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Posts posted by mistergreen

  1. LOL. They are Terran (from Earth), after all. Although, I always assumed the bogriel would be more "Nascar" themed. They are hicks, after all.

    I had to modify it for more accuracy. :)

    - Marco

    Okay that's too funny.

    @Avani we shouldn't get ML energy conservation as energy is our weakness, aside from other race's devices or equipment. Though what we should have is 2 different line of engines. Or to make it any better just 2 lvl 9 engines, rewards from long tedious missions like the Cygni Express but instead of the equipment they only get the blueprints. This way build engines isn't a throwaway skill anymore as some consider it.

    One for the trade runs with encompass the RR+ and Laz buffs inside the engine itself. Low warp cost, activation and high speed, high signature cause who cares about how flashy you are when you are going from gate to gate and a lower thrust rate why not toss in increase mass for a slower turn rate, we're passing warp navigation pylons here not running a slalom. (Though if we could drift around them that would rawk)

    Then we have the one for combat which will have a lower signature not much higher then 4 (some mobs have great eye sight that can't always be avoided so best to take them out 1 at a time) with the buffs from sharkfins and cat's paws. Better thrusting, better turn rates. This way we can either keep out of reach very well or allow us to zip in debuff and then get out with some damage taken.

    These simple little changes will greatly alter play styles as how I remembered it was activate model Z shield (for equip buff) hit the long term buffs, swap out then for mid term ones, then equip the passives. When buffs wore off do it all over again.

    The way I see it is every race should have ubar item that only they can use. The best reactors can't be touched by anyone but Jenpies, no shields come close to the Progen, and yet who really uses lvl 9 Terran engines? Most go to 5, stop to fill everything else out then up it when they have extra points to spend.

  2. I'm still not sure what the original devs were thinking in making the Terrans having the fastest engines but requiring them to have the highest signature. One would think if one can make it go fast, it can also make it go quiet. You think they were all Nascar fans or something where fast = loud. One would think that the Progen would be the loudest engines as they are not adept at making them efficient. Yes I know other equipment can quiet things down like aftermarket parts, but the thing is that it shouldn't have to be that way for the masters of engines. Heck even the Jenpie shields attempt to counter their sucktatude with a helpful buff that's self stackable with equip and activated aspects.

    It almost breaks down like this:

    Terrans = Ferrari (certainly fast and loud and flashy)

    Progen = Ford (Could be fast yes... eventually)

    Jenquai = Tesla (even their thrust trails resemble electric currant)

  3. Your works is great and very useful, Xulei. Thank you!<br><br><br><br>It would be fantastic to have an interactive map that displays hidden navs and nav coordinates; very useful for leveling explore. Just like this map, but updated: http://www.earthandbeyond.ca/sectormap/arduinne.html :D

    Honestly I'd rather not have them out in the public like that. Then why bother at all having them hidden. It would ruin the fun of free warping and finding things on your own. Same should be for the ore fields, why bother tucking them out in the middle of nowhere when just anyone can find them.

  4. Prototypes, AAs, Genemaps, disembodied parts (mainly heads) were things found in hulks. I've never seen the prototypes outside of hulks. Don't they usually state they are rare and unstable which would explain why the ship is now a hulk floating in space.

  5. If you mean the EnB config then yes I have run that with no problems, but that only runs for less then a min, not enough to draw problems and I get over 100 FPS on land and more in space. That's with all the settings at max. I can run the game and at times I have no problems, and then sometimes it isn't more then 30 min between issues. So this way I can not lock down exactly where the issues lay.

  6. As name states I've been not in the game much due to issues my laptop's video card is having with EnB and only EnB. Now normally one doesn't see their video card refresh but for some reason mine flickers the laptop screen noticeably at times. After playing EnB for some time (never the same amount twice) I will get this refresh that will then render the left 2/3 of my screen in miniscule horizontal lines. The only way to fix it is a reboot and sometimes it will hang the system enough that I need to hold down the power button to perform a hard power down.

    Now if I attempt to ignore the problem and play on it will lock up my system and then I have to perform the hard power down. Obtaining screen shots is no piece of cake as I would need to copy and paste into paint while my system is acting all FUBARed.

    I have updated my video card drivers to the latest NVidia one. I have 4 gigs of RAM on a Win7 system. running EnB in xp3 compatibility mode and in a 1024x768 window as I alt+tab a lot to multitask while warping/gating. Running full screen in 1400x900 is ugly to me as everything is stretched out.

    Also seem to have problems if EnB is accidentally minimized and I will not be able to get it restored, requiring to terminate via task manager.

    I do not think it has anything to do to my system as I can play Dragon Age: Origins and Sims3 both in a window and neither one of them give me these issues.

  7. Being that not everyone is experiencing this problem have you tried everything you can do on your end. Reboot your computer/router/modem. Cut down on your internet traffic.

    I was having a tad bit of lag but once my download of an audiobook finished I was smooth as a baby's bottom.

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