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Posts posted by echarboneau

  1. This is by far the best Guild I've been a part of in any MMO I have played. Just an hour ago, at three fracking AM, I was helping a fellow Static member with a lvl9 reactor he wanted to print and some comps. In turn, helped me with some things. I don't think there were more than 5 Static members in the game at the time, yet the cooperation was great even in the middle of the insomniac-night. If you really want to be a part of a guild where the players make it the best guild on the server through their helpfulness and friendliness: Static is the Guild you've been hoping for. If you want to associate with a bunch of Ego Lords from the planet Vanity's Pride, then Static might NOT be the guild your hoping for. So, want help? Want friendliness? Want comrades who care about you? Static!


  2. This is a really interesting thread to me. It gets at the need to completely understand our alternative identities on EnB. Some of us want to know where we came from; what our place of origin is like, and how might it have formed us. That sounds like BS on one level, but for those of us really into the EnB storyline and think it was far, far ahead of its time, knowing where our avatar came from and how that place formed the current storyline/situation is a very interesting concept, even an endearing one.

    But, alas, I still think creating Earth or Mars would be a lot of work for little return in terms of fun.
  3. I agree with those who suspect that Earth would be a lot of work for little return. In the eighties I always wanted to see much, much more of 23rd century Earth in the first six Star Trek movies. Then I began to come across interviews that explained why Earth, while an object to be saved from destruction, was not seen more in its 23rd century incarnation.

    A sailor isn't going to have the same adventures in Norfolk or Portsmouth that s/he will have in the South Pacific or on the eighteenth century Barbary Coast. It's fun to see the size of Earth station (and I do think that should be that largest station) but the action, to paraphrase Captain Kirk, is "out there."

    IMO, however, and being a Star Trek fan who believes in an optimistic view of humanity's ability to over come bad events, I strongly believe that the Terrans would have Earth up and running EXTREMELY quickly!
  4. Thanks to everyone who is making this a really worth while thread. I LOVE MINING. I'm 150 JE--many players are telling me to go on, do other things. But a few, like me, realize that mining is relaxing. I can be productive in the game and not HAVE to fight.

    Absolutely do I agree that valuable fields need tough guardians. Yes! But "sorta" valuable fields and average fields don't. They should re-spawn like they are, quickly, and just be there to ENJOY. Have a cup of coffee, chat with your EnB friends, look at (what I think) is still some of the most beautiful science fiction art ever to have been created on any generation of computer. Thanks for your consideration or my ideas. (And GREAT JOB MERLIN!)
  5. I think about the loot tables a lot. So much so that I realize I neither have a clue how they work nor would I have the mathematical or programing skills to say much about how they should be changed.

    However, I have stated on another forum that I think the next major change to ST4 is to put ALL the devices in the game that were in Live (and only making exceptions for any individual device that would hurt ST4.) I believe this would help all players.

    The DEVs should start with those devices injected into the game as a result of the bug sometimes referred to as HULK-A-THON because not everyone had levels or toons to exploit those bugs the way other players did, including myself. I thank the DEVs for their consideration of this!
  6. I think this is the right place to put this. Kyp replied to a post I made a couple months ago that I was in #1 mode. I've been thinking about that since then. What would make the game fun for me that would also make it more fun for everyone else? This is my request. Get all the devices in game! First, everything that was in the so-called hulk-a-thon because not all players had equal access to that bug. And then everything else. That's my wish. Just get all the devices in-game!!!! I'll be away all weekend, and this is my parting wish. Thank you DEVs for giving me back my favorite online activity. Thank you for giving me a place to go when my kids are sick and I am worried. Thank you, thank you. I am very grateful.
  7. Ok, so my question is this: I understand why the DEVs don't want to show what MOB is dropping what loot. But why not let us have a pull-down menu that shows the entire list of what these builders can build like we used to be able to do. I can't see how that would give anyone and advantage over anyone else, or am I missing something?
  8. I mean this most respectfully, but I wonder if an insistence on end game content being only group defeat-able isn't yesterday's argument. To some extent EnB is yesterday's game, but many of us want a bright future for it. I remember when SWG introduced star destroyers and some X-wing pilot had the brass bobble dolls to destroy it all by himself. It made news across several servers. So, perhaps end game content should be diverse and come in many flavors although it should always be an extraordinary challenge.

    As for loot, I think every MMO has the problem that some end game big bads have better loot than others. Frankly, while I don't have much care for WOW, I do think it taught the MMO community that low level players ought to have the game be as much fun for them as high level loot makes the game fun for old timers.
    • Upvote 2
  9. Wow, this thread has really progressed since I went on vacation and returned again. Some interesting stuff here when people aren't making it personnel. I would just say to the people who are making it personnel, and this, again, is not my day to blow sunshine in the direction of the Developers. But, for those of you who are making it a personality issue with cheap quips and such, don't bite the hand that feeds you. I know, having first logged onto the Net 15 years ago, that Emily Post and Ms. Manners don't carry much weight in cyber-space, but you either win with a winning idea or you *** yourself with cheap, tawdry comments. The DEVs often make decisions that make me scratch my head, but I don't know what the long term plan is for the game or its many, many sub-parts. (Occasionally they even make decisions that p**s me off a lot.)

    Thanks again to the DEVs, the GMs, and everyone else who progresses this thing, this game, that is so important to me. I hope some of the more intelligent aspects of this thread are carried on in less contentious threads.

  10. quote[if I do have a problem with EnB, however, it would be that longer timeouts, reduced abilities, and, therefore, longer lumbering grinding just plain deflates "the fun factor." I LOVE THIS GAME! But some DEV decision in the last few months have subtracted from what fiction students would call "immersion" or what modern head sh

    rinkers would call "staying in the moment."]

    Grinding to one person is the 'reason' for playing to another. I see some complaining about "grinding" combat levels. Other only want combat. Some enjoy trade runs, other HATE them. And for the life of me, I can't figure why someone would start and explorer class 'toon and then complain about mining. LOL

    "Lumbering grinding" to some is why others play at all. There is something for everyone, which means there is another part for someone else.

    YES, YES, YES! Very true. But your very solid truth, in my humble opinion, does not negate the essence of what I was trying to express. I love the grind of prospecting, as an example. On the other hand, I love the interdependency of the game.

    BUT, sometimes I wish I could just stay "out there" by myself, mountain man style, and just mine for hours with enough shield leech, 180% Proto Beams, and the absolute ninja magic of being able to loot my kills while cloaked as my shields recharge. That digital isolation and confidence in my ship parts has (mostly) been taken away from me in the last few months and it was a kind of "fun factor" for me that let's me immerse myself in the fictional world of EnB. I love this game. I really do! And, to close, I am fundamentally grateful to the DEVs, people I will probably never meet. Thank you ALL! This game is my mental health fortress of solitude. Thanks.

  11. Would be exciting and fun to see a chat line dedicated to the STORYLINE ONLY.

    Also wish the private tells could be separated from the overall chat lines because they get rolled up and missed. Maybe use the flashing message as is use in other parts of the game to indicate receipt of an unread message that would open a window showing ONLY private messages since log in.

    I would like to see something like this as well, but only if you all have time.

  12. Well, I certainly have been frustrated at times myself. But I recognize that I bring on a bit of that frustration on myself by only really playing JE. I do think the DEVs listen. I think C DEL is right, and I'm not saying that to blow sunshine in his digital direction.

    If I do have a problem with EnB, however, it would be that longer timeouts, reduced abilities, and, therefore, longer lumbering grinding just plain deflates "the fun factor." I LOVE THIS GAME! But some DEV decision in the last few months have subtracted from what fiction students would call "immersion" or what modern head shrinkers would call "staying in the moment."

    I remember, just after sunset, reading one disgruntled former Westwood employee in an online interview. He said that EA destroyed the game by making changes that made the players feel like they ought to be punching a clock when they logged in and out. Of course, he was disgruntled, so maybe I should keep that in mind as well.

  13. Well, the Steelers have the experience and a slightly better defense. But the Packers have a better passing game (which is saying a lot considering how good the Steelers' passing game is.) Also the Packers defense is very close to being as good as the Steelers. So, in reality I think it's a toss up. But, being from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, my heart goes completely with the publicly owned team from the tiny town in cheese country.

  14. We were talking about this in Guild Chat today.

    Here is what a great idea I heard, (which not unlike the loot model that was used in Star Wars Galaxies when they introduced the space side of their game.)

    Items looted from hulks or rare items looted from MoBs should have a quality that is akin to playing scratch off lottery tickets.

    Most of the time you do poorly and perhaps the quality of that precious lvl8 Proto Beam you just picked off a hulk is only 50 to 75%. Occasionally, again using the example of proto beams, you find a lvl8 beam that is akin to winning a $10 or $25 lottery ticket, so you get a beam that is between maybe 85 to 125% quality. But, once a week, throughout the whole game universe, somebody wins the lottery and finds that single lvl8 proto beam between 170 and 180% quality. Maybe they don't need it so they sell it, trade it, or save it for for another toon. Maybe they're dumb enough to vendor it. But everyone has that minimal, BUT REAL, chance of getting something that will alter their game play for the better, at least for a little while.

    Likewise, the proto beams at levels 1-7 and 9 would also have the same probability just as stores offer different scratch off tickets.

    Thank you for your consideration,


  15. It took me six months to get one toon, Portico, up to over all lvl 140 using dropped equipment that I worked my can off to get. I studied the database, went to where the critter was dropping what I wanted, and killed things over and over again until I got what I needed so that I could go on to a slightly higher critter. Frankly, with all the fun I have had up to now, I am a little annoyed that my shield leech has been nerfed and I can no longer win the quality lottery if I work hard enough and play long enough to not only find what I want, but find what I want at a quality worth the uber time and grind that I put into the hunt.

  16. Sometimes I think this game is changing so fast that I'm having to relearn what I've learned before I'm done learning it the first time. HOWEVER, that is NOT a complaint. Mostly, I have enjoyed the changes. Thank you Devs and everyone.

  17. First off, I am just grateful to have the fields and the game and the valueable time of those working on it. Thank you all who have recreated it.

    Yes, the tight field is a pain, but, things like lag and re-introducing certain MOBs and devices I would also like to see.

    The glass is half full; thank you.

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