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Posts posted by Whitedeath

  1. Not enough mobs aggro unless they are attacked. Part of the rush of exploring uncharted sectors was the fact that the question mark on the map could spell doom if a bunch of mobs locked on and attacked you before you could warp out.

    Also, not enough mobs grouping up. Its so funny to see the biological mobs sit there and watch their neighbor get destroyed without doing anything.

    Finally, more mobs. Too many NAV's have nothing to them or 1-4 mobs floating around. There should be dozens of mobs around given areas like there are dozens of resources in the fields.

    Most fields Ive seen below CL20 dont even have aggro mobs, or only have one.

    No thrill of being attacked suddenly and overwhelmed, and not enough mobs, make it kind of tedious.

    I forgot, one of the biggest gripes back in Live was that ENB didnt make re-spawns and amount of spawns fast enough. Players became stand offish and overly competitive amongst each other fighting over those 3 level X gas clouds.

    Nothing creates more animosity among players than having to fight each other and race to the spawn point.

    In ABB, as I recall, the CL11-CL14 clear fish things were aplenty compared to now. And were popular for farming back then. Just 2-3 players could keep that spawn contained. Now, I can contain it all by myself.

    Need more mobs, more aggro, more danger and excitement.

    And, finally, please bring back the ambushes from Red Dragons like that used to happen back in live. I miss it.

    Seems like in all MMORPGS from Everquest to WOW and in between... Even in EVE, Devs never really capitalize on random ambushes... Another source of excitement.

    Thanks :D

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