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Posts posted by Aschera

  1. I would hope for PVP areas in the game.


    There is anyways no loss in EnB .. the couple of percent qual loss on equipment or xp penalties is nothing.


    However if PvP is implemented in a smart way it can enrich everyone's experience.


    A "mute" switch however is a silly solution. Create a new system where PvP is open. Have unique drops in there for PvP items / devices etc. So those who want to shoot mobs can go there with a support wing from their alliance protecting them etc

  2. Nonsense ... All debuffs stayed on the mob. The only thing remotly similar to the above post would be that the exact same buff from different lvl devices would overwrite.

    Maybe that's what the poster meant. There was also active buffs stacking such as the 4 turbo buffs in life.

    The general rule was if the buff has same effect name they didn't stack. If it was the same buff but different buff name and strength they wod stack.

    This is something we are working on.


  3. The idea is intriguing and i really like it.

    But the way the server and the DB is currently structured it would not allow for an upgrade like this.

    All items are set in the DB and there is no way in just creating a new item without it being entered into items database. This DB has currently around 6000 entries. So imagine how many possible variations of items you would get with all possible combination. So we would end up with a DB with probably 6000^4 items which is a bit much IMO

    But hey never say never ....

  4. Items team is aware of that issues and brought them already up.

    As already said before there is nothing set in stone and i totally agree with the initial poster that this should change.

    Riia (nor me) can really do anything against it since it is server side hard coded like this.


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