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Posts posted by Aerospace

  1. The way the game displays the various hull pieces can be modified client-side, allowing you to display old hull pieces. However, this means no-one else can see it, only you...and it would apply to every other player with the same hull/wing/profession pieces as you.

    Though I am not sure if I am allowed to share the details here. >.>

  2. While the samples look great, I have to say I'm personally not a fan of using the 3d rendering approach to things like cargo icons. In the .mix files, items contained in your cargo are basically 2d icons (as well as, say, buffs)...which gives us tons of room to implement more stylized icons to represent their respective items, with a little more personality than a flattened 3d rendering can offer.

    I think I take this position because after EnB's sunset, I moved to WoW...and I have to say that whoever does WoW's icons does it brilliantly. So many of them are a pleasure to look at, and contain an enormous amount of personality, depth, and detail for such a tiny little square of art (even if the art for wow is a little too "bright" compared to what EnB should be).

    The 2d painting method of creating distinct visual items just seems to have more personality to me, and *I* find that it's a much greater pleasure to look at than a cargo full of items that are trying so hard to look realistic.

    That said, there is certainly room for both worlds in the game here, and while most in-game models are "passable", they could definitely use some love in the poly-count department. In terms of 2d, buff icons and cargo icons have tons of room for work...the resolution on certain textures for sure (as someone mentioned, some suns look like they took a little 64x64 px image and enlarged it to the point that its blockiness could poke an eye out), maybe some enterprising soul would even want to tackle things like skyboxes and planet textures.

  3. so people's problems with mining are

    1. too many ores in fields leads to full cargo holds

    2. slow respawn timer after clearing roids fields

    3. roid field having to be cleared before roids respawn

    4. too low explore exp

    is that it?

    Sounds pretty accurate to me. Oh and what Jarod said...for example, a few days ago, I flew by a level 1 ore field with a level 30ish guardian (seriously!).

    PS: I think Tyran's beams idea needs to be implemented. RIGHT NOW.

  4. 1. Mining. Mining in general, mining in every way. Too many varieties of ore per field, awful respawn rate, mobs of a level inappropriate for the field, abysmal exp (fixing the spawn rate would probably fix the exp issue mostly).

    2. Buffs in general. Disappearing or falling off after every gate, having to rebuff at every gate, randomly not seeing group bonuses (even though they're there).

    3. Group frame bugs, especially after crashing and coming back in, the crashed person can't see the group frame until someone else leaves. Sometimes, player frame locations get jumbled up - for example, clicking on group member #1 would actually target group member #2, and vice versa. The hull status bar is particularly bad at updating - incapacitated group members will actually show full hull, I have to target them to find out if they're actually incapped or not.

    4. Ammo stacking behavior and equipment swapping. You used to be able to swap items in warp UNLESS it was your engine you changed (which would pull you out of warp immediately). Moving stacks of ammo around from guns to inventory, inventory to guns, guns to other guns, sometimes ignores the quantity you actually select, and just moves the whole thing. Annoying when I'm trying to balance stacks of ammo. Annoying when I'm throwing in travel gear and the formation leader takes off before you've even finished. Equipping a roadrunner device while in warp used to retroactively increase your warp speed.

    5. AUTOFIRE. Gets stuck, then unstucks, sometimes one gets stuck on autofire but isn't actually firing, etcetc...

    6. (I know you said 5) MINING. And not just JEs! Us non-jenquai explorers love our downtime just as much as they do!

  5. From my experience so far, EL from mining is absolutely pitiful right now, and way lower than in live. Mining groups used to be plentiful in areas like Glenn and Arduinne Planet, and the field respawn rates used to be able to accommodate -multiple- full mining groups. So I'm glad to hear that the respawn time is a bug, but no explorer really mines for the experience now anyways, given how pathetic it is. In live, I remember taking my PE from her lowly mid-60s up past 100 just on Arduinne Planet, with a reasonably balanced combination of CL, EL, and TL.

    I was excited to start up a TS for ST4 and see how it stacked up to the PE in terms of mining power, but lately I haven't done anything but just farm combat experience because of how poorly the experience matches up. It's even worse in the case of a non-combat class like a JE, since in some areas mobs are so aggressive and respawn so quickly that you can't get anything done. In some spots, by the time you kill the guy attacking you and loot the corpse, another one is up and running straight for you. Mining experience in its current state simply isn't worth the time, even if the fields were respawning faster than they are currently and were more concentrated on the types of ores that were in them. I'm pretty certain the experience is far far worse than it was in live. :/

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