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Posts posted by Drokar

  1. This community is trash. Your response proves it. Probably the entire game is run by just a few with a LOT of alts. I won't tolerate behavior like this in such a small community, and you are defending the trash, so you are the trash. You and everyone here. Your response proves this community is not worth my time. Sad. That guy should be banned. Everything happened as I stated. Dude did it on purpose. And you are defending that behavior. So you are the same as him in my opinion. You and everyone that defends that BS. At least it happened early enough that I didnt spend too much of my time invested in this community.


    You sir, YOU right there, are whats wrong with this community and why it will never grow behind you and your trash alt universe of a-holes.


    Later EnB.



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  2. Haven't played this game in 20 years. Find EnB emulator and I think I am in heaven. Sign up, download, couple bumps but soon enough I am in the game again. So excited. Then today, the worst nightmare of another player drops in on a nav where I am hunting, ok, no worries he is 5k off. Plenty of enemies, fast spawn. Then he warps off, back again on top of me. 1k away with his three account alts. 1k away. Proceeds now to pull all my mobs with his signature, even when i am shooting them. I complain in local, ask why he is doing this. Plays dumb like he doesnt know what he is doing. Pulls 6-8 mobs, then warps off to train those mobs on me and kill me instantly. Then proceeds to complain that its my fault and he was there first. I was there 30 min.. never saw him until that point.


    Now I don't mind the company - if anything, send a group invite if you are going to do that.. rude, but at least lets get some group xp bonus. No invite. Plenty of drones to kill but has to have the ones right on top of me. Only those drones he wants. Then acts like he is doing me a favor healing me. I can heal myself permanently as a JD - so its not an issue until he drops aggro with a warp out on purpose.


    There are 50 people online. 50. This is a small community. I don't mind sharing a nav, but this guy and his 2 alt accounts (3 total) sitting right on top of another person (me) is just insanely rude. There are no shortage of drone mobs to kill for everyone of us... but 1k off from another ungrouped when someone else was in that spot already???? Without a message in local asking to group, or any common courtesy to another human being, one of very few in this community.. you are going to purposely train mobs on me? Because you want my spot???


    His name is Namhcir. (Richman backwards - shocking)


    Now, if that wasnt enough.... my own guildmate got mad at me for being 10k away from him in that same nav point. Mind you these are drones that spawn very quickly and they are quite numerous. No shortage and plenty of spots to farm them. Me being 10K away from him at the edge of my scanner im not affecting his mobs at this spawn rate. But he gets emo mad and leaves.


    I'm super confused at this point. What kind of community is this? 50 online and 5 of them are on 1 nav. 2 are not close enough to affect each other and 1 is right on top of the other with 3 accounts training mobs on another player.


    I am at fault? I don't think so. Playing MMO's for 30 years. I know common courtesy. If you are not affecting someone else's play, there is no foul. If you are trying to swoop in on someone else exact spot, the kind thing is to ask first and offer to group up, or leave. Not bring 3 alt accounts to harrass another player for no reason. And I felt harrassed. This is an MMO, yes. But way way way too small of a community for stuff like this.


    Instead, I get two people mad when I 100% did nothing wrong. I'm just farming, and i was there first. We need to set some rules to dealing with others in this situation, but I fear with this small of a community, i honestly don't know what type of people I am playing with. This is not a good start to what I hoped would be a lot of fun here.


    I even donated and planned to do so monthly. Now i fear this community is really just a few people with a bunch of alts trolling each other.


    I am just here to relax, farm mobs because i find that relaxing, and not get caught up in drama. But here I am... wow.


    Is this normal, or should I call it a wrap and move on, as sad as that would be?

  3. Sadly, for whatever reason, even after following the instructions as precisely as possible, i get an error that I failed to login. As far as I know I registered my game account to my forum account as instructed. Submitted a ticket but after trying multiple different compatibility options, still nothing. Hopefully it's something minor and easily fixable, otherwise I may be out of luck. This was such a fun game and really dissapointed if I can't play but really think its cool that the devs did all this and wish you all the best if I don't see you ingame. I'm sure many of you from Andromeda I would remember.

  4. As title says I just found this emulator, super excited. I am from the Andromeda server and was a member of the Merchant Marines and later helped start Epiphany guild with friends. I later joined EVE when EnB was sunsetted. I miss this game so much as it was my first MMO. I had a Terran Warrior & Jenquai Explorer - I was most known for my JE who built level 9 reactors - there were not many of us at level 9 so anyone on Andromeda  likely came to me for their reactor upgrades!


    I would love to play but I dont have my original disk - its been 20 years. How do I play?

  5. Shakz!!!!!!! What the hell you are here! I am Drokar Gazer from EVE / CLS, originally Faryal from Andromeda server and member of Merchant Marines, then Epiphany. I remember you from Celestial Horizon in EVE. I just found this emulator, and excited to join the game, if possible. Hope you are doing well.

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