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Posts posted by MJALowe

  1. Quotes on "temporary" I can see....ahh those wonderful memories of EverQuest, "Temporary" nerfs and new things coming "Soon"

    Economy...well....the "economy" of a game wont exist all that well till there are definatly gona be no more wipes so I can understand puting ecomony in quotes.

    kinda like calling something temporary when it isn't, or an economy when it doesn't work like an economy (only MMO I've played that has a really really well done "economy" is eve, WoW has one, but all it would take to ruin it is a massive influx of cash or alot of players leaving...in eve those things wouldn't destroy the economy)

  2. Can someone please tell me why after i installed E&B and Used the Update patch...and installed Net7...The moment i run Net 7...It start updating again =.=' First was updating the Launcher...den now the Client...According to the patcher...Current Version is unable to be determined and newest client version is 58....Now its updating...and its freaking slow =.=

    Real simple, the update patch updates EnB to the point it was at right before EA took it down, Net7 then needs to update itself and the client to the point that the fine people here at EnB Emu have gotten to...and will do so again every so often when new changes are made

    The reason its slow is simple as well, the server, your connection, or one of the systems between the server and you are a little slow (update only uses about 3% of my available speed, which puts it at about 300Kbps...)

  3. I was trying to do exactly that, but I ran into problems with the server executable running on other machines.

    What kind of problems, the "local" server executable should have a local IP with a loopback.

    Fill in the IP on the client to connect (e.g., presumably no "talk-back" code would be needed on the server, and if the client was allowed to specify an IP to connect to that should prevent "client" problems

    All one would need to prevent your server and the non-local clients from even SEEING the local server would be a firewall set up to allow the server local access but not net access

    ofcoarse if its a database access issue then the solution would be to compile the database into the server executable, or have it available as an "update" download (I'm guessing it would be too large for most dial-up users but I could be wrong - and they would only need to download the data for the sectors they wish to have active on the server)

  4. what I think would work here is once any toon has a nav point then they ALL show as question marks for ALL other toons on the same account (not ALT accounts) (so that tours dont HAVE to go away)....add in an automatically recieved token to "auto explore" everything, but make it usuable for something else (kinda like, take the time to explore and you get this nifty ness, or auto explore and dont get the nifty ness...I would say turning the token in for a REALLY good engine or set of engines...one/s that would make exploreing easier...say a huge boost to warp speed, massive reduction in time to get into warp, and a gargantuan reduction in the energy needed to warp/freewarp :rolleyes: )

  5. i need to now where to download the game from and what i need to do to log on

    a little obvious, check you the downloads portion of the forum, and for the "what to do to log in", its answered in the faq that is part of the site linked in the top right of the forums "Earth and Beyond Emulator"

    (not providing links cause I dont know how to make em look nice)

    • Upvote 1
  6. simple macros, like press A, wait 5 sec, press B (or click somewhere on screen) can easily be written by nearly everyone, the nostromo game pad basically works by doing this. A properly working macro ofcoarse should also only be affecting the client computer, as all it should be doing is controling the mouse and keyboard of the client.

    Personally, doing anything that qualifies as "grinding" should be able to be done with ATTENDED macros (you have to press a key each time you want the macro to run, and can't be away from the computer)....better yet, if "grinding" is removed from the game then thier would be little or no incentive to macro

    My suggestions: (and I don't know if any of these are even remotly possible)

    1) if I want to go from point A to point B (e.g. Mars to Dahin) by flying (not wormhole) I should be able to set a destination and my ship will fly thier (assuming I know the needed nav points/gates)...Eve has system to system autopilot....it drops you 15km from gates and free flies in from there, but its full system to system autopilot

    2) when mining or looting I should be able to target the object and press a key on the keyboard to either a) loot the first item in its list, or :) loot everything in its list

    3) faction/XP grinding should NOT have something like above, but should be realativly quick....no one enjoys siting in one place doing the same thing over and over, the faster these things go by the better...but XP atleast seems right on target ATM...don't know about faction grinding yet cause I haven't started that

    4) missions...there need to be more missions, and at every job terminal and for every level range, combat should be in the same system or right next door...next door ones being a little easier, note: because of 1 above autopilot should NOT be nav to nav but system to system...otherwise explore missions would be TOO easy

    5) finding MOBs...without the rest of the player base or the database this would be near impossible as is...I suggest having a tag on Nav text to let players know what lvl of mob might be present there and if it is a faction mob or a non faction (like most critters), this should only show once the nav is explored

    6) im not sure, but it seems to me that warping is a little slow...free warp seems the right speed but I think targeted warping should be 2-3x faster...its not fun taking half an hour to get somewhere...and even worse if you happen to have a bad moment and die along the way

    7) drop only items...I like the idea for some items, but others not so much, maybe an NPC with faction requirements to purchase them, and ALL ammo should be purchaseable...pretty much anything that can be player made should be purchaseable "somewhere"

    I guess my answer is no I don't hate macro miners (or any other macroer) because I understand why they are doing it (if we are talking "chinese gold miners", nothing against chinese, then I REALLY don't like them, those types ruin game economy)

    However that doesn't mean I think they should be doing it if it is having a deterimental effect on the game play experience of others.

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  7. By alts do you mean second accounts or on the same one? If same one, can you trade between same account characters? If secondary accounts, how would that work...is it as easy as using Net7 twice or do I need a second computer or a Virtual machine. (I currently have Virtual Box, but I don't think it works with 3d games...)

  8. So...I'm trying to decide what race/class I should play, I did play a Progen Warrior back before sunset but I'm not sure if I wan't to go that route or not. With the way things are ATM what are each race/class best at doing? Any other advice is also welcome.

    I also play Eve Online

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