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Posts posted by Kingdud

  1. Lol...same issue we had in live. Just remove jobs or give a gameplay alternative. You'll never "fix" jobs to where people are happy until there's always a stack of jobs waiting for them and only them. :p At which point it's basically an XP fountain and why not just make more XP fountains that involve 'going outside', like gas cloud mining planets, or non-chaining farmable mob spawns in *many* places, so people can powerlevel combat and trade XP with killing and loot?


    "It's monotonous!" so are jobs. Make the fields have a 'headshot' reward, so that if you can find some cleverly hidden pattern in the ships you can progressively kill through a chain of command and kill some top-end figure and get a reward (XP? Items? Credits?) similar to how you get a bonus now for clearing a mining field.

  2. Whining is useful in exactly one case, when it gives you an idea. I realize this is an emulator and money cannot be made from it. That said, you already have a nifty web-UI thing for transferring goods between characters on an account. Want to make money with something similar? A split charge system for buying/selling goods. Make a webpage based market similar to what EVE has (the market window. Buy/sell orders, adjustable prices once a listing is made) and charge a fee of either credits on the character or real world currency. The fee is large enough to make troll items rare, and RL currency is for the prolific builders who want to support the game and built literally all the things.


    I am sure this can be implemented in such a way that it would have a minimal effect on price inflation while also providing people what they want: 200% playermade items. A small transfer fee will be taken from each player (maybe 100 credits?) to cover the fact that the item will be transferred from vault to vault (or similar) and may move across *many* jumps of space.


    In my head, items can be listed for in game currency only. I doubt the N7 people want the headache of a RL currency market between players.


    edit: Sorry, I accidentally an idea. The idea was this would augment/remove the need for donations. Depending on popularity/implementation. Failing that, do it just because people would use it? :p

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