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Posts posted by Erzengal

  1. Most corps were 10-50 people at the time, so when CLS was made and quickly jumped to 300+, it kinda made a scene. 


    I just love that the first merc group that was sent after us ended up teaching a lot how to pvp and later on many of them joined us. 

    Our ability to camp forever and mine like crazy from EnB allowed us to develop the fey area. 

    Was good fun til Goonswarm joined enmasse even more so than us and changed the way the game was played. 

  2. On 2/8/2024 at 8:11 AM, Huron said:

    I'm often nostalgic thinking back on those days many years ago, geez what is it, 22 years now?

    I was devastated when the game shut down. And since I've always hated PVP, the move to Eve was painful.

    Although it was also fun to run those massive high sec mining ops with sooo many of us.

    I am still training some skills on one of my Eve accounts, but I hardly ever login anymore.


    Should probably go back to leveling my PW here on the emulator at some point, but too many games I like atm and so little time xD


    Great to see you all here btw!

    EVE required too much time to do anything. It's fun when you're younger and don't have to work. I gave my account to Cyvok when I left many many years ago. I tried playing again a few years ago and got insta ganked in a 1.0 by two suicide frigates, and was like, yup, nothing changed here, and left. 


    Might try this again, been a while. 

  3. I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. I like many went to SWG during the later part of ENB. It was a great game that had tons of potential, and sadly was just wasted. Jedi should never have been player characters in that game.

    SOE looks to be restructuring, but they are still going to be alive and well. They are currently working on both EQ Next, and Planetside Next. Both of which Smedley has commented that while delayed, they are still alive.

    They will likely keep their other games in "maintenance mode" as they've had several for a while as long as they can.
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