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Posts posted by Nightgaunt

  1. Hi everyone. I'm about to give the game a shot (tried about a year ago but had some real life distractions), and while I'm downloading everything I've been doodling with the skill planner. There's a section to assign bonus skill points, and it's been so long since I played the original release, I don't remember these. How do you get bonus points? I have some vague idea that getting to lvl 150 and continuing to earn experience from there gives skill points, but I have no idea where I picked up that notion or if it's correct.

    I also remember that Jenquai couldn't use or build Progen gear and vice versa. With the Build Components tradeskill, are there any components that are considered Jenquai or Progen tech?

    I appreciate any information, I'm very excited to get back into EnB after all these years.
  2. Hi everyone, I just found out about this project and am downloading all the stuff I need to get started as I type this. I have three quick questions that I haven't found as I read through the FAQs and forums:

    1. I see that you can make up to three accounts with your registration email. Is it possible to run multiple clients of EnB and have two accounts going at once? I'm mostly interested just to swap items between characters all on my own. I wasn't sure if it was possible/okay to do this.

    2. I read how to unlock the three missing classes. It's been a long time, but I remember EnB having class-specific quests that lead to things like hull upgrades. Are these enabled for the three missing classes?

    3. Provided I get everything working okay and can start playing, I'd like to make a donation. I see it goes through paypal, and I'm behind the times and don't have a paypal account. Do I need to make one before I can donate?

    That's all I wanted to know, hopefully I shall be playing my favorite mmo of all time shortly :(
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