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Posts posted by theblackmage

  1. [quote name='Lannister' timestamp='1307356429' post='41757']
    A good idea but it hinges around the unique print data which is not in the data set currently provided by Slayer based on a script cdel wrote. The most challenging part would probably not be identifying unique prints across accounts but rather identifying and grouping player accounts. While some (i.e. Lott, Redd, and myself) may be fairly easy many others do not have an obvious linking to player names.

    Probably need a comment from Slayer or CDEL on if this is doable and worth the effort - especially since we want them all to spend energy in game not necessarily on things like this. :)
    Well, the idea was more to group all game accounts linked to one forum account. Anything beyond that, and it'd probably need some sort of user-input plus automation. Of course this extra work would be very low-priority, but it could still happen sometime. See the rest of this thread for proof of low-priority work getting done. :P
    But either way, it was just a thought for how a good thing could be made even better.
  2. Just had a thought: might take a bit more work than how the list is being generated now, but would it be possible to have the script grab the number of unique prints (both overall and in individual categories) across all characters on a person's account(s), then list them by forum name (or character specified in some setting somewhere)? That way, not only would we not have to worry about TTs dominating lists (especially overall), but the lists wouldn't be crammed with, for example:

    Reactors LannPP 95
    Reactors ReddWingman 95
    Reactors ReddSeekerz 95
    Reactors LannJE 91
    Reactors LotPP 86
    Reactors LotJS 84

    and instead would have something like: (making the numbers up here, but you get the idea)

    Reactors Redd 137
    Reactors Lannister 135
    Reactors Lot 125

    thus making more room for a few more people on the list. 'Course, this wouldn't apply to any "by class" lists that might pop up.
  3. It still seems like something should be changed with the hulks. Currently, after a reset every other hulk has "goodies" in it (prototypes, devices, half eaten suits, etc.) The problem is that there is no real incentive for clearing all the "junk" (ie. debris, mah jong tiles, level-based yellow-bordered items) from the field:

    [*]~2k xp for the field clear bonus? Roughly equivalent to a non-hulk field, but I doubt anyone is hitting up hulk fields for xp.
    [*]A few thousand credits for vendoring the junk? More credits can be earned elsewhere.
    [*]A fresh field spawn? Please, who is going to clear the field just so they can run the risk of forgetting that they need to be back there in 12 or 24 hours? (Especially if the respawn timer is random to prevent timing the camp)
    So what ends up happening because of this is that no one touches the junk items, so they stay in the field and prevent the hulks from respawning. Then someone else (maybe even a diehard "clear the whole field or don't touch it at all" -type person) comes to the field, sees only junk, and leaves, thus perpetuating the cycle.

    Perhaps what could be done is significantly reduce the chances of getting "goodies", and at the same time reduce the respawn time of the hulks by the same amount? For example, reduce the chances of goodies spawning to 1/20th of their current rate, but have the hulks respawn 20x faster. That way, there isn't a huge influx of goodies, but there is at least more incentive to clear the field so that you can come back and do it again.

    Independent of that idea would be increasing the value (xp and/or credits) of the junk to make mining it actually worthwhile, as well as reducing the amount of debris and wreckage slag (which is worth even [i]less[/i] than the level-based junk) in high level fields.
  4. [quote name='QX419-M' timestamp='1306807498' post='41439']
    Makes me wonder what sort of completely baseless outrage there's going to be when we're ready for a complete player data wipe? Trust me, everyone. It's not a select few situations getting corrected, and it's not favoritism. -EVERYTHING- that is out of place, or in error, will eventually be corrected, or removed. This includes everyone.

    Now, am I saying that these errors are game breaking in the pre-alpha stage? No, of course not. What I -am- saying, is that things of this nature should be expected. And if we let everyone gather and keep these prints and items, etc...how exactly are we supposed to know for sure that the error which made it available isn't still an issue?
    'Till I saw this thread, the only "outrage" (baseless or otherwise) I saw on this issue was one person freaking out in-game about SS8 not being obtained in the exact manner as it was in live and should thus be completely purged from the game. Most players who've been around for a while [i]expect[/i] a wipe to happen some time. Also, things like items becoming available as a limited time deal (like SS8 or hulkfest) are to be expected in a pre-alpha stage. It will be wiped eventually, so why bother deleting it from build lists and inventories? It just seems silly.

    If it's not being deleted from inventories but only from build lists, why not just remove the warp fiber drops, as Lann said? It will stop production, so it serves the same function. And it makes more sense, as what purpose do the fibers, which are not even dropped by Bogeril, serve, other than to create these things that, as Kyp pointed out, are only made by Bogeril? What's next? A non-manu Sparta-made component that is only used to build a Sundari reactor?

    I can understand if you want to remove everything that should not be obtainable, but why focus on this? If it's just the fact that it was recent, why wasn't hulkfest cleaned up when it happened? And if the only issue with deleting everything that is no longer obtainable is something to the effect of "it would take too much time/effort/etc. to find them all to purge" why is the SS8 so important that it needs to be purged?

    All this from someone who does not have the SS8 print, and does not, in fact have a SS8 at all, partly because I prefer to build my own stuff.
  5. [quote name='Byakhee' timestamp='1303253867' post='39459']
    Buyback + Quality damage on the item (this would teach you a lesson).

    The exploit here could be

    "Oh no I accidentally sold the Brimstone Ballista that (insert name here) built me. Hang on I'll buy it back. Ooo look, it now can be analyzed by anyone".

    Hope this would be prevented some way.
    Sounds like the idea is more to buy back the exact item sold (meaning keep quality and builder). Otherwise, it's "OOPS! I just sold my non-manu item that I camped 100 hours for, and paid more than I sold it for just to get it back at 90%! :("

    But one thing that might help either if this is not possible or until it's finished, try moving your valuables as far right in your hold as possible, that way they aren't getting instantly crowded by loot. Then if you're an ammo-using class, put your ammo (less valuable 99% of the time) just to the left of your valuables for a nice padding. If you mindlessly click through all your ammo and continue into the goodies, your mind is likely too far from the game. :P
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