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Posts posted by Narik

  1. Not sure where to post this, though I found an old list of items I kept while playing as a terran tradesman of things I could make and things that were not manufacturable. It included what was needed to make them and what the stats were at 100% or nothing at all. March 13, 2003 was the last update to it. I do not know if this is helpful at all as the database on net7 seems to list everything, but some of the numbers were different. Maybe it will help somehow.
  2. Thank you for posting that. I have been reading the forums and playing with the planner, though I missed the part about terrans having extra skill points on negotiate and that it reduces terminal prices. Also did not know classes were restricted from building others items. That really helps as we were struggling to understand what to pick to match what we want and not spending time on the wrong race only to end up frustrated having to restart.

    We will go terran trader and terran scout because of the no cloaking in formation, being able to build most everything, negotiate on both and max on terran trader.
  3. We want to explore everything, trying to build as many items as possible, and love to harvest things. Combat was more of a way to see what they drop, get the items to craft, and spice up the mining rather than combat for the sake of combat. In combat neither of us seem to have a preference yet and tried all 3 races upto about total level 20-30.

    To add; one of us mines while the other is usually in formation. Then we both engage any enemies together.
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