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Posts posted by FeddEx

  1. a little fact you might know about the human teeth , they are made for eating vegies and fruits ..not meat . Look at all types animals that eat meat , they have sharpe teeth and look at animals that eat fruits,and other plant..they have flat teeth . Humans were meant to eat plants"vegies and fruits"..not meats,fish etc..

    I'm sorry, but this is just absolutely unfounded assumption. We are and have always been classified as omnivores, and not just our teeth reflect that, but also our digestive system.

    Yes, we have molars which are suited for chewing, but we have nowhere NEAR the capability to eat just plants. We did, however, evolve to have smaller teeth, I do believe in part because we adapted to using our brains so we could prepare food so that we didn't need them to be huge and strong anymore.

    a nice comparison:


    Note that the chimp teeth are much larger and stronger and have much larger canines. This is to a large degree due to the fact that they live much harder lives and use them as much as tools as weapons, and while chimps too eat a lot of plants, their diet does include meat in some form or another (often insects - note that 'meat' is relative here, we're talking primarily eating readily available proteins), but some are known to actively hunt smaller mammals. Their molars, similar to Gorillas (see below) are also much more prominently developed, as are their jaw muscles, to facilitate the grinding of plant material.

    Now, what people forget about is that teeth only indicate diet, but don't define it. Primarily, you need to look at them as tools. In this respect, our tools are quite ill suited for the job of eating anything really tough these days.

    indication: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/20417/20417-h/images/image264a.jpg

    Look at the huge space behind the eyes with the Gorilla skull - that's where the muscles are for the equally huge jaw and wide, flat molars. This animal is built to be able to chew up all those strong plant fibers so that their equally long digestive tract can get most of the nutrients out.

    We don't have that. We don't just lack the teeth for it, but we also don't have the digestive tract.

    Encyclopedia Britannica (Primates article):

    Broadly, however, certain overall dietary preferences are discernible. (...) The apes (other than the mountain gorilla) are substantially fruit eaters.


    Generally speaking, primates are omnivorous, as the physiology of their digestive system attests. Relatively few examples of dietary specialization are to be found. The so-called leaf-eating monkeys, a sobriquet that embraces the whole of the subfamily Colobinae, including colobus monkeys and langurs, are by no means exclusively leaf eaters and according to season include flowers, fruit, and (in some cases) seeds in their diet.

    And that's why there's the food groups thing they keep recommending us - we are a species that can eat almost anything, but our digestive tract is not specialized in a way so we can claim to be herbivores. Case in point: the human intestines are generally about 6 to 8.5 meters (you see some comments on 10x body length, remember, body length is just neck to your groin). In specialized herbivores, you can see lengths of 20x or more, as well as other adaptations such as specific enzymes and bacteria that break down certain food sources.

    So.. scientific support? Not a chance.

    Now, there IS the question of a moral issue. I tend to agree on this more, as the way the bio industry has been working is a terrible thing, and I won't really mind if meat gets 2x as expensive because we stopped abusing animals in the way we have. Will that stop me from eating meat, however? Not likely.

  2. Yeah I have to admit, the cool playerbase has always kept me coming back. The lack of 'omglulzurgearsuckz' kiddies makes this so much more enjoyable.

    As stated before, there's also the buffing/JS/WH thing - somehow in E&B it just seems more natural to help eachother out that way. (I've always been a JE, I should know)

    And not only that, I remembered things like the Discos they used to hold in That Space on some stations. (do you remember? of course you do...) Higher lvl players giving away free stuff for the heck of it - the fact that player-made items are actually better than NPC or loot just also makes it more interesting to have people use it, as opposed to just selling it to an NPC. (not to mention that your name is on it :P )

    And I also agree on the story - while E&B probably benefited from a relatively small player base (compared to, say, the behemoth that is now WoW), it was rare to see that kind of interactivity and a constantly moving story like that in a game like this. I remember following Vrixx and writing down the morse code just to decypher it, and all the talk in the channels about what it meant or could mean.

    It doesn't help that this was my first MMO after Ultima Online, and a space based one at that, that had a seriously sweet running engine. Space MMOs that are worked out this well are hard to find, I think.

    Coming back to it something like 6 years later.. Yes, there are bugs and there are more limitations, and if it wasn't free, probably not much of a chance it would see me coming back as much, but as it is, this is still a Work in Progress, and once most of the bugs are worked out, I can only hope that you guys can find some time to give the Vrixx another shot... so we can. I do so miss them. :)

    • Upvote 2
  3. E&B is remarkably solid on Windows 7 in general, in my experience anyway. I don't really think ANY game is "made for" a touchscreen. I am quite interested in how Starsiege would work on it though...

    Apparently RUSE, an RTS game soon to be released (I haven't checked in a while) is supposed to be made with touch screens in mind. One of the few though. Hardly any until recently (unless you count some cellphone games).

    Support in SS I'd have to check. I remember you had a lot of settings to bind and set up control, so it may do okay, but it really depends on how sensitivity is handled. Basically, if it's assuming mouse movement in a particular direction (as opposed to absolute X/Y values on the screen), it'll most likely be horrible and inferior to mouse or trackball.

    Oddly enough, following/leading targets has so far been more difficult on the touchscreen than with the mouse. Not entirely sure why.

  4. hmm.. It seems to me that the problem is that most of our facts are assumptions - after all, grass is not green per-sé. I say it's a fact that grass is brown.

    And even then, that's a conclusion derived from my own perception. A colourblind person may not see it as either. Who's to say he's right, I'm right, or you are right?

    Grass (specifically a number of types of grass) is(are) only green as viewed by regular human eyes, in the daylight of our (yellow) sun.

    So, I'd reason that a lot of 'facts' are only assumptions, based on the way we perceive our surroundings. We cannot normally see UV light, but we've tested that falcons can - those kind of limits to our perception indicate that you can never really prove anything, and I tehrefor claim that the term 'fact' is in most cases used inaccurately to describe an assumption.

    Carry on..:lol:)

  5. @Tyran - Numiah2 is correct, you tap the screen and hold - you can see the circle forming around your finger. Release before it's complete and it considers it a left click, wait until it's done and it's a right-click. let it fill and then drag to right-click and drag (see walking/flying around)

    This looks neat for casual gameplay, but would suffer in a twitchy situtation.

    Fun nonetheless.

    Yeah that's true. I found that if you gotta act quick, it's often not accurate/fast enough. You can see me accidentally remove selection from an enemy once or twice too, and as the cursor remains in place after you click something, tool tips sometimes come up and block your view. Occasionally it's also unclear as to when it registers as a click, or when it just moved the cursor over to a location. May just be something to get used to, but I found it surprising to see an older game work so well with something it wasn't actually made for. :)

  6. First off, I know this is my first post on these forums, so with that, I should say... Hi!

    Who am I? Nobody special, really, just an old fan who still has the cardboard box with the CD in it, from when he bought E&B right after release, and who's extremely grateful you lot are reviving this great game. Many thanks do ye devs out there!

    Now that we have that introduction out of the way... on with the reason I'm jabbering here.

    A short while ago, I got myself a touch-screen monitor and while most games have some SERIOUS issues with touch screens, to my great surprise, I've found that the E&B interface is actually pretty awesome for this.

    Now, do note that this is with Windows7, as other versions may not have proper support for this, and E&B seems to use its mode of input (thankfully), as shown by its right-click mode (press and hold).

    So.. the reason I'm actually posting this here is because I had already made the following video and a fellow E&B fan (known around here as Mneme) suggested posting it.

    So, yeah.. clicking the image below will take you to a video(I couldn't find a way to embed it ATM, sorry) of me mumbling, and mucking about on the touch screen in E&B (and bit of website) in case anyone may find it interesting. :)

    Facebook linky (need to log in to FB to see):


    or the edited youtube link, as it won't allow me to upload more than 10minutes of video...


    Oh and yes, that's XP debt I'm paying off - this poor Combat lvl 4 Explorer got killed by a lvl40-something while exploring, a short while before recording this. :(


    Edit 2:

    Okay, I'm dumb and forgot that you need to be logged into FB to see FB videos.. uploaded to youtube now and edited the post - thanks for the patience :)

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