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Posts posted by firemann30

  1. Not sure if this has been suggested before.
    I would like to suggests a multiple Manufacture button for comps. Like refining terminals you have the choice to refine one or all. I personally and think others would like to see 1 button for one comp, 1 button for 5 comps. Not sure if this is possible. Just a thought.
  2. Net7Proxy version 2.09
    29/04/11 19:56:38 Experimental packet re-ordering in use
    Using IP: (
    29/04/11 19:56:38 Attempting to connect to IP address:
    29/04/11 19:56:38 Sending login.
    29/04/11 19:56:39 login OK
    29/04/11 19:56:39 UDP packet optimisation selected (reduces server load).

    I did as you suggested and also went through and uncheck the packet opt and then The re-ordering. Im not sure why. LOL one day it work and then next day it didnt. I didnt change any settings as I am aware of.
  3. Net7Proxy version 2.09
    27/04/11 21:31:53 Experimental packet re-ordering in use
    Using IP: (
    27/04/11 21:31:53 Attempting to connect to IP address:
    27/04/11 21:31:53 Sending login.
    27/04/11 21:31:54 login OK
    27/04/11 21:31:54 UDP packet optimisation selected (reduces server load).
    27/04/11 21:31:54 Listener unable to bind to socket on port
    27/04/11 21:31:55 Connecting to Authentication Server on

    This is as far as the proxy goes Cdel. Nothing else happens unless I manually go into the file and click the client and then it launches the game. Im running Windows XP and have never had this problem. The Launcher stays at that point until I either manually launch or it terminates the proxy window on its own.
  4. I have recently had trouble with launching the game. I click on Net7 launch Icon and it pulls up the server info and I click play button. Net7 Proxy comes up and then that's it. If I want to proceed I manually have to go into the EnB release files and Launch the westwood client by selecting it. I have not had this problem in the past and I cant seem to figure it out. I redone all patches. Any suggestion would be helpful.
  5. I would like to suggest more spawn locations. Case in general in anteres there is only 1 location where the 58,60 volts spawns and 1 where only the 58's spawn. These areas are more then likely at all times occupied. Now I know that with more spawn spots availiable those spots also would be hunted to. Then again it would give more people a chance to kill these lvl mobs. It also would alleviate the feeling of being crowded out by someone(s) group in a overly crowded location.

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