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Posts posted by ktaalgd

  1. As roids appear they have multi levels of ores in them and a many of times I have tried to clear a field for a bonus . Example: I was clearing a level 6 field that had a few 7s in it to have an 8 be in a roid that I could not mine. <now can do an 8 but take 70% of reactor to do> now its a field that's buts up with a 9 roid that stops me from clearing a field. :) also a side note , while being the only one in a field I have based it to store the 'loot' and came back to roid field to finish the cherry picked one that I didn't have room for and they were gone and field had re-spawned also sometimes hearing roids spawn while trying to get a field emptied , so no idea individual roid spawns as well as whole full field re-spawns <that too have seen while basing it and returning> and come back to have all the contents changed. In live I had a roid that I was doing the old one at a time shuffle to have it change on me and ores refilled , but now find a lot of empty roids mostly crystal so no way to clear fields :D

    Kta JE miner 1st JStarter and will try to make mean :)but builds will come last

    <so far all the Kta---- names have been mine but the kids play the mules and will get Kta out if need for a JS or KtauncleTT out for protection>

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