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Posts posted by JBaz

  1. ^so fun of win? lol

    Personally, I don't mind the mindless banter in NP chat from time to time, specially when no one is talking on any channels 4 in the morning. But I do agree it does get out of hand on a few occasions and had to turn off NP. Even through some heated discussion, if people still ask for help, I still find more than enough people including me who pause and help.

    Also, Market place seems to get pretty "interesting".
  2. http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/americas/07/16/venezuela.chavez/index.html?hpt=hp_t2

    First thought that came to mind when reading the news ticker on cnn was "Do I need to farm more Chavez's to increase my RD faction points on my alts?". Heh.
  3. Since we are on this topic, can you increase the vault size by... I donno, 5x so we don't have to create vault alts? ^_^

    And could we increase the trade unit amount from 6 to something higher?

    Maybe add some freeze dried icecream drops?
  4. I just wished there was more exposure of megan in game. :crycry:

    its just so much more addicting than live was since you just want to lvl up your toons at the same time as your main char... and then you keep adding more toons and more toons and then... more toons!

    You think you'd stop after your 5th toon, but then you go... oh no... I should have this toon instead so I can have this skill... at 135.
  5. donated what I can today. Once I get a steady supply of income, I'd be more inclined to donate to you guys. Keep up the good work!

    I'll try to see if I can get some of my mmo clan mates to join EnB and maybe get them to donate as well. I know my other friend would be shocked to see this alive as I was... once he gets back from his tour of duty.
  6. yes, best login screen. Wow has nothing on a hot chick who greets you like a loyal puppy dog. So far been playing for about a few hours and everyone is very helpful, even did a few group runs which amazed me since its sparely populated. In general, how many people are on here? give or take.
  7. I just happen to stumble upon your awesome little community as a high school friend and I reminisce the good ole days of gaming of a decade or two ago. We've both played our share of RTS, FPS and even MMO's including EnB and both of us agreed that EnB was the most interesting, innovative and fun out of the bunch, not to forget memorable as we've been westwood junkies since the firm started.

    Anyhow, I was just googling some images and found your site and you can image the amount of shock I had that you guys actually figured out a way to bring EnB back to life so I can show some of my other friends what they missed almost a decade earlier. I always said that EnB was way ahead of it's time and it was a damn shame it was cut short.

    I guess I'll see you guys online as I try to get my bearings back again.
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