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Posts posted by benasato

  1. [quote name='Illydar' timestamp='1312817299' post='44307']
    Byakhee, thanks for your reply. Such a statement could have avoided a lot of hard feelings in the first place.

    I was going to try to stay out of all this but the drive to work is long and allows time to think about things. The more I thought, the more irritated I became so I decided screw it and I’ll jump in with both feet here and be the turd in the punch bowl.

    Sneaky, I understood your post for what it was. Could it have been worded better? Sure. Does it make me personally feel as though you are buckling solely to keep your BB prints? Somewhat but hey, you are a player too so I do expect that to factor in. I never thought of the Advocate post as one where the person gave up anything as a player so stick to it and continue forward.

    As a player who neither has nor can make BB items I personally don’t see the issue here. Can you suddenly not make it to level 150 because you don’t have this gear? So far multiple class skills still don’t work, mobs still do not function as they should, device buffs are still wonky at times, and ore fields are nowhere near what they were in live but hey, let’s complain about the Brimstone Ballista. All I’ve seen so far is those that have it versus those that do not and frankly both sides sound whiny at this point. Those that don’t have the prints understandably want it. I don’t blame them. I can name the players that have built things for me on one hand and that is because I BUILD THINGS AND WANT ACCESS TO WHAT OTHERS CAN BUILD AS WELL. Is the lack of this print burning a hole in my monitor? Not in the least because I know I can get along without it. On the flip-side though, the argument of “have someone build it for you” is crap. Are you going to build it for free, comps included? Are you going to supply me with ammo on a continual basis? Are you going to be available to me to build these things at a moment’s notice? No? I thought not so quit acting like that argument makes everything ok. Another players desire to possess something like this is no less valid than those few who do have it wanting to hold on to it.

    And now let’s head over to the Devs. SHAME ON YOU! I would expect such a condescending, heavy handed response from SOE or Blizzard but not you guys. Has EA suddenly infected you? I strongly recommend you take a step back and rethink how you approach such issues. We are a small community and very much like family so laying down “the law” on such a matter is unacceptable. You built this bed now learn to lay in it. You asked us here to test things, give feedback, and build a community for a game we all love but unfortunately I am noticing less and less tolerance for negative feedback or things you guys are tired of hearing about. TO BAD. It is what we are here for, good or ill, and wanting only glowing things said is unrealistic and counterproductive. The Brimstone Ballista issue will never go quietly away into the sunset and to expect it to do so is ridiculous. Both sides have valid points and by building this emulator YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO TAKE IT UPON YOURSELVES MAKE THE HARD DECISIONS. Treating us like 2 year olds and threatening to take our treats away only makes people angrier rather than resolve an issue. Huff, puff and act indignant all you want but deep down the gamer in you knows I am right.

    Since there have been so many “mistakes” at this point I would suggest a player wipe. That’s right. I said it and I believe it. This is a stress test and not a finished product like so many seem to think it is. I’ve gotten characters leveled before and I will do so again. It might also stop all this crap about “balance” I keep seeing. Balance what!? You’re trying to fix something that isn’t even complete yet so how can you have the slightest idea how to balance something against what isn’t implemented yet? Good logic there.

    Now, I am sorry if my bluntness hurts some feelings but sometimes you just have to get things off your chest.

    this X1000 i have the same feelings i also have both prints and why i said remove it just to crush the drama, we need a wipe and the bb is just the tip of the problem.
    if we make it to live with no wipe the drama will only get worse and the ones with the print will have the power to print money, everyone knows rare sells.
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