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Posts posted by Luciferish

  1. I do not have the options in my Ethernet Card as described... Broadcom NetExtream 57xx Gigabit Controller ... However it does have a "large Send Offload V2 (Enable/Disable) which I believe it similar to the setting you are describing.


    Single Client: (Prototype Reorder Checked)


    Rubber Banding is a bit better... Only bouncing + and - 1K to 1.5K not 2K to 5K as before... and stopping at a normal distance from objects rather than ending the bounce 2k+ away from the object I warped to...


    Single Gating seems OK, did about 20 gates, no crashes when solo.. :) That makes me VERY happy....


    Dual Gating in group mode... Still throws toon 1/2 across the sector unless I gate the "Followers" first then the leader...

  2. Cut the devs some slack please.  We don't have a rigourous test team like an established game shop does, and everything must be done in trial-and-errors, since we don't have the client source codes.  I am confident the SDevs will fix it!!!!



    For now I just gate my toons one at a time!



    I wish that worked for me, I am still unable to reliably undock/gate a single toon..:P  But I understand the Dev issues, being that nobody is getting paid I can wait until the next patch and just hope the tweak it such that I can play again.. :)

  3. Try puting your PC in DMZ, that means outside of routers protection and into the wild,  and see if there is any change to your sitiuation. I have noticed that routers sometimes have buggy components like port forwarding or firewaling even though you set the options correctly.

    When i did that i immediately saw a difference and went from there.

    Just don't leave it there even if it helps with your troubles.


    Putting my computer in line with my connection is not possible.  My connection point to the ISP IS a router, behind a NAT... A DMZ is a bit different in that it involves two routers and a firewall to build a DMZ.  Direct connect to the world is not possible and ill-advised to not even have a NAT in there.. I am bare to the world in every other way...  Also I am a in a house with not 1 but 7 devices that connect to the internet, so in I were to bridge my router and pull the IP directly to my PC I will not be able to use anything else in my house.... Not gonna happen...

  4. I am having similar problems.  If I am dual-client it is even worse... All of the following is AFTER I have reinstalled everything and rebooted my machine.  I have this problem on Two different computers, one with WIN7 and the other with WIN Vista.Here are the things I've tried with no effect on the problem:


    Enable "Prototype Reorder"

    Enable "Packet Optimization"

    Enable "Disable Mouse Lock"

    Enable "Delete TH6 Files"

    Disable "Local Cert"

    Disable "Debug Launch"

    Disable "Lock Port"


    This allows me to gate most of the time without a crash, however the second client seems to have trouble with this. Client #2 (Follower in a group gate) finds itself at "Safe Spot" after gate.  i.e. Gating into Saturn from Akeron's Gate client #1 (Leader) is OK, client #2 reports on gating screen "Gating From Jove's Fury (where I logged in from) and is not at the gate in Saturn but sitting at Net-7.


    Enable "Prototype Reorder"

    Disable "Packet Optimization"

    Enable "Disable Mouse Lock"

    Enable "Delete TH6 Files"

    Disable "Local Cert"

    Disable "Debug Launch"

    Disable "Lock Port"


    Game is sluggish with single client, CTD about normal when gating, once every 10 gates or so.... With a second client CTD 90% of the time now, one successful gate in 8 tries.


    Disable "Prototype Reorder"

    Enable "Packet Optimization"

    Enable "Disable Mouse Lock"

    Enable "Delete TH6 Files"

    Disable "Local Cert"

    Disable "Debug Launch"

    Disable "Lock Port"


    CTD Single and Dual logged is high,  Also "Rubber Banding" is horrible, when I warp and then stop my toon BOUNCES 2K from the gate then will "Rubber-band" 2K Past the gate, then back again... two or three bounces.  WTH?  JE doing Warp+Prospect used to mean I would stop cold at a roid @ about .5K, now I stop "Bouncing" + or - 1.5-2K from the roid....


    PLEASE revert to the previous Net-7 Launcher or help me find a solution, I know I am not the only one dealing with this now, even though people have been telling me it was my system or my ISP, if Efiltis is having issues as well then it is not isolated to me. 


    EDIT: If I select "Lock Port" I can't even login.

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