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Posts posted by smplguy

  1. They do start with different levels of faction towards different classes as guessed, but the answer to the initial question is:

    TE starts with -4000, or at least so it appears in our faction matrix.

    Personally I'd love it if it actually started at 4000 ... mine was over 7k as well. I've worked on my RD faction several times but it kept resetting back up each time. It got disheartening so I stopped trying. I have never shot at or near a RD ever.

    Recently I heard faction was staying so I finally started working on it again and have gotten it around the 6500 k area, but geez it seems like its going to be a long haul.

  2. Its times like these that make me recognize my addiction.

    While I wait patiently for the Team to run their tests, and do their debugging (or whatever it is smarter people than me do) I sit in my chair, fingers on my keyboard, hand on my mouse, my eyes closed ... 'practising'.

    I'm thinking I should be scared by how well I can fly the EnB universe by memory.

    Keep up the good work guys.

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