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Posts posted by Wintermute_zen

  1. Thank you both for your prompt, informative and courteous reply's all really good information.


    As i mentioned in my post, these are just my random thoughts based off what i have experienced (limited admittedly) and what i have discussed with other players. 

    Its good to know from the source himself on all things Jennie(Phorlang) that some of my assumptions and assertions are wide of the mark,as i too share the fondness for the Jenquai classes. Thank you for the link. i had already devoured your guide on the Defender but was wondering if it was still accurate as it was an older article and things change. Glad to hear that its still on point. 

    Thanks again as i did learn something new about net7. 


    I'm encouraged to hear that the coma device will soon have a purpose and that certainly brings more to the equation. 


    I have to admit that my initial thoughts when posting about this subject were mainly centered around the JS/JT and its usage and specifically its place in larger raids (and my post sort of expanded from there really).  Im still learning and will have another rethink and try and get into more raids and try and see if i can work different things to find a place for the class. Clearly it must sit somewhere between main healer and a battery.. I think i was just surprised how difficult its been to get into larger raids/hunts with that class with in my limited experience people vastly preferring to bring along another pw/te/tt.. 



    Thank you both again. I have much to think on and enjoyment to be had learning and playing.





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  2. So just a few thoughts..

    First off prefixing this with a big dose of love for the Devs and Gms for their hard work.. this aint a bitching or a negative post in anyway shape or form, and also with an acknowledgement that i'm not a particularity very knowledgeable player having played live and the emu for awhile but by no means an expert.


    But im just wondering on if there is a consensus on if the Jenqaui classes could do with a little extra love and a bit of a re balance. 


    In short from discussions and from what i've witnessed i wonder if all three classes are a little under powered.. My reasoning being thus.


    1. Raids (power management/Debuffing). :- Now the jenqaui by design arent meant to be combat orientated of the three races, However, they have been designed to have a place in a big raid/ hunting group either as the support class (je/jt) providing power and debuffs/buffs) or as a glass cannon in the JD.

    As it currently stands however there is very little they bring to the party and thus (optimal groups dont include them) and they can struggle to get into any group. With the other classes now much more able to manage their own power (with the right equipment./setup) and debuffing/buffing not being that specific to a class as everyone seems to have debuff capabilities and buffing pre fight) they really struggle to actually bring anything and are dropped in-favour of more damage output or another tt healer.

    WIth the exception of the JD and summon they dont seem to have a purpose and this should be balanced slightly imo. The strength of this wonderful game is the cooperation and balance between the simple classes, but i believe that this is current broken.


    2. JE (Mining exploring). :-  If the Projen are the Warriors , the terrans are the traders (healers) then the Jenquai are meant to be the explorers/miners.. Therefore the JE should be the be all or end all of mining. However after a number of discussions it would seem that the general (although small sample size) consensus is that a TS will outmine a JE if equipped right..? im wondering if this plays out across a wider opinion and if so , surely this is wrong.. Otherwise what does the JE bring as a choice of toon, other than Taxi service of the WH.. I know its covered by previous points but the lack of the special skill in compulsory contemplation also hurts the JE when the other classes have theirs..

    (ps im totally biased as the JE was always my favorite class, but the point should still stand) 

    3. JT. (confused) :- To me still seems a weak and confused class, not bringing anything to a group (beams + cc + shield recharge) in a formation just dont seem to mesh well... and their survivability for a healer gaining aggro so quickly means that she is just not effective in anway way.. Reactor recharge just doesnt actually mean that much, especially when compared against other class skills , especially as its meant to be its unique skills and the afore mentioned power management or lack there of.  


    4. JD ?:-  interested to hear thoughts but as i'm still leveling one i cant attest other than to repeat that its been badly nerfed compared to live and can now be easily matched and surpassed by the PW in terms of damage output.. so only really brings summon to a party.. Surely this shouldn't be the case. The JD playing the traditional rogue class should require skillful play but deal the most damage whereas the PW should be the classic tank but less damage character.??? 

    5. Devices. :- So to me the strengths of having cloak and devices seem to be negated somewhat.. I cant honestly say that the devices available to the Jenquai classes are any better than those to the terrans/projen and even the number of slots available dont make much of an advantage when people hot-swap, buff up and then go into a battle.. so having more slots is not soo much of an advantage. Its entirely possible that im missing something, but i cant remember a time when playing as a Jenquai toon of any type that bringing a device or devices made any difference.. and the only question ever asked is did you bring the chim / chilli.. Surely its these classes arent meant to be just a chim/chilli holder. Maybe this is an issue that is only really prevalent because so many people have soo many toons now that are very high level and very well equipped, but even at this stage of Player/ toon / equipment maturity this shouldn't be the case and should require a server /toon wipe for jenquai device strength to be relevant again. 

    6. Cloak :- Minor issue but the glass shields of Jenquai is counter balanced by Cloak(and maybe deflect see below).. this requires more skill but and is a challenge/reward in its own right. however the increasing number of mobs that see through cloak is negating this balance and making whole areas of content unbalanced again. Now there is the argument that a cloaking JD can solo any mob that cant see through cloak given time , and this is maybe incorrect.. but having Mobs negate this without any balance surely has to be wrong when its already balance by (or should be) power drain etc. Maybe a simple solution would be a % chance to see through cloak rather than just a flat your cloak is worth shit would be a finer balance (no i have no idea if this is code possible, just spit balling ideas here)


    7. Deflects :- again i get the impression that this was something that in live was never fully implemented or balanced, but again the lack of raw shield/hull power was possibly meant to be balanced by Deflects? however this doesn't really seem to make that much of a difference at the higher levels.. and Rally on the TE just seems to be so over powered in that the TE has better buff + hack + Bio + Missiles that the Jenquais are again surpassed.


    Whilst this game should never aspire to others as its uniqueness and brilliance is what keeps us all coming back.. equally its undeniable that similarities cannot be ignored and that each class naturally maps onto the traditional archetypes, 

    Therefore if we apply the following logic.


    PW :- tank class . barbarian etc.

    PP :-  Healer /Tank Hybrid :- Paladin class?

    PS :- Not sure on this class..


    TT :- Pure Healer class ; Cleric?  but actually its missiles and ability to take damage is more like a paladin..

    TE :- Debuff/ class :- So necromancer style class but also able to take and receive damage..

    TS :- Id suggest that this class is closest to the traditional Ranger style play.. decent range damage for kiting, has minor healing and has some tricks in debuffing (hacking) 


    JD :- Back stab /raw damage :- Rogue (although as mentioned above has been nerfed)

    JE :- ?? Should be all about its devices and ability to buff/ debuff but this not the case and is not needed. Power management its its traditional Live benefit but doesnt apply current as discussed above.

    JT :- ?? - Would actually make sense to be the Pure Cleric.. So should be the superior healer/buffer but weak damage output and takes damage easily.. However as discussed not the case.



    Interestingly that unless i'm mistaken there is the distinct lack of a mage style (raw ranged damage but weak as shit) character although the most obvious would be the TS with the ranger class moving over to the PS.. However what is clear is that the Jenquai would appear to get the short end of the stick neither fullfillig their roles or having no role to fill with current setup..


    Just my random thoughts, as i wonder if this is my inexperience or if there is some truth to them. 



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