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Posts posted by WildstarAOS

  1. [quote name='Galileo' timestamp='1312238610' post='43871']
    I cant help but to notice a sense of complacency lately here and ingame from most. Ideas from folks are usually good and would probably go well in the "Bigger" picture of things. The only reason I am responding to this is because of someone starting their post with "Why". Just in my opinion, I dont think its our place to ask why, but to try and help out with what the Dev team has available to work with. For EnB to become stale at its present incarnation to anybody seems to be jumping the gun. Remember how excited we were when we got our first stress test email invite? I logged into Saturn, Im sure it was, and I was jumping for joy ... even though my ship could'nt even fly yet.

    Ditto. I for one am very very appreciative of what we have gotten so far. Outstanding work.
  2. [quote name='toonsterpw' timestamp='1309269898' post='42716']
    I would like to apply for the position. I have played e&b from day one and am a fast typer. My ingame name is Sneakypw. I like helping other players and lots of time to be online to help out in anyway I can.

    Good luck Sneaky. I see you helping on chat constantly and your name is instantly recognizable to me. I just recently join the Emulator and was shocked how much I have already forgotten. The community has been very helpful and Sneaky is amongst the most helpfull.
  3. [quote name='Haalem' timestamp='1309431161' post='42798']
    I definitely found my way back home. I have literally stopped playing all my other games for this one.
    WoW, RIFT and many others just sit on my hard drive.

    Thank You Devs

    Wow nice job. Just got started back yesterday and all the great memories came flooding back. I know it was discussed for years but to actually see it done and playing again is amazing. Nice job all. E+B was my first MMORPG and The Star Rangers my first guild. Nearly 10 years later I'm still playing MMORPGs and the guild is still going as "The Alliance of Steel". E&B is where it all started. It's nice to be home again.
  4. [quote name='Terrell' timestamp='1302669467' post='38992']
    Could someone please list the various privledges for a guild, that are rank based, and the minimum rank for each?

    TERRELL!!!! My old bud. You have got to be one of the biggest ENB supporters out there. Your the reason I sought out the Emulator. If you ever need to find me it's all in my sig.
    • Upvote 1
  5. [quote name='Ryle' timestamp='1309083454' post='42624']
    Maybe for me this is unique amongst us, maybe it isnt. But i am gonna share this anyway.
    As I am sure some have heard, SWG (star wars galaxies) has entered its sunset effective like 2 days ago.

    I never thought I would have to go through this all over again, and here is the bitter twist...

    The game the publisher (LucasArts) wants us all to go to, and cancelled SWG for, is SWTOR, the new star wars MMO due out within the next 6-12 months.

    How is that ironic?

    TOR is developed by Bioware, who is now owned by EA!!!!!!!!!!!

    When the last members of Omega Corps realized the sunset was happening, we all moved to star wars galaxies to start over. SOE/LA wouldnt do to us what EA had, this company has a good rep, blah blah... that was in 2003/early 2004 (OC split in half a couple months before the sunset was actually announced, so I know some of us were already there when I joined SWG in late 2003)...

    I am the only one that I think stayed the whole time. The others have all moved on as far as I know...

    But this is just bitter... the game I went to to replace EnB in my gaming life... is now sunsetting and sending me right back to EA.

    How can this happen, you know?

    The timing is interesting since SWTOR should be launching near that time as the rumors go.
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