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Posts posted by Luciferish

  1. Thanks Liucee, thats very helpful!

    I second wanting a TE in every group. BI was kind enough to let my PP tag along on one of their Mordanna raids last week (my first). The first time around we had a TE in the group and it was easy to keep everyone healed up, but he had to leave after. The second time, lacking Rally was noticeable, everyone took a lot more damage and I had more trouble keeping up with it.

    Also, I like the idea of picking a day to do something every week. However, using the same day every week could exclude people. You might consider alternating days on a biweekly schedule. Also, choosing one weekday and one weekend-day might be nice too.

    I agree, only having one day is exclusive to some people, however we need to START this somewhere... get the players on board in general and once it is moving add more days.. The nice thing about triggered and Mordana raids is they can be done any time... So yes.. more days as soon as we have a group of peeps that are up to speed.  Anyone can lead these as long as there are some basic ground rules and guidelines it isn't that hard.. They nearly organize themselves.

  2. Suggested Lotto Protocol for Public raids:


    Lotto is the term for auctioning off the loot for a raid.  This allows everyone to have a chance to get the items they want from the raid in a fair way and gives people a reason for doing it...

    It is suggested that every player that participates gets the option to bid on ONE trade capable item and ONE NON trade item.  This allows people to get a good chance to come away with something for their effort.


    NON TRADE ITEMS get bid on first... During the raid and the last boss.

    TRADE CAPABLE ITEMS after that... This allows everyone to get the main goodies out of the way and go about their business if they are not interested in the little bits...

    COMPS/SAMPLES: I would consider this as a third category, allowing people who need them to bid exclusive of the other high value items.  Many guilds just distribute them among the raiders that needs them but in a public raid this may be more complex. 


    A very trusted and designated person should be doing this... It is a big place for problems.


    The looter should announce what items are on the corpse first.. Something like "Smiter's Fury, 110%" etc.. so everyone knows what the item is and what it's % is. 


    If the item is reserved they should then /loot add <player> for the player that has reserved the item and have it removed immediately. 


    Next it is offered for public lotto, this means DURING the raid, often these corpses have a 20-30 minute life span.. they need to be dealt with quickly...


    Looter: "Smiter's Fury 120%"

    Looter: ------------------- X UP


    X up is  used to quickly set an order for the /random command... simply put an X into the channel and press enter.  If you are bidding for an ALT you should specify your alt like this:


    Player 1: x

    Player 2: x for my TT <name>  (this is so the looter knows what name to loot-add)

    Player 3: x

    Player 4: x for my TE <name>


    Once the Xs stop coming.. then the looter confirms the count...


    Looter: I see 4

    Player ?: 4 confirmed


    Looter: /random 1 4 1

    Looter has generated a number between 1 and 4: 4 (The last number is the winner)

    For public raids I would suggest using the x x 1 version so everyone can see it...


    The looter should verify that the people bidding on the random were actual participants...


    If no one bids on the item then it should be openly offered to ALTs first.. then in Broadcast and "Spaced"  You pull the item out of the hulk, clear target and warp leaving the item in space. Then the looter may target the item and offer it on General or Market channel for first-come first serve.


    Trade capable items can be done after the raid... These are all of the items that were not reserved and can be traded... Always start with the most desired item first, this requires that the Looter is very familiar with the items and how high the demand is... For Example if there is a looted DG up for bids, that will be a hot item.. So you should consider lotto that first then move down to carapaces and then ammo comps and samples... Experience will dictate the order or suggestions from the raid leaders. 


    The ideal looter will not be bidding in a raid.. nor will they possess any non-trade items from that raid, because they will need to space them...


    In the event the looter is bidding it is best that someone that is NOT bidding run the /random command in order to remove any question as to validity.. There is a special character on a random that is not supported by the client, you should look for that character to ensure the random is valid.


    Bids where there are only two bidders should use the "High/Low" method... One of the bidders picks high or low then a /random 1 100 is run.. if above 50 it is higher.  A simple /random 1 2 can often result in disputes.


    Another note on Looters.....  Cloaking classes are very useful for this to avoid damage.. However any class can do it if they have the support of a JE with group cloak.  Also on Gate raids there is A LOT of ammo comps.. they are huge XP.. so a lower level TT/PP/JS can benefit greatly from looting one of these raids.  PRO TIP:  trade 1/2 stacks of bile comps at a time to maximize the XP.  If the lower level looter has a group cloak they can warp to corpses and stay out of agro... Having the JE attached also provides someone for the looter to trade off the comps and trash.

  3. Useful /slash/ commands for raids....



    /credit kill <player>  used to establish the looter.  This command must be used by each group leader once the group has been established.  If a member of the group disconnects, gates or is dropped/added to the group the command must be re-issued.


    /loot add <player> used by the designated looter to allow access to the corpse of a boss to loot a non-trade item.  Also can be used if the corpses of a raid are locked out to the looter.  When that happens the group leader should target every corpse and perform the command on each one.  This can be done quickly in most cases to allow the looter to get all the corpses before they destroy.


    /target <player> often used by healers and Jumpstarters in the massive and confusing groups.  This command is a bit buggy and the Devs need to look at this. Also there are hot keys within the client you can setup to do this.  F keys are often used.


    /assist <player>  Used to select the target that is being attacked by <player> and can be used as a hot key using the custom-hotkey method or typed in.  If you are in group with the person you are supporting you can also click the target icon on their name in the group listing to the left. This command also appears to be buggy.  It may or may not work reliably... Another thing Devs need to look at.


    /random X X X   This is used to do the lotto portion of the raid, to select who gets the loot.  Example >  /random 1 100  will put a random number from 1 to 100 in the BROADCAST channel for all to see it.  Group is /random 1 100 3, etc.  Whoever is doing the looting/lotto of a raid should be highly familiar with the command and the process of doing a lotto.  The big guilds often use a system to raffle the loot off... I'll make another post about that.


    /delag 100 This command reduces lag and load on the video card greatly.  It causes the client to ignore many unimportant data like ship details on other ships (color decals etc).  Also reducing your graphics sliders under OPTIONS to about 1/2 level is a good idea.. it looks like crap but you will have far less lag and problems.


    /trade <player> will open trade with the <player> designated.  When you are the looter and you are trying to give an item to someone quickly this is a life saver.

  4. TeamSpeak does help and people need to remember, you don't need a mic to participate... I know a lot of PC users don't have Microphones.. But you can listen to the group leaders in a raid and respond to their requests.  It is very helpful to quickly coordinate an attack or which mob to focus on. 


    It seems the biggest obstacle to public raids is a routine... Maybe we can designate a particular week day?  Say Wednesday evening?  Or Saturday Evening to public raid sessions?  This can allow more people to be prepared and ready to raid and online for it.


    • Mordana Raids (4) -> OL135-OL150 -> 1 Group to 1 group and a support group (JE/Looter/etc)
    • Tada-O gate (Triggered) -> OL150 -> 1 to 2 groups, 3 gets a little hard to manage.  Often a designated looter is good here too...
    • Fishbowl Raid (Triggered) -> OL150 -> 2 to 3 Groups and a looter is good here too....
    • Oni Raid (Triggered) -> OL135-OL150 -> 1 Group + a JE/TS looter.  Grav well makes it hard to warp around but a TS and JE are good candidates due to Gravwell/shear

    Triggered raids can be more complex to get going, as the trigger is often hard to make.  But any OL 150 TT/JS can build a Gate and Fishbowl trigger with some effort. Often it is customary that the person contributing the trigger is allowed to "Reserve" an item from the raid as payment for their trigger.  A trigger donation could be for one of the non-trade loot items or for trade items such as carapaces and equipment.  TT/JS and with a little effort PP can Trigger the gate raids.  Any class can trigger the fishbowl.  Oni raid requires L9 devices, so you'll need a Jenquai or PS/TS to trigger it.


    Mordana raids are a good fallback, many printable and useful manufactured items from from these raids.


    Oni Raid has a few nice items such as the ID matrix and EGO matrix for builders.


    The biggest thing with a looter is they need to be trustworthy and able to handle the non-trade v.s. trade items with care.  A lotto system,  used by many guilds, is good to make sure that participants can get a fair shot at the goodies. 


    Another major consideration is group construction.


    1 Group or Primary (Lead) group:

    • DPS 1 + Driver: PW to drive and tank, biggest SIG you can get and keep the agro.  Shield Sap to keep the agro away from the healers.
    • DPS 2: TE with Biorepression and Hacking maxed.  This is to keep bosses and groups of mobs under control. Ralley Skill MAXED to keep damage down.
    • Healer 1: TT to heal the PW, the primary job.  Direct heal is better often than a group heal to avoid massive agro on the TT
    • Healer 2/Battery JS/TT/PP as secondary healer to keep the primary healer alive and the rest of the group.  Direct/Group heals as needed. JS offers massive reactor buffs.
    • Summoner/Battery: JD for obvious reasons, and can serve as a backup battery toon.
    • Jumper/Battery: JE, TS or PS can serve as a Jumper, PS has DPS to offer, JE can jump and loot, TS can Jump and Hull Repair

    Second/Backup group can be similar but does not have to be as rigid, Often for Fishbowl you want a TE in every group but for the gate raid that is not necessary,


    The basic template for raid oriented toons is simple.  What does the toon offer a group? Max it out....


    To begin with I would suggest doing Mordana raids to get the group organization down and setup a protocol for how to run the raids.  They don't require triggers are very straight forward and offer some nice loot. Then move up to the Gate in Cooper and finally the Fishbowl.


    The big three raids (Timed) will take some more effort to coordinate because of the random nature of the timers involved.  It is hard for the guilds to assemble enough people for them when the timers appear and they have it down to a science.  I can't imagine trying to get that going public, but it could be done if the player base was prepared for it and ready.

    • Upvote 1
  5. The Jenquai Seeker is as formidable with beams as it needs to be, I see no reason why it should diverge from the focus of beam weapons which is augmented by the Combat Cloak skill and the available equipment already in game.  Jenquai Explorer, which is far more vulnerable to being one-shot killed than Seeker is has more of a reason for a ranged attack than any of the three Jenquai classes, however even explorer with the combination of cloaking and beams is formidable. 


    So unless Combat Cloak is modified to augment damage other than beams, no Jenquai would or should bother with any other damage type.


    This is of course my opinion, but I am sure if you think about this, no one who actually plays a Seeker would really consider a missile weapon over a beam, even if both of them were available to level nine.


    Seeker along with explorer are "worker toons" in that most of the people that have these classes to any significant level are using them for utility, not as a primary play class.  I have spent many hours solo on my Jenquai Seeker and enjoy the class very much. It plays well with the Jenquai mindset of "Fire and Cloak" why would we want to turn it into a Terran Trader with another hull style?

  6. My JS would love to have some new options for equipment.. They are very hard to get going and often get relegated to building reactors and not much else.  But I have found it to be a powerful group support class and is in need of some love from devs.  Since these classes (PP/TS/JS) were not in live they have an inherent gap in equipment of all levels, so please consider the low/mid levels as well for them.  It is very hard to develop one solo as a result of these discrepancies.

    • Upvote 1
  7. It seems to me that a /help command would be a good idea..


    /help - Generates a list of available topics

    /help groups - Group related / commands

    /help emotes - / emotes available

    /help commands - all / commands available that are not in other categories


    make others as needed...


    Then /help <command> to give syntax of each command.. you know, like there are in most text-based operating systems and utilities...



  8. I've noticed some issues near raids... When observing I can see a large hit to frame rate, but not really data-lag... /delag 100 and tuning down graphics on the in-game interface clears up most of that nicely... Sure it's not as cool to watch but it will cut back on much of the "lag" I keep hearing about.

  9. Having recently done the Oni Raid for the first time I can say that is an incredibly hard raid to activate with a very short experience and moderate rewards.  Great for a smallish guild and 100-150 level players in groups to perform... The creation of the trigger takes a great deal of effort v.s. the rewards it offers, but it can be done by one group of well setup players.


    As to the Fishmaster2000, I don't see anything wrong with a builder class being the only ones that can build it, but it would be nice if any class could ACTIVATE the raid... How many gate raids have been stopped cold because they couldn't find someone to drop the trigger? 

    • Upvote 1
  10. Unless someone has figured out how to extract data from the client, such as what jobs are displayed in the terminal, it would be very hard to macro a job terminal.  The random nature, duplication of jobs coming from the listing and other little bugs such as CTD when jobbing would prevent a macro from being very effective.  Multi-box players all hitting the same job terminal for the same jobs however could be a little hard to deal with, but I haven't seen many doing it with more than one or two toons.


    The major question that stands is are there ways to extract/inject data via the client.  To my knowledge the client was specifically designed to prevent this very early in it's development. Most of the macro methods I know about are input macros that control key and mouse input.  Rudimentary macros can be executed this way but could only be used for very simple tasks. 


    Get Data From Terminal

    Insert Data to client

    Toon Movement

    Docking, target selection and warping



    All of these things could be done with a key/mouse macro for a single client but more than one or two would be nearly impossible. Even with AC Macro it would be very unreliable.

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