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Posts posted by Ryjel

  1. I also had a weird thing happen to me yesterday, docked my JD at Mercury Station (GO) and was teleported to ...somewhere (background looked like Carp, but had no nav points and when I tried to warp I remained stationary like I was stuck in my own little space bubble. Simple relog fixed the problem, so I assumed it was my computer messing up (hence the delay in reporting it) but now I'm not sure.
  2. this game was built with the idea of people working together, yes, it WOULD be easier if the explorer classes were able to build components, but the original developers in their wisdom (and that's not being sarcastic) decided that trader classes, and ONLY trader classes, would build components. T-bot, just think of all the trade xp you can potentially get for trading all your ores and refined ores to a trader!

    Also, while I've got trade xp on the brain... trade your raw ores to a player you trust (or second account), trade them back, refine, and trade again for more xp. You get more xp for trading to a player than to a vendor.
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