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Everything posted by Jester

  1. Any word on a fix for this TYIA J
  2. Is there a download area within these new forums ?? I recall in the old forums there was an area when the members could post databases and documents, I had a recent drive crash and lost some of the documents I had so just wondering if there was one or was one planned. Thanks Jest
  3. If my memory serves right it was working perfectly at the start of ST3 but at some point about half way thro changed to an "auto retry mode".
  4. Is it possible to get the terminals not to keep auto retrying to analyse an item ?? Reason: lets say I have 3 identical lvl 9 items to print, the lvl 9 is made up from a lvl 8 item and a comp. If I dont manage to print the 100% item and it lowers quality to say 84% I would prefer to remove it from the terminal and try another of my remaining 2 100% item to get the print, once I get the print I can rip down the 84% item and have a shot at getting the lvl 8 item printed.
  5. Its understandable that the named mobs have skills that make it harder to kill them - however its unreasonable that once you kill one that the corpse and the loot disappears before the engine hacking skill wears off Please could the devs resolve this problem and either make the corpse from a named stay around longer - or the debuff shorten (is it reasonable that you should stay debuffed once it's dead ??? - doubtfull ) On a side note in live corpses from bosses stayed for a lot longer (30 mins if I recall) - I was on Pegasus and the server had a system whereby we auctioned loot from bosses during the raid and the raid leader was paid the credits by the highest bidder then released loot rights to the winner. The creds were then shared out amongst the participants, everyone came away with something either creds or loot.
  6. Thanks for your prompt reply Kyp, my main thoughts were to allow everyone access to the better loot without the KS drama that may happen when multiple guild events are planned for the same location at the same time. At least a planned event can be posted so that everyone can schedule their play time for either a guild event or an open event. Jest
  7. Voncorp had a great Fishbowl Raid tonight and after our 3 hours or so we cleared out to allow Alyseria's open raid free access. I think it would be a great idea for Guilds and Open Raid organisers to make use of the calendar to plan events in advance so that we can try not to overlap each other. It looks like Moderators only can add events so perhaps we could get a "Planned Raids" thread going so that the info can be transfered. Thoughts guys ??? Jester
  8. Auto Reg wasnt in LIVE at least not in LIVE from a year or so to sunset announce - please take it out of game - the devs seem to be slowly killing the playerbase with changes like this
  9. The method that worked for me was to do a fresh install of Net-7 then patch it with Marco's files found here :- My link Hope this helps
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