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Posts posted by fuulishone

  1. @Mattsacre:

    Hellbore isn't manu, so it's whatever quality you happen to loot it at. Also your representation of what's considered uber isn't exactly right. For Progens, the DT ballistas and late game V'rix stuff were pretty highly desired. The same was true for Terrans. For Jenq's there were no drops for them from DT afaik. As much as people like Hellbore, it's a horrible piece of kit. It's nice now since the full item database isn't in game yet... But once the Sting of the Mordana and Intolerance device are in game, I have to wonder if the Hellbore will continue to be so popular and desired.


    Perhaps the better answer (altho likely to be unpopular) is to reduce the ML's four ammo types to one - explosive.


    tldr version

    Limitations to the very best of gear is a healthy thing and forces you to consider what to use and when and keeps things fresh. Everyone having exactly the same end-game kit is boring. Remember, GoBB wasn't in live and likely hasn't had the benefit of a balance pass in terms of his drops. Things may change.

    long version

    When discussing the weapons that GoBB drops, why is there no discussion around the fact that the Black Streak comes in only one flavor? One damage type per weapon is a reality that all Jenqs have to deal with, and nothing can change that. Look at some of the weapons that are/were most desired by level 9 beam users:

    Black Streak - Energy

    Defender's Pride - Plasma (JD only, is this even in?)

    Devastating Gaze - Plasma

    Emerald Devastator - Plasma (JD only, no trade, self-manu similar to Dragon's Fang pl and Rage ml)

    Eye of the Dark One - Plasma (no trade, no manu)

    Eye of Destruction - Plasma (can be pm, similar to Bile Cannon/Launcher)

    Ghost's Edge - Energy (not in game yet, afaik)

    Glare of Devastation - Plasma (no trade, no manu)

    Prototype DM Force Emitter - Energy (not in game)

    Sun Focus 2000 - Energy (not supposed to be in game)

    So all told we have exactly two damage types available, and we MUST mix the damage types if we are maximizing buffs. Putting on all Plasma only forces you to lose out on the buffs on the Black Streak for example. It's a matter of compromise and deciding what's best for your style of play, and who you're grouping with.

    If Tengu right now were actually impact resistant, then yeah the Spitter would be less useful than other choices in terms of the ammo restriction. However, you could choose to use a different weapon and compensate the buffs in other ways, either through mixing and matching the other equipment slots, or by picking appropriate group mates to help in that regard.

    For debuffing...

    Impact: L5 Taniwha's Pride, or strap a Terran into your group and have them use the Gorgon's line.

    Chemical: L6 Thordis' Lament, or use a Basilisk up to L9

    Plasma: L4 Tatsu's Pride, L8 Pulsing Bullywere Eye (if you're a PW), or bring a Terran w/ Rada line (up to L5) or a Jenq w/ Chimaera (up to L9). A TW/JD in group with Bullywere Eye, or a Terran with Hellbore would work too.

    This is the group aspect of the game. The Spitter is a wonderful piece of kit, but the min/max for a solo situation seems... Overkill.

    One final thought... Keep in mind that GoBB was never in live, so his loot probably hasn't been fully balanced.

    • Upvote 2
  2. So I decided to pull the 'ol PP out for runabout. Figured hey why not try and do those toekn missions..maybe get some BB ammo samples so this toon could actually build his own (being a builder didn't think that was out of line). So waundered on down to progen home (Arx Magister) and bought the 42.5M token (yay negotiate!). Strolled on over to Nyol Watt..REBUFFED!? Don't you like me Nyoll? Decided to talk to the dixie triplets NOTA...after being told to leave as I wasn't THEIR type of player (had to find the PP one) I gandered all their convo tree and thought I got this..makes sense..well sort of. So let the nice lady have my 42.5M token to get me a temporary "mission" token.Let's see is it in there..yup white circle L1 temporary mission item....now what?

    Hey lady now what...lady...LADY! Hmm remember my PW buddy Mattsacre had some dust up at Nostrand Vor..maybe I'll go take a tour over there and see if we have some mutual friends....so after talking to everyone in Magister to tell them I was heading out to NV for a change of scenery (none of them wanted to talk about my white glowing thingy hanging in my hold). So off I went!

    So stopped off in Mars Gamma to tell my old start trainer what a good job he did..see I'm bigger now! (oh look at the old marks on the wall of how small I was *wipe tear off*), neither him..nor any of his hangers on wanted to talk about that cool white thingy in my hold either..oh well..lets drop in good 'ol Emporos.

    So strolled on to Arx Emporos.Hey guys remember me? "Nope..who are you?" Well I got this thingy in my hold...."yeh you and a doz. others a day..see yiour way out thank you." What? not even a have a nice day? Or go see my other friend over there? Hmmm grumpy mumble grumple progen mumble. Oh well maybe my collegia buddies at NV would be nicer!

    So as my ship was still ticking and pinging from the heat expansion/contraction of entering atmosphere low and behold! there is some emergency! Hurry somebody needs help, see the nice lady in NV city she needs your help rescuing someone! So talked to the NOT so nice lady.(in fact down right rude..and her asking for help...rude..not nice combo) Yada yada..its a emergency..those folks need some supplies..but they also need you to haul their junk about for them also..kk..thought this was a emergency..you know ERGENT..why am I running back and forth to the parts dealer..shouldn't I be like HELPING those hapless souls? FINALLY..oh wait...I got to find them too? but you SAID you had loaded the coordinates...no? OK I can find them too...Mumble grumble...*sigh*.

    OK guys here to save the day! Here is your guns..and get in..no? haul your junk? ok mumble trash hualer..WHAT DAMAGED!?! ME..PAY DAMAGES!! You know what? thats your problem..I DONT haul garbage..Dock my pay...lein...*sigh..ok..mumble f u..mgrumble* see parts guys..see lady..get glowy golden thing and no white glowy thing...o...k.

    So talk to everybody again..MUM..tight liped jerks..parts guy says see FRANKS..um you want to tell me who franks is and were he lives? No? *sigh* ok I'll go hunt him up.

    So I wandered in Arx Emporos..needed a drink after all that..and hey look FRANKS..hey buddy was told to look you up. Here some genemaps for you. /sarcasm/ Yeh no prob for the republic! Yeh about this glowy thing...DONT talk to War..ok..but so the glowing thing..yeh dont talk to Var got that..but the glowy thing..YES I GOT IT! DONT TALK TO VAR ESPECIALLY THE GLOWY THING! What else about it..kind of want to learn about BB ammo don't you know. Nothing? screw you..I'm telling Var.

    So making long story a bit longer...breezed through endriago..convoed 'ol buddys on the station AND the planet..nada..they don't know about any glowing thingy or ammo nor samples..get outa here. K THAT it Var is gunna hear about all this crap.

    So finally saw Var (and his cronies) he is the only one willing to talk to me really..not mentioning the glowy golden thing I shoved in his face he told me to go P.O. a few terrans in cygni 61...figure he was keeping the glowy thing on the DL I went and P.O.ed the terran guys (making them hate me btw)..came back and here some xp...some money..and would you go P.O. them some more?...um the glowy thing....VAR the glowy thing?!?........

    So now what?

    Kind of wanted to go learn how to build some chemical and plasma ballisa ammo....even no gun at least the ammo...

    NO 42.5M token...NO "temporary" mission token....A gently golden glowing sphere.

    Talked to all my buddys in reverse again and none of them want to talk about this golden thingy......

    Since my buddy PW Mattsacre got ripped off doing his 135 HU and its attached bonus missions (yeh he didnt get to learn the gun..just got to spend a LOT of cash for ammo samples) [despite him not being a terran and working hard for ea HU and all the bonus missions on his way to 135] Should he hold out hope that spending 50m and doing all this would actually get him somewere? Or will he get the same empty pockets and feel dirty and used also? Maybe he can have a gold glowy thing to add to his already red glowy thing.....

    CL50 and OL150 on the PP?

  3. I see no setup with only Spitter and PB.

    The maths for turbo may not be what you expect.

    For example, in live 100% turbo would be half firing rate e.g. 10s reload became 5s reload.

    No clue how it works here in the emulator although the old code that is in the public SVN repository suggests that 50% turbo equated to half firing rate. And that turbo was being capped at 50%. Clearly the old code, if I understood it, doesn't make sense because it makes it pretty useless to have more than one equipped 40% and one activated effect. Any extra turbo was redundant.

    However your math does suggest the current code has changed and follows the formula for live.

    Numbers for setup 5 are interesting -- not entirely sure what's going on there.

    Part of the problem is manual time keeping. You're almost better off using a different approach... But finding a mob that you can sit there and shoot into for an extended period of time is hard. Additionally, using weapons that are already very fast puts you at risk of rounding errors.

    Perhaps you could get use a much longer base reload time weapon for your tests and time the total time to empty a stack of ammo, or something similar. Lastly, with respect to the basing stuff on animations... You may also run afoul of network lag as the client doesn't go into the animation until it receives positive confirmation from the server. All this points to the need for extended testing to get good quality results.

    Oh, one other thing. You may need to play with the order of buffs as well as varying buffs. Remember to log out and back in between each testing cycle to make sure there's no rogue buffs lying around. You may need an AotW, CVE or a JE w/ a Cyberadrenaline Rush to buff you and test various interactions of the percentages.

  4. Neither are particularly useful for a Jenq. The Intent of the Resolute is nice and all, but as has been pointed out in a different thread, Jenq don't really kite and so the extra maneuverability isn't all that useful. Our cloak serves us better. On the shunt and recharge shield, it's equip only and not activated and as Jenqs have atrocious shields for the most part and good reactor, we don't need something to hurt our shield regen, nor help our reactor.

    With respect to the BS9, the turbo on that is crap compared to the turbo on raid weps, and they don't stack as they're both equip buffs. The reduce sig is helpful, but since the engine itself has .5 sig of it's own, it's kind of a wash. Again, kind of a meh engine for a Jenq.

  5. If you're going to count devices as a "core tech" then you have to count weapons as well, since weapons can hold buffs just as easily as a device can; in fact, some classes (Terran tradesmen come to mind) choose weapons that are positively crappy but have useful buffs to other skills (like Equipment Engineering on the Great Dane line of lasers).

    While weapons are core, they don't really factor into the tweaking aspect of the other cores. All races/classes have one weapon class that maxes at L9. And really that's all that's important.

    In the area of the questionables, pretty much any class can live with L8 devices or engines. It's just a matter of which is more useful/desirable to a class due to the ITEMS that are currently available. I think that if there was some super-uber Jenquai compatible engine at L9 available now, the discussion in this thread would change.

  6. Well heck then, change my vote. If other races can have a class with 2 Lv9 core techs ("core tech" being defined as reactors, shields and engines, the three things you aren't supposed to leave a station without), then I don't see any reason why the Seeker can't have two, as well.

    Right now, no Jenquai has access to 2 Lv9 core techs; the JD is 8/9/8 and so is the Explorer.

    Devices are considered a core tech as well, insofar they're a passive tech and one of the tweaks used to "balance" the classes. For the JD and JE, Device/Reactor are the two L9s, Engine/Shield are the L8s. The contention is what the JS should be at.

  7. Things weren't so bad once my PP got Projectiles 1 then talked to Zieg and killed CL 3s till I got Missiles 1 and mucho xp.

    Build Weapons helped me build some MLs and ammo that I looted from the lvl 1 RD Drones.

    The Cl 6s and 8s were great xp and fun to solo. Kite, kite, kite.

    A bit of freewarping is usually required at some point for quests and the mission did have a helpful hint imo.

    My only beef with PP is getting the Menace Skill. PSs have it easy with just having to go to Primus and prospect for a little bit. Menace is awesome and my PP needs it still.

    Just a note about Menace on the PP... depending on what kind of PP you are (combat only, builder, all around) you might need to be careful about how you spend your skillpoints as you may run short. Many of the PP's missions later on the down the line force you to put points into your build skills (to like lvl 2/3) even if you don't want to be a builder so keep that in mind. Obviously you can CF and regain your skill points at 150... but during the leveling process, points are tight and always in need.

  8. What, the Ursa NGC 9 or Trifid LGS 9?

    A lot of races have equipment that seems "meant for them" but is at a techlevel that they can't reach. Take a look at the RE-X9 "Supernova" MK.IX reactor. Turbo, boosted missile range, looks great for a TE, right? Well, the only characters that can use it are Jenquai, since no Terrans or Progen can equip Lv.9 reactors.

    Actually Progens Warriors and Privateers can and do equip level 9 reactors. They just don't choose the Supernova line because there's much better available (Heart of the Master as an example) that's more "for them." Now whether or not Progen Sentinels can use level 9 reactors... That's a question for a PS to answer. The character planner at Net-7.org definitely shows PS as limited to level 8 reactor, but somehow I think that's not what's happening in game. Comments?

    Also, if you look at the character planner, Jenquai Seekers are listed as Dev 9, Eng 8 as Terrell has pointed out several times already. I think overall the issue is that there's a desire to have only 2 techs at level 9 and 2 at level 8 for every race/class combination, and it's almost a coin toss whether you choose to follow class lines or race lines.

    In the class mentality, JS should be dev 8, eng 9, but then the PP should be eng 9 as well. In the race mentality, JS should dev 9, eng 8, but then by this same standard, TS should be dev 8, shield 9. So how do you decide where the compromise lies?

  9. I can confirm the issue of characters not being saved upon logout. Looted the hulkfield around Ruins of Jove City, went back to Jove's Fury to sell, then relogged to character select. Logged back in at Dahin sector, without the tradelevel I earned from selling the hulkfield loot.

    This problem continues to be the case. There's sporadic non-saving of character data. Doesn't seem to be directly related to the visibility of mobs either...

    11/2 @ 850pm EST

  10. So what is the current status of the PTR server? I know that accounts were recently resync'ed, but it appears all avatar data was wiped on the PTR as I see no characters when I try to log in. Additionally it seems to be restricted to some experimental content.

    Are we supposed to be actively using the PTR to test out stuff at this time or is it in some kind of lockdown mode for the moment?

  11. Does this just resolve the bad opcodes at manufacturing terminals? Or all the bad opcode issues people have had with manu terminals, vendors, logging in, or entering/exiting stations?

    Also, is this what's affecting the fact that some folks see mobs and others right next to them don't (and the ones that don't can't see corpses either)?

  12. Much more stable now, good work.

    Vaults load, holds load --- only problem I have seen is still getting opcode errors loading device recipes on LotTS. Recipe list does load eventually but there are null items. Good news is the proxy doesn't crash doing this! This is with packet optimization.


    My characters also seem to be able to log in and there's no null items. But manu term insta-crashes net7proxy without even an opcode message on my TE (this was loading up ammo recipes at the time). My JE however, was able to load up reactor recipes without an issue.

    I'll check on my other toons and see if there's any more detail I can provide here.

    Okay I check through my toons and here's where I'm at.

    JE - reactors list is fine, no opcodes.

    PP - reactors, shields list is fine, no opcodes. beam/proj/miss/ammo list is fine and was able to build some ammo. only has up to level 5 though, so not that full a list.

    TE - engines list is fine, no opcodes. so far beams, proj and ammo crashes net7proxy. missile launchers cause a number of bad opcodes (including one that says something about continuation packet and trying recover by ignoring it) but does eventually come up.

    JS - comps list is fine, no opcodes. device list, insta crashes net7proxy. no chance to look for opcode it goes so fast...

    Seems like it's an issue with long build lists.

  13. thanks! I have reproduced this bug locally, which means I will be able to fix it very soon.


    There seems to be a change with the manu term behavior that I posted earlier after the server was restarted. Do you need more detail or is this something you're still working on?

  14. Might want to edit this info into your post there, Fuulish. It doesn't mention which character you got those opcodes on.

    The avatar id is in the first code block. These were the codes that led up to the final manu term crash. As it wasn't an insta-crash like some folks, I posted the various codes to make it more clear and perhaps easier to identify what is exactly going on.

  15. Some more opcodes for you Tienbau.

    Character login opcodes

    01/11/10 09:37:51 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:51 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:51 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:53 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:53 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:53 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:38:42 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6b53 Length: 0x2079

    Opcodes by same character, at manu term

    01/11/10 09:37:51 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:51 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:51 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:53 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:53 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:53 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:38:42 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6b53 Length: 0x2079

    A few seconds later these opcodes show up while manu term interface is open, but I've not touched anything on the interface yet, no sub categories, etc.

    01/11/10 09:37:51 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:51 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:51 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:53 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:53 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:53 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:38:42 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6b53 Length: 0x2079

    These occur once you try to click on a subcategory from the manu interface. (Beams were selected and the display showed no recipes.)

    01/11/10 09:37:51 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:51 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:51 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:53 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:53 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:53 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:38:42 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6b53 Length: 0x2079

    Choosing projectiles next spewed this bunch of codes and caused the display to refresh, but showed the beams from the previous click.

    01/11/10 09:37:51 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:51 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:51 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:52 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:53 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:53 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:37:53 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6966 Length: 0x6e49
    01/11/10 09:38:42 Bad opcode through to Proxy: 0x6b53 Length: 0x2079

    Any further clicks didn't seem to work. Choosing yet another new category eventually caused the net7proxy to crash with 3 final opcodes that I didn't catch before it crashed.

  16. Not sure if this is relevant, but certain toons are causing net7proxy to insta-hang upon login. By insta-hang I mean that net7proxy causes Windows to through up an error dialog box with the standard "Send Error Report/Don't Send" options. Selecting either one cause the net7proxy output window to close, and the enb client finally says "Lost Connection to Server."

    Hope that helps.

  17. This is suspiciously similar to an issue I had in the dev server a little while ago... possibly related? Did you notice any weirdness while moving around?

    That's assuming one is actually able to get past the login screen. Right now, net7proxy will post a bunch of bad opcodes upon character selection and then it's a flip of the coin whether your character appears, or net7proxy errors out. If you do manage to make into the game, then more than likely you'll have some bad opcodes as the dock animation finishes. If at this point net7proxy hasn't crashed yet, you'll likely notice that your vault is full of null items and your chat channels are non-functional.

    This is occurring for me across multiple characters.

  18. right now I would have to say that the TS is the easiest class to level up... you get negotiate 5 for those trade run... you can mine... and you get 4 ml's... plus you have no HU missions... so you dont have to waste time getting your extra cargo slots... oh and you do have a damn fast ship which again helps with the getting around part of leveling

    Do TS still have the level 8 shield skill as max?

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