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Posts posted by Telpahak

  1. Personally, hate grouping.

    I dislike waiting for anyone else before I can get to play. I don't always have alot of time, and I don't want to waste it with the "Lets go here! No, I don't like it there, lets go here!" battles in most groups. Lets not forget those who will get in a group, form up, then go afk for 20 minutes, soaking up exp for no contribution.

    I like the fact I can log in, go somewhere and hunt/job/explore at my leisure. Leave the jobs as is, and give the grouping folks a bonus, if necessary. Currently, the only groups I've seen are single player/multiple toons leveling them together, or using them as canaries to get explore exp. Either way, I don't think it will increase the amount of grouping.
  2. [quote name='Hickory' timestamp='1306855385' post='41461']
    Well bud you think what ever you want. You seem to have no problems saying offensive things when you feel like and also your mind didnt grasp the point I was trying to help the Dev's not attack them. I got a little secret for you, you do not own this game! Lets see how far this projects gets when there is no donations. I am not your enemy here so dont attack me for saying things.

    Fact is we are losing more members then we are gaining.

    To an extent, I can agree.

    No, the devs don't own the game. However, they are trying to bring back a game that we all know and love. Also, we are losing members. I have documented how many I see on when I log in, and it is slowly decreasing (aprx 2 months and down from avg 230 to avg 160), though, my figures are unscientific, just observations.

    A LARGE propensity of the posts here are based on emotional responses to the disposition of the SS8, first and foremost being Pmster's rant about not having the print. (IMNHO - a rather childish response. No, I don't have the print either).

    Egos and emotions aside, this being a stress test, I don't see it as a problem. There will be a player wipe before the next phase, the issue will be fixed, and no one will have the print until the proper steps have been taken to get it. Granted, if the devs want to remove it, they are rebuilding the game, it is their choice, but, they are building it for the folks who play, so as Lannister has advocated (his job in all this) the players want it, please include this in your decision. There may soon be less players than what the donations can cover, and the game will falter. Who would leave if it was left in? Who would leave if it wasn't?

    Devs, thanks for bringing back a game we all missed. Thanks for being patient. Please boil down the emotions in these posts and take them for their basic intent. If you get fired up, wait a few to respond and come back logically. Players, do the same thing. Ranting will garner a negative response to what you are truly after.

  3. [quote name='Nabu' timestamp='1303602556' post='39676']
    Hi Guys!

    Been a very long time. Nice to see you again :(

    Not playing much lately. Been on/off WoW and EVE. Quit EVE after losing my Raven worth 2+ bill to a backstabbing corp mate. Not much fun playing after that :(


    Very cool. Glad to see another of us crazy people here!

    Let's keep'em coming guys! I know Semmes is in game too, He's Haasen** (Haasenlieten and a few others) I wish we could find Noclaf, Ciinn and Grizzlybear.
  4. [quote name='mounas' timestamp='1302454693' post='38723']
    Earth and Beyond has always been a different sort of game. It appeals to a microcosm of humanity that seems to thrive on compassion and generosity. Perhaps we will some day get to the point where, like in China, we will auction off human organs of those paying for their own bulletstothehead crimes made far worse due to an executionoriented drive for organsforsale which Americans and others in the world paid to join that exclusive club, but I will not be one of them.

    Earth and Beyond brings together some of the best of us. And when we yield to the desire for pure profit, we will have lost what we are....

    Yup. Money is what's wrong with nearly everything in the world today. What's wrong with doing your best to help everyone advance in the game as quickly as possible? Why not play for fun's sake rather than making it like work? I get enough of that crap IRL. In Live, I always built for free with parts. If I had to get them, I only charged to break even. Sometimes, it was more convenient for me to pick them up while the other guy was OTW.

    150 TT/JE in Live, with more recipes than I can even remember.
  5. [quote name='mounas' timestamp='1302628317' post='38898']
    You call this a stress test and it is. I signed up to play the Earth & Beyond I knew so well. I built up skills in LIVE. One of them that carried forward was the ability to dance while I mined. Now I know this does not mean a lot to most of you, and that is okay. But I am now afflicted with Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, and dexterity is definitely a problem for me. You call dexterity a skill, and I can assure you it is not. I am losing mine. And I do love mining. Please consider giving us back the ability to dance in the clouds. I miss it very much.


    Do you mean hit the emotes and spin/roll/loop/dive the ship?
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