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Posts posted by icqmatt2k

  1. Pls we dont want the americans knwoing more about red dwarf, they will try make another version, and the last one was bad enough :)

    lol..production starts today! muhaha. and I think the movie was bad enough. Series was great though! I miss it, right up there with Spaced. Love British TV:P

  2. I always thought it would be fun if fields respawn as if they were "growing". (Kinda like tiberium grows for any C&C fans out there;) A field that is constantly being emptied, would not only respawn slower, but gradual. Instead of 20 roids, it starts with 10, and then every few hours another one was added, then the fields that noone really mines would start gradually getting larger (within reason of course) and more popular, again, shifting mining locations and hopefully promoting more exploring.

    Also, going a step further (perhaps too far..haha)..i always thought it would be cool if SOME fields were special, and if they weren't touched in X ammount of time (2 days or something) then some of the roids started growing in level... a lvl 1 roid after 2 days might become a lvl 2, then a few days later a lvl 3. (I'd imagine there would be a level band.. 1 could get as high as 3, etc.

    Also going with that thought, if noone mined them in days, they could +1 in qty inside, so it if had 5 titanium ore, and noone mined it in 3 weeks, it could grow to 10-12 titanium, something like that.

    All things as a miner that would REALLY make my day! lol

    Then again, I also thought it would be fun to throw these thigns into trading and combat as well, I alwasy thought it would be fun if there was ONE random mob that had like 1,000,000 credits on them...could be a level 1, could be a level 50, who knows... but if you kill it..suprise.. kinda like a lottery for killing...

    again for trading, if there was a 1 in 1,000 chance that a trade good you sell had something special with it, (who knows, maybe the wrong thing was loaded into your cargo message pops up, and the vendor buys it for 5 times its value and experience.

    Ahh the things i dream up. :P (and yea i know this wasnt how it was at live, these are just ideas i have that i think would make it more fun:)

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  3. I play the game on my laptop which has an HDMI port I plugged it into my 52" Sanyo Plasma, I was wondering how the game would look like on a bigger screen, the resolution was a littel off, LOL it actually made me a little dizzy. Heres a picture.... laptop is the smaller screen the big screen is across the room

    lol..yea..got a hdmi video out from my comp to my 55" samsung series 6... tis very very nice;) enb perfection!

  4. Pax Swift Star in Sheppard is full of L20 Scuttlebugs and is a great spot for CL 18-22 PE's or any CL 18-22 for that matter.

    lol..where the heck is pax swift star? i have a mission to find it and cant! I find lvl 20 scuttle bugs..but can't find the pax swift star!

    For real low level, there are the RD's in saturn, the abandoned something or other (been a while since ive been there) good way to get some money too!!

  5. Almost as rare as getting miners to share where there (secret) favorite mining "holes" were, once they'd found them.


    lol.... Yea... we miners are greedy, arn't we. lol. Yes, there are some good spots, I've got some favorites that have no mobs around as well, I'd recommend flying all over, they are in some spots that you would never think of. I like the hunt, it's kind of exciting to find a new spot.

    Kinda makes me wish i wasn't working right now, so I can be mining! :P (I'm a mining addict...)


  6. I know exactly what feeling you are referring to ! I loved those hulks in live. And the ones popping a bully to pester you where quite the fun as well.

    Not even to mention al the sweet things I gained out of those things. Weren't they dropping Prototype stuff too ?

    I can't remember if there was proto stuff, but that would be awesome if they did;) And yea, that little adrenaline rush with pop rocks when you go from relaxing mining to combat..lol..or running as is my case most times..lol.

  7. LOL. That's rich. What are you 12?

    LOL Nintenduh.

    I'd like to counter this post by saying thanks to all our hard working dev's who VERY quickly got up through a pretty rough spot, and got us up and running as fast as possible. People, please remember they are doing this in their spare time..for free... so we can have fun! So again, thanks for keeping us going, and 99.9% of us are extremily happy for your ongoing support and dedication to this game which we all love! (the other .1% will fizzle out as we continue to grow) :)

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