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Posts posted by Marinka

  1. Thanks Zack, and you flew out to tell me.. What service!!!! It finally showed up after two logs. Sometimes I think it's my computer that wierds out sometimes :)

    Or... maybe it's just me LOL!

    Thanks again for your help, and fast service!
  2. good morning!

    I was just playing around with the account vault and decided to move some of my stuff to my new toons. It all transfered fine I thought. When I logged into my account and opened my vaults, nothing was in them. I went back to net 7 to see if my stuff was still there, and it was gone, said that there was nothing to transfer.

    So, my question is.... where did all the stuff go? I've logged in twice, and docked etc. and nothing is there. Is the account vault transfer (portal) not working right now?

    EDIT: Ok I just tried again, and it's working, only lost the original transfer stuff not showing, up. No worries, I know a nice TT that will rebuild if i need the stuff that I lost :)

    Thanks :)
  3. Well, it did work until I got booted, and then I couldn't log back in again, the map stuck. The little icon, said login, never did the stages (i watched it LOL) i finally did get back in by restarting computer, and running system mechanic (it came up with 1 reg error) fixed that then tried to get back in again, still stuck at map, so checked to see if there was an error log, nothing there.

    I went back into all the files to see if they changed from admin or winxp2 and they are all ok.

    So cleared dns, then went back in tried again, still stuck at map. exit out of little icon, restar net7 again, got into select toons, and figured i'd rotate tunes, then hit back to megan, then rotate toons again, and then select toon, lol.. wew

    well i'm back in LOL, I don't know what is changing or hanging. Can't figure it out. So as long as the "happy" dance works I won't be too upset hehe.

    thanks so much for helping, I have the other two laptops up and running, but told them don't go to desk top right now, go play :)
  4. LaunchNet7 - Exception
    Time: Mon, 05 Mar 2012 02:41:13 GMT
    Message: Could not launch client.
    System.ApplicationException: Could not create backup of "rg_regdata.ini" file. Details: Access to the path 'C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Earth & Beyond\Data\client\ini\rg_regdata.ini.orig' is denied. ---> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Earth & Beyond\Data\client\ini\rg_regdata.ini.orig' is denied.
    at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
    at System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite)
    at LaunchNet7.Launcher.PatchRegDataFile()
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at LaunchNet7.Launcher.PatchRegDataFile()
    at LaunchNet7.Launcher.Launch()
    at LaunchNet7.FormMain.DoLaunch(LaunchSetting setting)

    Thanks guys, I've been working on this like I said for two days, Config is set right, Now I kept looking at little box, and it actually loaded this morning. we'll see if it fixed itself. I'm going to paste the log here that came up, it was a reg error. but I think this was from the first try at installing. Since the time stamp is so early and when I finished the 2nd install it would have been around 8pm pac time. I'm going to play around in game for a few, and if all goes well, will try and get my daughters win7 puter up and running so she can play too :)
    Thanks again :) Marinka
  5. Hi all, I have been in these forums since yesterday trying to get my win7/64bit system working, worked great on xp.

    did fresh install, with all the admin rights etc, admin set before install. patches work great, game loads, megan is friendly as always, and she hasn't aged in 10 years (wish I could say that about me :P)

    I can see my toons, select, then it goes to the beautiful purple map page, and gets stuck. I window out and it sez that its not responding.

    I have tried all the different config sizes, and window mode etc. I have my virus software, ok'n net7, (virus software same stuff i've been using for years even when i played back in 02-04.

    Have tried going from wireless to cable.

    All the .exe files are set for admin, and win xp 2.

    Anything that I missed, we would really like to play again, last time we played was on our old systems.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated
    Marinka---Orion server :)
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