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Posts posted by IamG

  1. Actually not sure if this is related to linux or not but the problem only appeared on my Linux Box.

    was grouped with my miner and initially the miner was on the LB (Linux box). approaching roids and trying to mine them was impossible.

    Looking at the XP I could see the LB engines kicking in but not moving alhough on the LB it seemed to be driving around quite happily as long as I didnt use the keyboard. Keyboard seems to be a problem even when walking now. right mouse button drive most of the time even with repeats on.

    Any how switched the accounts round and the problem stayed with the LB.. so it seems that if you warp to a target you get there. but if you drive to it there is a good chance you actually do not move on the server but you do on the client.

    I dread the thought of dual booting my LB... I soo like the fact that my LB is up and running in like less than 30 secs. where as 10 minutes later the XP finally decides to allow user input. ( and yes I know I could clean it out and re-install it but then it will only be down to 5 minutes of windows bloat ware, virus scanner and ewb )..

    The Joys of Computing in 2010


  2. I installed EnB and Wine on the ubunto client and it runs as stable as my win xp does.

    I may be lucky...

    I did notice that the NetLauncher does not show addresses or whether the game is online or not.

    I just click play and off it goes.

    Thanks for the guidance..

    I have noticed also that sometimes when at a terminal or moving in a station it does seem to lock up..

    But it is lag issue as leaving it for a short while 1-2 mins max it catches up.. you end up doing a twirl or finally the stuff you bought loads up..

    Flying and jumping appears solid.. as long as you remember to make sure you have repeats off on your keyboard settings




  3. Thanks for the input.

    ok so it is a lag issue.

    I just wonder how long I need to wait as it seems like a good few minutes before I drop the net 7 proxy manually.

    ( that of course depends on what I was doing as a little seems like a long time when ur waiting for some one to need shields etc ).

    I have died twice so far due to it.

    Will try and hang on longer and hope it all comes back.



  4. Running on Win XP.

    mostly it runs lovely with the occasional jump or dock crash to login which always throws me to the desktop if I try to relog.

    But the major pain is when in a group and going to fight something.

    I seem to just loose sync with the game.

    I can still click thru my ship and the like but cannot interact with the outside world as it were. cant target, warp or chat.

    The Net 7 proxy is just sat there not telling me anything. no error messages or anything.. ??

    Anyone had this? Sees this ? or knows a fix please.


    G (Giam) (Iamg)

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