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Posts posted by Kusa

  1. Hello It seems that I must have stumbled upon the E&B project years ago (2010?) and then forgotten about it until yesterday really! After playing today and mucking around a bit setting up my client to how I wanted it, wasd controls etc. I got curious and started poking around in the folder for E&B and came across about of W3D files. Some quick research informed me that these were products of the SAGE engine. This lead me to do some more digging around which pointed me to a website hosting what appears to be an SDK for the graphical side of that engine which can be found here: http://www.gamereplays.org/community/index.php?showtopic=118994

    So far I've poked around in the viewer and all the files seem to load up without any glitches or errors, and have yet to try setting up this plugin since I do not want to yet completely muck up my max 2012 install (still trying to learn to use that durned thing)

    So my question is, might this be useful for anyone who wants to try improving upon the visual aspect of the game?

    Thank you!
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