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Posts posted by crpowell

  1. Hi,


    This is a question I've always had...


    If I have not had a hull upgrade, or upgraded my weapons, why is it easier to kill a CL 10 mob when my CL is 12 as opposed to trying to kill the same mob when my CL is 8?  Is there some kind of multiplier?  Is there some kind of hit/crit rate involved?  Is there something similar with damage received?


    I hope this question makes sense.

  2. Welcome back Charlie...You quit EnB around L100?

    Sounds like you didn't wait for sunset, 12 years ago?


    Yes the new classes are alot of fun.

    Is Charlie ur TE's name?


    See u in the universe,


    Charlie is my real life name.  I my TE is Mudge, I also have Ttmudge, and Jemudge (I'm still working out naming conventions.  Too late to re-roll and fix names.  I have almost a week invested in those toons. ^_^  )  


    I quit at 100 before Sunset (about a year before, maybe).  By the time I was ready to come back EnB was gone, so I moved on to Eve (briefly), City of Heroes (also briefly), and WoW (a brief 5 years).   I don't like PvP, so I find that EnB is a good fit for me.  

  3. Hi,


    Could someone direct me to where I could read more info about the Test Ship application.  I'm not sure what it does or how I should be using it.


    Also, I would like to know how the Compare checkbox works in the item database.  It seems like I should be able to use it two compare two items if I check them, but generally, I cannot get the two items I'm trying to compare to show up in the same screen in the same set of search results.


    Finally, ingame there is also a Compare button, but nothing happens when I click on it.  Is this related to the compare functionality on the website?




  4. Hi,  


    I played EnB for a while when it was live, but it was so long ago, I don't remember which server I was on, or what my character names were.  I do remember that I had a Progen Sentinel, and I stopped playing right around time time I hit level 100.


    After bouncing around to WoW, and Eve, I've really been turned off MMO's in general.  After playing almost nothing but FSX for the last year, I signed up to back the two high-profile new Space Sims that are being developed right now, and it made me nostalgic for the EnB days.   I just happened to Google Earth and Beyond yesterday and stumbled on reference to this site and thought I would give it a try again.  I started a Terran Enforcer last night, and it was a blast.


    Thank you Devs for making this possible!



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