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Posts posted by Entity

  1. Ive tried updating my sig to show after making a guild change but on posts it still shows the old info. Any suggestions? Ive updated, tried deleting, etc to no avail it still shows the wrong guild any suggestions please? Some of my characters still remain in one guild which I intend to stick with and only have 2 sigs both on characters that switched guilds. Any suggestions? Everything is correct except for the guild info.

  2. For me I changed to a larger guild with more members so it seems like there are more online. I have seen the overall numbers pick up since the end of summer and from experience with other games summer is always a slow time in the online mmorpg world. Maybe others havent seen the change but for me just having more friends and people im familiar with has made the game more enjoyable. Now I do have some issues with packet drops (forced to use wireless) but thats another subject for another time. Im still amazed that a group of VOLUNTEERS resurrected an abandoned game and brought it back to life giving me a chance to try things I missed on Live.

  3. I strongly support something to help stop the accidental click on sort. Id prefer a confirmation but moving the button away from the close window X would work as well. I keep a lot of ores in the vault and I cant count how many times ive accidentally clicked on sort requiring mush time to reorganize the vault again. Can there be some kind of 'official' response to these suggestions regarding reasons it could or could not be implemented?

  4. Before changing to the lights on the snow covered trees for the holidays the page used a background that looked like a surface of an alien planet with ships blasting off into orbit. Now its reverted back to plain white. Is this change permanent? I usually keep the webpage open while playing to refer to various tools and looking up information and when not being used is almost a wallpaper in itself. The current plain white is a lot less interesting on the eyes. Is there a way to change the theme of the pages? The one I usually have open is the one showing the various characters with the skill levels and progress bars.

  5. Is there a way to change settings somewhere so that all threads are sorted with the newest posts first? Also it seems to take a long time for anything to display when reading the forums. I click on a topic or thread and it sometimes can take a minute or two before anything displays. I take it that the server is just slow but wonder if there is anything I can do to help speed the process along. Thx

  6. Im looking for the ini file that the chat font color settings are saved. What I would like to do is use the same settings for all characters without changing any settings. This way whenever a new character is created i simply copy the ini file from an old character to the new replacing all default settings. Could someone tell me where the file is located and an example file name please. Thanks

  7. Any savy types out there know a work around to our network cutting off ping replies? Before I would see some nodes not responding to pings but now I cant get past the 2nd.  A few weeks ago the switch was hit by lightning for the 2nd time and after replacement it no longer gives pong replies. Unfortunately I cannot request this be enabled.


    |                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
    |                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
    |                   -             0 |   11 |   11 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
    |                   No response from host -  100 |   11 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
       WinMTR - 0.8. Copyleft @2000-2002 Vasile Laurentiu Stanimir  ( stanimir@cr.nivis.com )

  8. Hmm Unfortunately I have to use wireless to connect no way around that. The patch a while back that fixed the group gate issue seemed to help with gating solo as well and things ran reasonably well. Now with this latest patch things are worse than ever, Gating takes a very long time and about 1 in 4 gates results in the galaxy map freeze. Also if i sit too long without moving or talking the server seems to ignore me. By that I can see conversations in chat but thats it, nobody in the stations or outside, cant gate or move and mobs appear frozen. When I log out and return I find myself on the other side of the sector or incapacitated in some random location. Unfortunately my setup dosent have the option to go into advanced settings to change the tcp/udp options. Ive tried turning packer reorder on and off and dosent seem to make any difference. With the patches it seems in my case to be one step forward then one step back.

  9. I dont know where some state that whenever they complain about something that they get a warning to shut up or they will be banned? Ive never seen anything close to this every contact Ive had with devs or GM's has been positive. They may not be able to grant every request gut have always been helpful and even offer reasons why a particular request might be denied. As far as the population dropping during the summer months this happens on a industry wide case ive seen it from the other side having worked for a major publisher/developer of online games with several big MMO's (which will remain nameless). The first summer this happened management panicked fearing a cut in profits and in a knee jerk reaction fired many employees with customer support taking the largest hits. That fall the numbers turned around and they ended up hiring more staff as the player base returned. People need to remember first off that N7 is a non profit corporation and that everyone volunteers time to make this game possible. Because of that it can take time to implement major changes because from content development, programming, and in game GM support its not like management can order staff to be online at specific times and life happens even for volunteers. Also changes need to be considered carefully looking at long term consequences so it can take time to implement changes. Since N7 does not have an advertising budget one way to increase the player base is to get the word out to everyone. I for one didnt hear about the emulator project until earlier this year and its been out for how many years? If you sometimes hang out in chat rooms or online forums occasionally put the word out that EnB is back and maybe they should give it a try. For those that play frequently be patient and come fall after the kids are back in school and you will see the online numbers climb.

    • Upvote 2
  10. Im sure this has been posted somewhere but for some reason search never seems to find anything im looking for. Where should the ping logs being collected using WinMTR be posted? Ive gone ahead and included one here and am intending to do at least one per day especially during megan hour to help document the lag for those working on the problem. I noticed some logs being posted in various places including the thread petition to change isp but would like to know the official repository for this information.


    Also what is the suggested size in bytes of the ping data its default is 64 but hear it should be set to 128?

  11. Latest Ping to Sunrise


    |                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
    |                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
    |                   -    0 |   41 |   41 |    0 |   51 |  188 |  125 |
    |  97-89-33-25.static.kgpt.tn.charter.com -    0 |   41 |   41 |    0 |   35 |  297 |   16 |
    |                    -    0 |   41 |   41 |    0 |   22 |  203 |   31 |
    |dtr01mnchtn-gbe-8-47.mnch.tn.charter.com -    0 |   41 |   41 |    0 |   28 |  563 |   16 |
    |dtr02mnchtn-tge-0-5-0-7.mnch.tn.charter.com -    0 |   40 |   40 |    0 |   13 |   32 |   16 |
    |crr02kgpttn-tge-0-3-0-2.kgpt.tn.charter.com -    0 |   40 |   40 |   15 |   21 |   47 |   15 |
    |crr12spbgsc-tge-0-2-0-3.spbg.sc.charter.com -    0 |   40 |   40 |   15 |   31 |  125 |   16 |
    |   bbr01spbgsc-bue-4.spbg.sc.charter.com -    0 |   40 |   40 |   15 |   32 |   94 |   32 |
    |   bbr01gnvlsc-bue-1.gnvl.sc.charter.com -    0 |   40 |   40 |   15 |   32 |   62 |   47 |
    |   bbr01ashbva-bue-1.ashb.va.charter.com -    0 |   40 |   40 |   31 |   60 |  203 |   47 |
    |   prr01ashbva-bue-3.ashb.va.charter.com -    0 |   40 |   40 |   31 |   51 |  125 |   47 |
    |           equinix.dc2.ash.oneandone.NET -    0 |   40 |   40 |   63 |  157 |  375 |   78 |
    |    te-1-2.bb-c.bry.dal.us.oneandone.net -    0 |   40 |   40 |   62 |  147 |  297 |  204 |
    |     te-4-4.bb-c.ms.mkc.us.oneandone.net -    0 |   40 |   40 |   78 |  171 |  516 |  140 |
    |     ae-10.bb-c.slr.lxa.us.oneandone.net -    0 |   40 |   40 |   78 |  155 |  328 |  203 |
    |  ae-10.gw-distp-a.slr.lxa.oneandone.net -    0 |   40 |   40 |   78 |  162 |  531 |   78 |
    |ae-1.gw-prtr-r4-1a.slr.lxa.oneandone.net -    0 |   40 |   40 |   78 |  147 |  485 |  110 |
    |         u15438806.onlinehome-server.com -    5 |   40 |   38 |   78 |  156 |  234 |  140 |
       WinMTR - 0.8. Copyleft @2000-2002 Vasile Laurentiu Stanimir  ( stanimir@cr.nivis.com )

  12. I cannot seem to log in any character on any account. I start the launcher as usual and get to the Megan login as usual. I input my login information and the loading screen comes up as usual then seems to hang for a bit. finally the launcher returns the message "Server failed to respond to sector login" and it exits to desktop. Does this for all 3 accounts every character. I tried making a new character as a test and received the same message. Is the server down or something on my end?

  13. Launcher still alternating between offline/online. The telling information is players online. When i first logged in was in the upper 60's now in the low 30's and still falling. Hard login fails with global server message.

  14. The link isnt always updated real time. Today (Sat Jun 15) having major lag and now getting Connection to global server failed. When checking online status its sometimes offline other times online but the players online has been dropping steadily.

  15. Ive always had a few problems with gating such as I call 'gating to nowhere' where id see a close up view of my ship in the map display and nothing else, or the client would never progress past the logging into server message but I could love with those. After the previous patch where the group gate bug was introduced however ive had many new problems primarily with group members disappearing from the group. The ships would remain visible in the map however their names would be blank in the group list and they would report that on their end it appeared they were online however they could not move, use weapons or buffs and basically were disconnected from the server requiring shutting down the client and logging back in. Since the latest patch the group gate bug has thankfully been fixed however we still experience dropped group members up to several times each hour. My main question is what change on the server side may be causing this (change in packet ordering)? and if this is another new bug or a permanent new setting. Unfortunately in the tech support thread the option changes to the network card settings under device management are not available (Win XP) and I must use wireless to access the internet.

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