6. Hi Evil.


    There are detailed instructions on how to install everything here: www.net-7.org/faq.php


    Under the tab "Game play and Issues" -> "How do I get in the game !!"



    Due to the nature of the project the install isn't a simple one, that's why we are here to assist you into getting into this great game :)

    Unfortantely it is a tough install, i rather just buy the whole cd and install then play.

    No it took a lot of patients to get where i am with this. I read all the related issues, and there really isnt a good answer. I followed all ideas.

    And there just not a valid answer for it.

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