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Posts posted by terokone

  1. EnB was my first MMO and my first beta. I joined the open beta about 3 weeks before release and ended up losing my original account information, so I lost my FF decal. I bought the game about two weeks after release then proceeded to fry my CPU just days before Halloween, so I missed out on the Pumpkin Chunker. I played until Sunset, at which point I wandered from MMO to MMO to find what EnB had provided. Both WoW and Eve ended up taking my MMO interest for a time, but neither could even touch what EnB had been.

    I called Andromeda home. I had actually claimed Modi's Blade in Nif Cloud as my in-game "home". I spent a lot of time there killing Einherjar.

    Black Shadows was my first guild. Freedom Fighters was my second. Jaded Misfits was my third guild for my alts. I still remember the names of several of my guild mates.
    For anyone curious, Szark was my main's name. He will forever rest in orbit over Luna, looking down upon the Earth.

    I was very heavily interested in the content of the game and had actually accidentally led a large fleet of players to defend Gray Feather when the V'rix were set to destroy the Swooping Eagle sector. I was expecting another live event like Primus, but that never happened.

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