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Posts posted by bitstorm

  1. [quote name='Mattsacre' timestamp='1313515983' post='44799']
    I'll take the cybernetic implant please. I can then play EnB 24/7 in my head no matter were I am/go :)

    Do we have client support for that yet? NO? Oh man...get on that right away please :P

    Well heading home and back at 40000 feet again lol gotta love gogo internet :P its the only way to fly.


    Epic Gamers Guild
  2. [quote name='alurra' timestamp='1313174117' post='44654']
    Since I didn't get any help on this situation, let me tell you what the cause was. It was a function of having my smart phone on the USB jack and sharing the internet connection with it. As soon as I stopped connection sharing with my phone, I was able to log back in. Interesting 'problem' to look into I would think ....

    i have same issue
  3. [quote name='Bitstorm' timestamp='1313063002' post='44591']
    howdy all, i'm cruising on my air tran flight at 40,000 feet.

    just wanted to give a shout out to you all.


    Epic Gamers Guild

    The only down side to flying at 40k feet and having internet access is that i can't play earth and beyond.

    I also can't play it when tethered to my cell phone. I am able to log in but the moment i get to the character select screen the game crashes to desktop. I can play on normal wi-fi any day of the week but not when tethered. its rather inconvenient as I am always on the go.

    Can the Dev's look into this? The avg ping time on a cell phone is over 400ms that could be the cause.


    Epic Gamers Guild
  4. [quote name='Kyp' timestamp='1312922666' post='44534']
    Recent searches have shown us that EA cancelled their trademark on this game. The only thing still in effect would be the For hire Copyright on the material. (95 years from date of publication)

    With that said, revenue generation is something we intend to stay away from where possible, and Bit, I believe you approached me in a PM about that. Give me a way to reach your contact and we'll find out.


    Yes i had forgotten about that lol. The 'friend' said that it would be best to do a general inquiry from an out side party that has nothing to do with 'this' to inquire about obtaining the IP.. (intellectual property) and then go from there.

    I will get the appropriate info soon.

  5. [quote name='Ramses' timestamp='1312917544' post='44529']
    Out of curiosity, what makes you think they would give up the rights for something they have invested lots of money in for pocketchange?

    They didn't actually 'invest' anything. They bought out westwood studios in order to get the 'game engine' in order to create sims online. They promptly shut the EnB servers down 6 months after the final closure of the main studio occured.

    EA doesn't care about EnB. I know a couple of 'friends' (i use that term loosely) that work at EA sports and they know about this and don't care about it. This has been taken notice by EA and they haven't done anything to shut it down. Most game companies would send cease and desist orders if they got wind of this time of reverse engineering of their code. Which they haven't.

    That said, i think they would be very agreeable to 'rid' of the IP (intellectual property) in order to get the EA name back out there again for games like this. EA may even want to stay on as consulting partners etc.

    Its something that would need to be addressed legally through a lawyer etc as a general query to EA.

  6. [quote name='C Del' timestamp='1312902072' post='44522']
    I sure do like the idea of Progen tacos, bet they'd be nice and spicy. The problem with in-game ads is twofold: First, we already modify the EnB client, which EA owns the rights to, but doing so to add adverts and generate revenue would be a pretty blatant use of EA's intellectual property for gain. Second, I don't think we could get advertisers. Real MMO companies hire teams of lawyers to help them broker those ad deals, and the usual small-time advertiser, the mighty and powerful Google, dropped us like a hot rock after they saw what we do. :D

    Should approach EA and just ask them if they would name a price on the EA intellectual rights. They don't want to use it and its getting close to the 10 year mark of being considered abandon ware.. If they want to make a bit of coin then all we have to do is ask them to let us pay royalties to them for full usage and rights to use the Int rights.

  7. [quote name='Hypnos' timestamp='1312868844' post='44502']
    Ya........me too

    *waves at Tsu*

    Heads up, just noticed this when having issues transitioning from station to space. Check task manager and if you have several net7proxy.exe's running then it would be best if you killed those processes and the client.exe and then reloaded. If you force close the client.exe it will not close the net7proxy.exe as well and having multiple instances of that open could cause you to have transitioning problems.

    Just a thought

  8. [quote name='Matsu' timestamp='1312860320' post='44483']
    In live you could refer friends and get skill points. A reward of skill points for a donation may not be a bad incentive, maybe like 1 skill point per 5 dollars donated on a toon of your choosing, just a thought.

    Its a nice pipe dream but if we break the EULA by 'charging' for goods in the game then EA will shut this down faster than we can say 'wait'.
  9. It would be probably be best to have the cluster completely restarted and have the DNS and TCP/IP stack rebuild it self on the restart. I realize that the websites are probably being hosted on the same server cluster/blade.

    But it would probably be for the best to alleviate any oddities.

  10. [quote name='Mimir' timestamp='1312845242' post='44407']
    I thought the same thing, it would be very silly as IPs are known and very easy to compare.
    For instance, in the UK (where I am writing from today), anti-DDoS laws have been in place since 2006 and could result in you being sent to jail for up to ten years. Similar laws have also been present in Sweden since 2007.

    It's the same story in the USA, where they take a tough line on those who engage in denial-of-service attacks against websites. For instance, last year saw the jailing of a man who launched a [url="http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2009/11/20/scientology-website-attacker-jail/"][color="#2571c2"]DDoS attack against the Scientology website[/color][/url].
    And the servers are in Germany and from what I have read they DO follow up on them.

    Its not a DDoS attack. the ping time response is too low.

    I'm only posting the last few hops because of my internal work security is confidential

    8 amsix.bb-c.nkf.ams.nl.oneandone.net ( 107.924 ms 108.187 ms 108.189 ms
    9 te-4-1.bb-c.act.fra.de.oneandone.net ( 132.251 ms 130.881 ms te-1-2.bb-c.the.lon.gb.oneandone.net ( 121.191 ms
    10 te-1-3.bb-c.tp.kae.de.oneandone.net ( 133.368 ms te-1-3.bb-c.bap.rhr.de.oneandone.net ( 124.835 ms te-1-3.bb-c.tp.kae.de.oneandone.net ( 133.424 ms
    11 ae-10.gw-distp-a.bad.oneandone.net ( 140.292 ms 139.397 ms 139.914 ms
    12 ae-1.gw-prtr-r211-a.bad.oneandone.net ( 134.573 ms 134.106 ms 140.028 ms
    13 sunrise.net-7.org ( 140.025 ms 139.879 ms 134.317 ms

    if it was a DDoS attack the ping times would either be 800 + ms or *'s

  11. [quote name='Tienbau' timestamp='1312844192' post='44397']
    either something is wrong with the server provider's connection or we're being DDoS'd. Server seems fine for about 5 mins after restart, then the server log message go haywire and no-one can log in.

    I would suspect DDoS because of how the messages are suddenly going crazy with the same few IP addr's spamming the log in system.

    Tien Turn off ICMP and contact 1and1 let them know your being ddosd..

    They will turn off ICMP to your cluster in their firewall router.

  12. All,

    If there is a major issue jump on Teamspeak and talk to someone there. They can take care of the server. Also just a thought, but try reinstalling the game and reupdating. I know there was an error for me on the Net7 patcher yesterday which i chose to ignore. And it worked fine, however in light of the error i believe that the patch didn't apply completely and is now causing the trouble of connecting.

    Just a suggestion.

    Also I'm not a forum mod but this is a sticky post meant for updates on the server status, lets keep it relivent to the issue at hand.

  13. [quote name='Cerberus738' timestamp='1312743132' post='44170']
    I just had something similar happen in New Edinburgh. went and got my level 100 hull upgrade. was talking to the shipyard to get my upgrade and the Chavez hanging around started attacking. finished talking, got my upgrade and then attacked and killed a chavez. there were 3 attacking and when i killed the 1, all 3 disappeared. i decided to warp back to somerled station but when i pressed warp all of sudden i was teleported to 0, 0, 0 and started warping from there.

    That sounds really odd, if you warp back to the ship yard and kill one of the chavez, will it happen again?
  14. [quote name='rolo' timestamp='1312801527' post='44267']
    TB is in UK atm so on UK time. Will check server now and see if I can fix.

    Sorry guys, this is one for TB. Hopefully he can pick it up soon.


    Please remember that this server is in Alpha stage testing. If something broke this morning it was probably due to a glitch in last nights patch and it finally just couldn't take the errors anymore.

    Kyp would know more.

  15. [quote name='Kyp' timestamp='1312584061' post='44117']
    Sounds pretty good to me, but alas I do not directly hire/bring aboard Beta. Visit teamspeak and talk with Arthurdent, he is the beta team director. That's gonna be your best bet, be patient and he'll get back to ya. However, if you can go ahead and tell me how to duplicate it, I will likely be able to find the source fairly quickly.


    Step 1,be at level 0

    Step 2 have the mission to kill the garbage bots at either of the basic combat nav points

    Step 3 goto Basic Shooting range Bravo

    Step 4 kill the level 1 bots

    Kill 2 bots then when targeting the 3rd you get whisked away to that unknown nav point. Also note that each time this occurred I was on top of the Nav beacon at the bravo point.

  16. [quote name='Kyp' timestamp='1312580880' post='44112']
    Interesting, I'll get one of my folks to go muck about and see if they can duplicate it when they have time.

    Hey Kyp,

    Wouldn't mind being a beta tester/ bug hunter. Was one for EnB before westwood released it anyway and also beta's renegade and C&C Red Alert :) loved Westwood. I wish they hadn't gotten bought out because I was wanting to work for them back when i was just getting into college.

    Also to the bug above, yea i replicated that about 4 times before i had to leave for work.

  17. Was trying to squeeze a few minutes of EnB in before work and playing my TE and i was in combat and kept getting 'teleported' to an unknown beacon at essentially 0 0 0 on the XYZ line

    there is a gate, planet, space station and a whole bunch of other do dads there.

    Here's a screen shot[attachment=979:wtf unknown.jpg]
  18. [quote name='cappy' timestamp='1312448742' post='44034']
    I see what you are saying. I'm certainly not saying there aren't plusses and minuses for each, but my friend runs two or three servers, and hardware issues are pretty rare for him, and he usually has things repaired pretty quick if they do break, since they run out of his house. He is also a certified administrator so software issues are also dealt with as soon as he knows about it. He makes money on the servers, so he can't have them down for long periods. So the server would have to find a good home, I'll give you that, but there seems to be some pretty computer savvy people involved with this project.

    It just seemed to me to be a better option that having to come short for rent. Maybe this won't be an issue, but I wanted to throw the idea out there to see what people thought of it.

    I work for XO Communications in the USA, and i can tell you that renting a dedicated server is by far better as far as support goes than hosting your own. Your not going to be able to get all the back up equipment and what not you need to keep it running, not to mention your not going to have a 20 Gbit fiber ring in your premises.

    I could probably host a server here at my house as i have an insane connection to the net, but there won't be reliability because i don't have any guarantee on the connection and it does go down.

    That said, i am with the guys here, renting is best option over all.

    Also TB what exactly happened to the server in the coding?

    Get technical (i can handle it) ;)

  19. [quote name='Smallyoda' timestamp='1312423471' post='43978']
    I am also a Sys Admin. I live in Cairns, Queensland, Australia and game run fine from here aswell.

    I wonder how many of the current players are IT guys and girls ?

    Well I work for a telecom in the USA as a network analyst. I simply did a traceroute on the sunrise.net-7.org (btw should turn ICMP traffic off admin's) and was able to find the location of the server.

    Quite a few people that play on here are network people in general or have background in the computer industry.

    Btw is the game server it self down?
  20. [quote name='Overtkill' timestamp='1312421956' post='43975']
    I was thinking the same thing. Being a Systems Admin, I am curious to know more as to where the server is located (hosted), and what its specs are... It seems to run pretty decently from here in Utah.

    The server we are on is an AMD Phenom II X6 with 16 gigs of DDR3 ram. after that for spec's i am not sure. I read here in the forums that this is the specs that we are currently running on. I believe the server before was a dual quad server but they went this option as it was a lot cheaper.

    Here is the server spec's straight from the sources.

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