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Posts posted by nakadek

  1. I went through so much heck to get the trial account(s) on this game running back when it was Live. My dad and I (since I didn't have a debit card at the time) jumped through so many loops to allow me to play the game. :P The client was dead set on me NOT doing a trial account!


    Was my first online game. I've tried hundreds of others and none can compare with this.


  2. So, I was really bored the other day and decided to see how this project was going. I'll be honest with you guys and 'fess up -- I've had fairly low expectations out of this. However, those thoughts got royally fish-slapped outta my head when I came across here. This place has changed and advanced so much that I was actually hesitant to download the files lest they be viral or something.

    All I can say is:


    Great work, guys! I literally, almost truly shed a tear reading about the progress here. And just so you know, I very, very rarely cry (not that I'm insensitive, I just have a hard time crying O_o). I am currently downloading the client for the third time (first time I was also dual-boxing Anarchy Online.. laptop didn't exactly like that idea) and I REALLY hope I get to see you guys in space very soon!

    EDIT: 30 mins left on this download attempt! *fangirl squeal*

    Yours Truly,


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